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HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/17/2008 Item 043
From: Tom Sockwell, Supervisor, District II FORMAL ACTION 0
Date: November 6, 2008 EXECUTIVE SESSION 0
BOS Meeting Date: November 17, 2008 INFORMATION ONLY 0
The Mohave County Airport Authority (Authority) requests action on three items:
The Authority has submitted an airport ordinance to the County Attorney and the MCAA Attorney
(Rick Williams) in regard to the rules and regulations, particularly in the parking areas of the
airport. The airport ordinance has been reviewed and accepted for content by both attorneys
and the MCAA requests that the Board of Supervisors acknowledge receipt of the draft Airport
The Authority requests that two amendments be made to the Master Lease dated 7 October
1991 (Master Lease) and the Lease Agreement of Mohave County Airport Authority Land Used
Primarily for Airport and Air Term'inal Uses dated 22 February 2005 (Lease Agreement). 1) The
Authority requests that both lease terms be extended to the maximum period allowed by law. 2)
The Authority requests that both leases be amended to reflect the maximum expenditure
allowable by law for purchases without requiring bids due to critical emergency repairs.
The Authority requests that both leases be amended to clarify sponsor obligations in the
operation of Laughlin/Bullhead International Airport. FAA Order 5100.38C, Chapter 2, para.
201 a. and b. (regarding Sponsor conditions) and FAA Sponsor Obligations are attached for
Recommended Motion: I move to acknowledge receipt of the draft of the Ordinance for the
Laughlin/Bullhead International Airport to be adopted by the governing body of Mohave County
Airport Authority.
I move to authorize an amendment to both the Master Lease and the Lease Agreement between
Mohave County and the Mohave County Airport Authority extending the lease term to the maximum
allowable by law.
I move to authorize an amendment to both the Master Lease and the Lease Agreement between
Mohave County and the Mohave County Airport Authority regarding the maximum expenditure
allowable by law for purchases without requiring bids allowing for em~rgency procurements as
authorized by State law.
I move to authorize the Master Lease and the Lease Agreement be amended to remove Mohave
County as the Sponsor of the Mohave County Airport Authority for grant purposes and to permit the
Mohave County Airport Authority to act as sponsor under the Airport Improvement Program.
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, Reviewed and Appr~ved By:
County Attorn~t Personnel 0 Finance 0 County Manager
Board Action Taken:
Approved as Requested CJ No Action Taken CJ Disapproved CJ
Continued to proved with the f~lowing changes:
Acknowledged receipt and referred to
<~'(E <;PU'"
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, ! Bill IB I I
\ \ ...fu.ATIONAL j J Phone: (928) 751-2131 . Fax: (928) 754-5156 I 2550 Laughlin View Dr, . Sle, 1'17 . Bullhead City. AZ 86.129
\ \- ~--. /
, 7.\ .J. ,I
November 4, 2008
The Honorable Thomas Sockwell
Mohave County Board of Supervisors
1130 Hancock Road
Bullhead City, AZ 86442
RE: Board of Supervisor's Meeting / Agenda Items for November 17,2008
Dear Supervisor Sockwell:
Thank you for taking several issues to the Mohave County Board of Supervisors for
action on behalf of the Mohave County Airport Authority. Attached for your reference is
a letter to Bill Ekstrom explaining what action we are requesting. Also attached to the
letter is a draft ordinance, with comments, that will allow the Airport Authority to enforce
airport rules and regulations by statute. This tool will provide us the force of law to carry
out public safety and security obligations.
A couple of minor amendments to the Master Lease and Airport Lease are also
requested. The first would be to extend the terms to the maximum allowed by law. The
Master Lease in particular applies to the commercial development site (Home Depot).
The firm marketing the site feels that it would enhance interest in the site if the terms to
be offered would be the maximum permitted by law.
Both leases, paragraph 7, set a $10,000 limit on expenditures without going to bid.
Emergency repairs oftentimes exceed that amount. We request that the leases be
amended to reflect the limit provided by law and include any exceptions for
emergencies as permitted by law.
The last item pertains to clarification on the issue of "Airport Sponsorship". I believe that
the intent of the Airport lease between the County and Airport Authority conveys all of
the necessary authority to be the Airport Sponsor and accept federal and state grants
accordingly. However, the lease does not specifically state that fact. In order to close
the loop on any questions, a written determination from the County to the Airport
Authority to act as Sponsor would be desirable. Once the authority is confirmed, we
can go to the FAA and have AlP grants issued in the name of the Mohave County
Airport Authority and by doing so, will assume all of the obligations required by Sponsor
Assurances (see enclosed list) attached to every grant, which up to now, the County
has assumed by accepting the grants. Any confirmation that the Airport Authority has
the authority to act as Sponsor should be retroactive to the date of the original Lease
between the two parties.
Thomas Sockwell
November 5, 2008
page two
As you know, the logistics and timing of grant offers seldom fall within a reasonable
timeframe and much pressure is created on Airport staff, County staff and for Board
action to complete the formalities and get the documents back to the FAA. With the
Airport Authority as Sponsor, we will be able to more efficiently respond to short fuses
and reduce the administrative burden significantly.
Again, we appreciate your assistance in these matters and if you have any questions,
please give me a call.
/()M) C.~
David C. Gaines, C.M., C.A.E.
Airport Director
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November 4, 2008
Mr. William Ekstrom
Mohave County Attorneys' Office
Civil Division
700 W. Beale Street, 3rd Floor
Kingman, AZ 86402
Dear Bill:
Thank you for making time to meet with the Mohave County Airport Authority (Authority)
Local Government Affairs Committee on October 20th. The Committee recommended
that the Board of Directors authorize me to move forward on the three main issues we
discussed in the Committee meeting. The Board unanimously approved that
recommendation at their October 21,2008 Regular Meeting.
I have received the draft ordinance with both your and Rick Williams' comments. It is
attached with my comments noted in green. Please advise if my justification for
retaining certain verbiage does not pass legal standards.
The other two issues relate to amendments to the Master Lease dated 7 October 1991,
and the Lease Agreement of Mohave County Airport Authority, lnc.'s Land Used
Primarily for Airport and Air Terminal Uses (Airport Lease) dated 22 February 2005, and
a request for written clarification of sponsor obligations in the operation
Laughlin/Bullhead International Airport (the Airport).
The Authority requests that both lease terms be extended to the maximum period
allowed by law. It is also requested that paragraph 7 of both leases be amended to
reflect the maximum expenditure allowable by law for purchases without requiring bids
because we experience critical emergency repairs that exceed the stated $10,000 limit.
The Authority also requests that Mohave County clarify official sponsorship of
Laughlin/Bullhead International Airport. Mohave County is not involved in the planning,
development, application for grants or in administering sponsor assurance obligations
for the Airport. Those activities and all operations and management of the Airport are
functions carried out by the Airport Authority. The only function currently carried out by
Mohave County is accepting State and Federal grants which leaves the sponsor
assurance obligations technically the County's responsibility.
According to FAA Order 51 00.38C Chapter 2, paragraph 201.a and b., to be eligible to
receive funds under the Airport Improvement Program (AlP) a sponsor must meet the
following conditions.
William Ekstrom, Esq.
November 4, 2008
page 2 of 2
Sponsors must:
a. Be legally, financially, and otherwise able to assume and carry out the
certifications, representations, warranties, assurances, covenants and
other obligations required of sponsors which are contained in the AlP
project application and grant agreement forms; and
b. Have the authority to act as a sponsor. An opinion of the sponsor's
attorney as to the legal authority to act as a sponsor and carry out its
responsibilities under the grant agreement will be required when deemed
necessary or desirable.
In reference to 201.a., the Authority qualifies as a "public agency" as defined in 49
U.S.C. Sec. 47102 (15); as a "sponsor" under 49 U.S.C. Sec. 47102(19); and as an
instrumentality of the County and State under Arizona law. It is our opinion that legal
authority to "... .assume and carry out..." obligations noted above as sponsor
responsibilities are conveyed to the Authority in the Airport Lease dated 22 February
2005 ". ..for airport and air terminal purposes related thereto... ".
The financial situation of the Airport is positive. Revenue from aeronautical activity and
commercial business is sufficient to cover airport operating costs and sustain over
$400,000 in capital reserves. Passenger Facility Charges have been approved by the
FAA and implemented by the Authority to create a dedicated source of revenue to pay
the sponsor share of federal grants. Aeronautical and commercial development is
expected to continue and the revenue stream will increase respectively.
It is requested that Mohave County confirm in writing, that the Authority has the power
to obligate itself to the FAA as the Airport sponsor pursuant to the terms of its lease with
Mohave County, as required under Paragraph 201.b. of FAA Order, 5100.38C. I would
suggest that the Sponsor obligations be retroactive to the date of the original lease
between the County and the Authority, and be noted in writing also.
Once again, thank you for your time and assistance in this matter.
//" / /
.... . I"
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David C. Gaines, C.M., C.A.E.
Airport Director
File: 010/315..2/515
. 1/
Ordinance No.
BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Mohave County, Arizona that
the Mohave County Airport Ordinance for Laughlin/Bullhead International Airport is
adopted to read as follows:
Section 1. "Airport" shall mean and include Mohave County Airport
Authority and Laughlin/Bullhead International Airport, both of which are on land subject
to a lease between the County of Mohave and the Authority dated February 22,2005.
Section 2. "Airport DireCtor" shall mean the chief airport administrative
and operational official of Mohave County Airport Authority, Inc.; responsible for
operating Laughlin/Bullhead International Airport facilities safely and efficiently in
accordance with specified conditions.
Section 3. "Airport Operations Officers" shall mean uniformed unarmed
officers employed by the Authority as airport police aides for the purpose of enforcing
standing and ... parking regulations, who shall be empowered, pursuant to Arizona
Revised Statutes ~2-314(C) to commence an action or proceeding before the Mohave
County Justice Court for any alleged violation of this resolution regulating the parking or
standing of vehicles.
Section 4. "Authority" shall mean Mohave County Airport Authority, Inc.
Section 5. "FAA" shall mean Federal Aviation Administration;
Section 6. "Motor Vehicle" or "Vehicle" shall mean any motor vehicle,
other than aircraft, used for the transportation of persons or cargo.
Section 7. "Park" or "Parking" when prohibited means the standing of a
vehicle, whether occupied or not, otherwise than temporarily for the purpose of and
while actually engaged in loading or unloading.
Section 8. "Police" or "Police Officers" shall mean any of the following:
Page 1 0 f 8
A. Airport policemen employed by the Authority, pursuant to Arizona
Revised Statutes 32 31'1 (A-h-ss 28-8426 or 28-8427 Sheriffs
deputies employed by the Mohave County Sheriff's Department;;
B. Police officers employed by the City of Bullhead.
Section 9. "Public Area" of Airport shall mean that portion of an Airport
where people and motor vehicles transporting members of the general public are
allowed, subject to the regulations of the Authority as to parking, standing, speed and
other modes of operation.
Section 10 "Restricted Area" of an Airport shall mean that area used for
aircraft and the support services they require, from which all the vehicles and people
shall be prohibited, unless specifically authorized by the Airport Director.
Section 11. "Specified conditions" shall mean Authority Policy, Rules and
Regulations; federal, state, county and city regulations and ordinances.
Section 12. "Standing" shall mean temporarily bringing a vehicle to a
standing position, whether the vehicle motor is running or not and whether the operator
is in the vehicle or not.
Section 13. "State Sign Manual" shall mean the manual and
specifications for uniform system of traffic control devices referred to in Section 28-641,
Arizona Revised 'Statutes, which IS adopted by this reference to apply
Laughlin/Bullhead International Airport and Mohave County Airport Authority, Inc.
. .". "
'Section .14 "TSA" shall mean Transportation Security Administration;
Section 15. ,"Uniform Act" shall mean the Uniform Act Regulating Traffic
on Highways, Title 28, Chapter 6, Arizona Revised Statutes, which is adopted by this
reference to apply to the streets and roads of the airport.
A person commits unlawful conduct of business if he engages in commercial
activity of any nature, upon the premises of the ba-1~ii-A-I-gu-Whea<.:J--l-A-ter-Ratfooa~ Airport,
by soliciting, selling or offering for sale or hire, any product or service, without first
having obtained a lease, license or permit from the /l,ir-pOFt Authority authorizing such
activity and conducts said activity in the manner and at the location authorized.
Page 2 of8
Any person commits unlawful entry if he enters the premise of
~f1-IfA-/.gBtJ.flead--lntcrn3tioo-a-l Airport except at designated entry ways and In
accordance with security instruction posted by the A-ift}GA: Authority, ^ pcrsofl--Gommits
un/3'Nful entry, or if after entering the premises through a closed gate said person fails
immediately to close and secure said gate.
No person in or upon any areas adjacent to or within the L3ughli-A-I&-U4eae
ffitemaHeA-a~ Airport may do or cause any act or shall fail to do any act which would
constitute a violation of any rule or regulation of the Federal Aviation Administration
(FAA), or Transportation Security Administration (TSA).
PART A: ParkinQ and StandinQ ReQulations
Section 1. The Airport Director, under the authority and supervision of
the Authority, is empowered to regulate the parking and standing of motor vehicles at
the Airport and is empowered to do all things necessary and in compliance with the
State Sign M~nual to designate and post areas of parking, areas where parking is
prohibited, the time and method of such parking, the segregation of categories of
parking and any other matter reasonably necessary to promulgate and implement the
rules contained in this resolution.
.. ,.
. Section 2. It shall be a violation to fail to comply with the signs,
markings and other. parking designations posted on an Airport by the authority of the
Airport Director. Parking on an Airport is prohibited as follows:
A. Wherever "No Parking" sign(s) or symbol(s) are posted.
B. Off roads on shoulders, curbs or grassy areas.
C. In the traveled portion of any road, lane, ramp or accessway.
D. In any area designated for Regulation Ground Transportation
parking only, unless the vehicle so parked has a permit for such area.
E. In a crosswalk or within twenty (20) feet of such crosswalk.
Page 3 of8
F. In a manner other than as directed and other than within lines
designating parking spaces.
G. Any farther than eighteen (18) inches from the curb, where curb
parking is permitted.
H. In a Restricted Area unless specifically authorized by the Airport
I. In spaces reserved for the physically disabled, except for a vehicle
operated by a physically handicapped person, bearing appropriate license plate,
insignia or placard lawfully issued by an authorized public authority designating the
vehicle as a physically handicapped vehicle.
J. For overtime parking at a meter.
Section: 3~ Stamding on an Airport is, pr:of!ljl)itedi whBlie' s~ms so; ir:ldiEate~1
t=iectiotll 4!. Title' pJ1Ov4siof'ls ot tihis rreS0ttitiom sfuaU apj)~ to' the dr:iver o~
limv vehicle, imcluding: btlt not limited to, those oWl!Ied by, or ased: in the' sSI7V4ce of, tlitel
~nited States Government, the State of Afizofla~ the Co1:Jnty' of Mbttave, or fthe City o~
IBtdlhead~ or any, other political sl1JbdMsion, and it shaU be, unfawft.lI: fc)T any sueh drWer tol
~iotate any of the' prov4sions of this resoJution, except as necessary to performl
bmeT~ency police Of; fire duties. I Why? THERE ~S PRECEDENCE FOR THIS
Section 5. It is unlawful for a vehicle to be parked or standing in
violation of any provision of this resolution.
Section 6. Violation of any provision of this resolution which regulates
the time, place or method of parking and standing on an Airport is a civil infraction,
punishable by civil fine only.
Page 4 of8
. .
Section 7. A Police Officer, or an Airport Operations Officer, may issue
a citation for any violation of any provision of this resolution. Any such citation shall be
in----t-Ae-same--fefm-aAd 5~eGt--ffi-.!he-same-preGedH-r-e--provided--forGivfl-tf-aff~c\l-telatiGf}5 in
geoorat--ffi--t-i=le.-Gounty--ef--Mohave comply with the Ari,'.ona Traffic Ticket and Complaint
form as approved by the Arizona Supreme Court. and shall be subject to the Arizona
Rules of Procedure for Civil Traffic Cases.
Section 8. Whenever a vehicle IS parkin@ed In violation of this
resolution regulating the time, place or method of parking, the owner or owners of the
vehicle, and the person who parkinged or placed the vehicle where the violation
occurred, shall be jointly--aA€l----ffi€jiviaHaUy liable for the violation and for the civil fine
prescribed as punishment therefore. P-FOOf--tM-ttRe---parti€-ular- motoF-veAffileGescribed in
t-Ae--cOfflf)lam.t-was-par-k-ffi@ in---viol atieR- of the reso l\;ltfon -at--a n -Airport-.-t 09 cthe r wi t h-P'fOOf
that-.-the--defeM~mee-m- tRe---cGmf}taffit--was--at---the --#me--0f- SusA parking-the
~tereG---owncr -ef--susR-veA-iGle,----wM--GeRSt-i-tute in-evideAG'-e..a.- prirfla faB-i-e--pfe-suffiJ}t-ioo
tAa-t--the-r-egfstere4--eWHef- of---.s-t:lGh-.vehicle.w<3& the---persoR--whG pafked...or -plaGed----suGA
veffiGle--a.t-t~At-whefe, and. fGf--t-Ae time-during whic-n,---suGA-vi-0latioR---eBGUfred:-----+his
Sh311 31w-. ~.te---thosc persons in whose AaITles-s\;lGh---vehltks -aFe-jei-A-tIY---fegistere~
saiG--~-~AtlY:-ami:sever31Iy prima fasie res-ponsible--fefs\;lGh-v-i-Gl-atioA----aRG
s~-the--peA3Ities tRefefGre-:-
PART B: Reaulatioils,for Speed and Operation of Vehicles.
Section 1. The Uniform' Act is hereby adopted as the code regulating
motor vehicle traffic other than parking and standing on the premises of an Airport.
Section 2. The Airport Director under the supervision of the Authority is
empowered top()st signs and other traffic control devices, which shall generally conform
to the State Sign Manual on the roads and premises of both Airports regulating traffic
direction and speed on Public and Restricted Areas, and where traffic shall stop or yield
to other traffic.
Section 3. A vehicle shall be driven only in the direction designated on
a road sign posted for one-way traffic.
Section 4. Except as provided in subsection A, or where a special
hazard requires a lesser speed, any speed in excess of the speeds posted by the
authority of the Airport Director shall be f}f-ima---faGie evidence that the speed is too great
Page 5 of8
and therefore unreasonable and unlawful. The maximum lawful speed is twenty-.Of
twenty-five (2G-25) miles per hour in any Public Area of an Airport except those areas
posted at a lessef different rate of speed. The maximum rate in posted areas shall be
that posted subject to A and B below:
A. The maximum lawful speed as provided in this Section, and as
posted by the Airport Director shall be reduced to that which is reasonable and prudent
under the conditions and having regard to the actual and potential hazards then
existing, such as when:
(i) Approaching and crossing an intersection;
(ii) Approaching and going around a curve;
(iii) Special hazards exist with respect to pedestrians or other traffic by
reasons of weather or road conditions.
B. No person shall drive a motor vehicle on an Airport at a speed that
is greater than that which is reasonable and prudent under the existing conditions.
Section 5. All complaints Jor violations of Part B of this resolution shall
be issued by the Police under the authority of Mohave County and shall be prosecuted
and adjudicated in the Justice Court of saki the County. tA-aGGOfGanGe-with--t4e-Ftlles-of
~eGure in traf:HGsase& 3dopted-by.ttle-~me-C()urt---Bf -Afizooa-and-a~Gabte
The matters regulated by this resolution s4a1l may be enforced by Police Officers
aHG--or by Airport Operations Officers.,..--ffi<<:;ef}tas"-p.fesGF-ibed- in--Pa-Fagr-apt:l-5,..PaFt-B,
... "
Section 1. All citations for violations of the provisions contained herein
shall be issued and adjudicated, and fines for violations shall be determined and paid in
accordance with the procedures governing prosecution of civil traffic offenses in the
Mohave County Justice Court.
Section 2. Any Police Officer or Airport Operations Officer is hereby
authorized to remove, or cause to be removed, to a place of safety any vehicle from any
street, highway or other area on an Airport,w4etl1er--P-tlbhG-OF-RestriGted:
A. When such vehicle is illegally parked and unattended;
Page 6 of8
- .
B. Where such vehicle constitutes an obstruction to traffic;
C. When the person in charge of such vehicle is, by reason of
physical injury or condition, incapacitated to such an extent as to be unable to care for
its custody or removal;
D. When any vehicle is left unattended in an area designated for
short-term or long-term parking for a period of time beyond which such parking is
E. When any person is arrested while in possession of a motor vehicle
and taken into custody;
F. When any vehicle, other than an authorized emergency vehicle,
is oot parked-,----wMtheF-0r---Het-atteR€led, in a properly designated fire lane; (DELETE
G. When any vehicle, other than an authorized emergency vehicle, is
parked, whether or not attended, within fifteen (15) feet of a fire hydrant;
H. When any vehicle is determined to be abandoned after-aU--attempts
Section 1. Violation of any provision of Sections Paragraphs 2, 3 or 4
of the foregoing ordinance is punishable as a,Class 2 Misdemeanor and punishable by
. . : '. . .'
. .
. . ,
up to four (4) months jail, and a fine of up to $750.00 for individuals and $10,000.00 for
enterprises as provided in ARSSections 13-707, 13-802 and 13-803. which provides
for imprisonment not to exceed four months and ARS Section 13-804 which provides for
a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars. IF SECTION 1 IS REMOVED - WHERE IS
Section'2. The penalty for violating any provision of trns-Fesoltl-tioo
Section Paragraph 5, Part A shall be a fine of Twenty-five and No/100 Dollars ($25.00),
plus appropriate surcharges. In addition, the penalty may include a reasonable charge
for removal and storage of any vehicle removed, pursuant to Section 12 hereof.
Section 3. The violation of any provision of Paragraph ~ctie-n 5, Part
B shall be a-misdemeaROF punishable in accordance with the provisions of the Uniform
Page 7 of8
. .
PASSED AND ADOPTED this day of ,2008.
Pete Byers, Chairman
Barbara:Bracken, Clerk
County Attorney
Page 8 of 8
Airport Sponsors
..--~.~----~~~~--------- ._-~~-----~~--- .~~---_._--~_._~..~
.A. General.
1. These assurances shall be complied with in the performance of grant agreements tor airport
development, airport planning, and noise compatibility program grants tor airport sponsors.
2. These assurnnces are required to be submitted as part afme project application by sponsor.;
requesting funds under the provisions of Title 49, U.s.e., subtitle vn, as amended. As used
herein, the term "public agency sponsor" lIleans a public agc.:lcy with control of a public-use
airport; !he term "private sponsor" means a private owner of a public-use airport; and the
term "sponsor" includes both public agency sponsors and private sponsors.
J. Upon acceptance of the grant offer by the sponsor, these assurances are incorporated in and
. become part of the grant agreement.
B. Duration and Applicability. .
1. .Airport development or :"foise Compatibility Progr..m Projects Undertaken by a Public
Agency Sponsor. The terms, conditions and assurances of the grant agreement shall rc..nain
in ihll force and effect throughout the useful life oftbe tacilities developed or equipment
acquired for an airport development or noise campatibility pmgr..un project, or throughout
the useful life of the project items instalk."Ii within a facility under a noise compatibility
program project, but in any event not to exl:eed twenty (::;0) years from the date of
acceptance of a grant offer ofFedc~ral funds tor the project. However, mere shall be 110 limit'
on the duration of the assurances regarding Exclusive Rights and Airport Revenue so long as
the airport is used as an airport. There shall be no limit on the duration ofthe terms,
conditions, and assurances with respel.'1 to real property acquired with federal funds.
Furthermore, the duration of the Civil Rights assurance shaH be specified in the asSllrdnCes.
2. Airport Development or Noise Compatibility Prujects Undertaken by a Private
Sponsor. The preceding paragraph 1 also applies to a private sponsor except that the useful
lite ofpmject items installed within a facility or the useful life of the facilities developed or
equipment acquired under an airport development or noise compatibility. program proj ect
shall be no less than ten (10) years from the date of acc::ptance of Federal aid for the projt.'t-'1..
J. Ajrport Planning Undertaken by :l Sponsor. Unless otherwise specified in the grant
agreement, only Assurances 1,2,3,5,6, 13, 18,30,32,33, and 34 in section C apply to
planning projt:Cts. The terms, conditions, ~d assurdIlces of the grant agreement shall remain
in full force and effect during the life of the project.
C. Sponsor CertifiC2tion. Tne sponsor hereby assures and certifies, with respect to this grant that:
L General Federal Requirements. It will comply with all applicable Federa.llaws,
reguiations, executive orders, policies, guidelines, and requirements as they relate to the
appikation, acceptance and use of Federal funds tor this projec:: induding but not limited to
the following;
Federal Legislation
a. Title 49, U.S.c., subtitle VII, as amende(L
b. Davis-Bacon Act - 40 U.S.e. 276(a), ~. I
- '-'. Federal Fair Labor Standards Act - 29 U.S.c. 201,~_i~Q.,
i. Hatch Act - 5 U.S.c. 1501, nilffi<"
........u... .
e. Unifonn Relocatioll Assistance and Re:llProperty Acquisition Policies Act
00970 Title 42 V.S.C. 4601, ~11
f. National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 - Section 106 - 16 V.S.c.
cr Archeological and Hi:;toric Preservation A.ct of 1974 - 16 V.S.C. 469
through 469c.1
h. Native Americans Grave Repatriation Act - 25 U.S.c. Section 300 I, ~
i. Clean Air Act, P l... 90-148, as amended.
j. Coastal Zone Management Act, P.L. 93-205, as amended.
k. Flood Disaster Protection Act of ] 973 - Section 102(a) - 42 U.S.e.
L Title 49 ,U.S.C., Section 303, (formerly known as Section 4(1))
m. Rchabilitation Act of 1973 - 29 USe. 794.
n. Civil Rights Act of 1964 - Title VI - 42 V.S.c. 2000d through d--4;
o. Age Discrimiriation Act of 1975 - 42 V.S.C. 6101, et seq.
p. American Indian Rdigious Freedom Al.'t, P.L. 95-341, as amended.
q Architel-'tural Barriers A(.."'t or 1968 --42 V.S.C. 4151, et seq. I
r. Power plant and Industrial Fuel Use Act of 1978 - Section 403- 2 U.S.c.
s. Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act - 40 11.S.C. 327, ~t S.!<f1.l
L Copeland Anti kickback A(..'t - 18 lJ.S.e. 874.[
u. National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 - 42 U.S.c. 4321,~t seq,:
v. Wild and Scenic Rivers Act., P.L. 90-542, as amended.
w. Single Audit Act of 1984 - 3 1 U .S.C. 7501, et sea.2
x. Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988...j 1 FS.C. 702 through 706.
Executive Orders
Executive Order 11246 - Equal Employment Opportunityl
Executive Order 11990 - Protel-'tion of Wetlands
Executive Order 11998 - Flood Plain Management
Executive Order 12372 . Intergovenunental Review of Federal Programs.
Executive Order 12699 - Seismic SafelY ofFedera1 and Fderally A.ssisted Nt:W
Building Construction I
Executive Order 12898 - Environmental Justice
Federal Regulations
a. [4 CFR Part 13 .. Investigative and Enforcement Procedures.
b. 14 CFR Part 16.. Rules of Practice For Federally Assisted Airport
Enforcement Proceedings.
v. 14 CFR Part 150 - Airport noise compatibility planning.
d. 29 CFR Part I.. Procedures for predetermination of wage rates.l
t:. 29 CFR Part 3 - Contractors and subcDntracmrs on public building or
public work financed in whole or pan by loans or grants from the United
States. 1
f. 29 CFR Part 5 .. Labor s1andards previsions applicable to contracts
covering te-Jerally financed and assisted cDnstruction (also labor standards
provisions applicable to non-construction contract'> subject to the COIilract
Work Hours and Satety Standards Act).l
<t 4- I CFR Part 60 - Office ofFedcral Contract Compliance Programs, Equal
, ':;'
Employment Opp0l1unity, Department of Labor (Federal JIld tedera1ly
assisted conu-aC'".ing requiremcms).!
-- A
,'\irpcrt Sponsor Assurances (3/2005)
........__...__...__n.__._ _.
n. 49 CPR Part 18 - Uniform administrative requirements for grants and
cooperative agreements to stlte and IOc:ll governments.]
1. 49 CFR Part 20 - New n:strictions on lobbying.
I 49 CFR Part 21 - Nondiscrimination in tederally-assisted programs of the
Department of Transportation - crTecmation of Titk VI oithe Civil Rights
Act of 1964.
k. 49 CFR Part 23 - Participation by Disadvantage Business Ente:-prise in
Airport Concessions.
i. 49 CFR Pan 24 - Uniform relocation assistance and real property
acquisition for Federal and federally assisted programs.' 2
m. 49 CFR Part 26 - Particiration By Disadvantaged Business Enterprises in
Department of Transportation Programs.
n. 49 CFR Pan 27 - Nondiscrimination on the basis of handicap in progrdlIL'l
and activities receiving or benetlting from Federal tlnancial assistance.'
o. 49 CFR Part 29 - Gov=me:lt wide debarment and suspension (non-
proc:u-ement) and government widt.: requirements for drug-free workplace
(grants). .
p. 49 CPR Part 30 - Denial of public works cnntract5 to supplit.:rs of goods
and services of countries that deny procurement market access to U.S.
con tractors.
q. 49 CFR Pan 41 - Seismic safety ofFde~ and federally assisted or
regulated new building construction. 1
Office of Management and Budget Circulars
a.. A-87 - Cost Prineipies Applicable to Grants and Contracts with State and
Local Governments.
b A-133 - Audits of States, Local Governments, and NOll-Protit
1 These laws do not apply to airport planning sponsors.
1 These laws do not apply to private sponsors.
j 49 CFR Part 13 and OMB Circular A.S7 contain requirements for State and Local
Governments receiving Federal assistance, Any requirement levied upon State
and Local Governments by this re!,'Ulation and circular shall also be applicable
to private sponsors re:;eiving Federal assistance under Title 49, United StatC.'i
Specific assurances required to be included in grant agreements by any of the above laws,
regulations or circulars are incorporated by reference in the grant agreement.
2. Responsibility and Authority of the Spon~or.
a. Public Agency SPOdSOr: It has iegal authority to apply for the grant, and
to finance and carry out the proposed project; that a resolution, motion or
similar action has been duly Jdopted or passed as an official act of tht.:
applicant's governing body authorizing the filing of the application,
including all understandings and assurances contained the...ein. and
directing and autbori7ing :he person identified a'S the otlicial representativt:
of the ~piicaIlt to act in connection with me application and to provide
such additional infonnaoon as may be required.
~.- . b. Private SPOOSOI': It has legal authority to apply :or the grant and to
tinance and C<l~' out the proposed projel..'1: and comply with all temlS,
conditions, and assurances of this g:ra.nt agre::ment. It snall designate an
-- - --
Aimort Sponsor Assurances (3/2005)
official representative and ,hall in writing direct and authorize that person
to file this application, including ail understandings and assurances
contained therein; to act in connel;tion with this application; and to provide
such additional inionnation as may be required.
3. Spoosor Fuod Availability. It has sufficient funds available for that portion of the project costs
which are not to be paid by the United States. It has sufficient funds available to assure operation
and maintenance ofite:ns funded under the grant agreement which it will own or control.
4. Good Title.
a. It, a public agency or the Federal government, holds good title, satisfactory
to the Secretary, to the landing area of the airport or site thereof, or will
give assurance satisfactory to the Seeretary that good title will be acquired.
b. For noise compatibility program projects to be carried out all the property
of the sponsor, it holds good title;;atisfaetory to the Secretary to that
portion afthe prop\~rty upon which Federal fimas will be expended or will
give assur.mcc to the Secretary that good title will be obtained.
5. .Preserving Rights and Powers.
a. It will not take or p.~rmit any action which would operate to deprive it of
any of the rights and powers nect:Ssary to perfoml any or all of the tenns,
conditions, and assurances in the grant agreement without the written
approval of the Secretary, and will act promptly to acquire, extinguish or
modiry any outstanding rights VI' claims of right of others which would
interfere with such performance by the sponsor. This shall be done in a
manner acceptable to the Secretary.
b. It will no.t sell, lease, encumber, or otherwise transfer or dispose of any
part of its title or other interests in the property shown on Exhibit A to this
application or, foc' a noise compatibility program project, that portion of
the property upon whic;h Federal funds have been expended, for the
duration of the terms, conditions, and asSllI<Ulces in the grant agreement
without approval by the Secretary. If the transferee is found by the
Secretary to be eligible under Title 49, United States Code, to assume the
obligations of the grant agreement and to have the power, authority, and
financial resources to carry out all such obligations, the sponsor shall insert
in the contract or doclUnent transterring or disposing of the sponsors
interest, and make binding upon the transte:-ee all of the terms, cnnditions,
and assurances contained in this grant agreement.
c. For all noise compatibility program projet;t5 whic..>t are to be carried out by
another unit of local government or are on property owned by a unit of
local government other than the sponsor, it will enter into an agreement
with that government Except as otherwise specifIed by the Secretaf)', that
agreement shall obligate thargovl.wrnenr to the same tenos, conditions,
and assuran':cs that would be applicable to it if it applied directly to the
FAA for a grant to wld.:rtak:e the noise compatibility program project.
Thai agreement and changes thereto must be satisf,1I.;10ry to the Secretary.
It wiiI take steps to entorce this Jgreement against the local government if
there is substantial non-.compliance with the tcnns afme agreement
;\irport Soonsor Assurances (3/2005)
d. For noise compatibility program projects to be carried out on privately
owned property, it will eme: into an agreement with the owner of that
property which includes provisions specified by the;: Secretary. It will take
steps to enfarct: this agreement against the property owner wheneve:- there
is substantial non-campliancc with the te:ms afthe agreement.
e. 1ft.!;e sponsor is a private spcnsor, it will Lake steps satisfactory to the
Secretary to en:;ure that the airport will continue to [unction 3.'; a public-use
airport in accordance with these assurances for the duration of these
f. If an arrangement is made tor management and oper:U.ion of the airport by
any agency or person other than the sponsor or an employee of the
sponsor, the sponsor will reserve sufficient rights and authority to insure
that the airport will be operate-j and maintained in accordance Title 49,
United States Code, thl;: regulatiops and the terms, conditions and
assurances in the agreement ;IDa shall insure that such arrangement
also requires oomplia.Ilce therewith.
6. Consistency with Local Plans.. The project is reasonably ;:unsistent \\o;th plans (exisring at
the time of submission of this application) of public agencies that are authorized by the Stl~
in which the project is located to plan tor the development of the area surrounding the
7. Coosider.ltion of LOC:l1 Iuterest. It has given fair consideration to the interest of
communities in or near where the project may be located.
8. Consulution with U~ers. In making a decision to unde:-o..akc any airport development
projccr under Title .t9, United States Code, it has undertaken reasonable consultations with
affected parties using the airport at which projeGt is proposed.
9. Public Hearings. In projects involving the lOGation of an airport., an airport runway, or J
major runway extension, it has affurded the opportunity lar public hearings for the purpose
of considering the economic, social, and envirorunental ctTe-.;tS of the airport or runway
lOGation and its consistency with goals and objectives of such plaIming as has been carrie'J
out by the c:ommunity and it shall, when requested by the Se::::-etary, submit a copy of the
transc.:ript of such hearings to the Secretary. Further, for such projects, it has on its
management board either voting representation from the communities where the project is
located or has advised the communities that they have the right to petition the Secretary
concerning a proposed project.
10. Air and Water Quality Standards. In projects ~nvolving airport location., a major runway
extension, or runway loc.ation it will provide tor the Governor of the state in which the
project is located to certii)r in writing to the Secretary that ,he project will be located,
designed, constructed, and operated so as to comply with applicable air and water quality
standards. in any case where such standards have not been approverl and where applicable
air and water quality standards have been promlligaterl by che Administrator of the
Eavironmental Protection Agency, certitication shail be ohtained from suc.h Adminisuutcr.
Notice of certification or refusal to ct:rtify shall be provided within sixty davs after the
proj~t appiication has bCClI received by the S=etary.
-. .~
11. Pavement Preventive Maintenan&:e. With respect to a Droject Jpproved mer January 1,
1995, for the repiacement or rec:)n:itruction of pavl;:ment at:he airport, it :lSsures or cert;Ctt:s
that it has implemented an dfecrive airport pavement maintenance-management program
Airoort Sponsor Assurances (3/2005)
and it assures that it will use such program for the useful life of any pavement constructed,
reconstructed or repaired with FederJ1 financial assistance at the airport. It wiII provide such
reports on pavement condition and pavement management programs as the Secretary
detcrmine.s may be useful.
12. Terminal Development Far pro.iects which include terminal development at
a public use airport, as defined in Title 49, it has, on the date of submittal of the project grant
application. all the safety equipment required tor certitlcation of slIch airport under section
44706 ofTitlc 49, United States Code. and all the security equipment required by IUle or
regulation, and has provided for access to the passenger enplaning and deplaning area of
such airport to passenger:> enplaning and deplaning from aircraft other than air c;m;er
aircraft. '
13. Accounting System, Audit, and Record Keeping Requirements.
a. It shall keep all project accounts and rel::ords which fully disclose the
amount and disposition by the re<Jipient of the proceeds of the grant, the
total cost of the project in connel.-tion with which the grant is given or
used, and the amount or nature of that portion of the cost of the project
supplied by other sources, and :mr:n other fin:mciaJ records pertinellt to the
projeCt. The acccunts and records shaH bc kept in accordance with an
accounting system that will facilitate an dTective audit in accordance with
the Single Audit Act of 1984.
b. It shall make available to the Secretary and the C")mptroller General of the'
United States, or any of their duly authorized representatives, tor the
purpose of audit and examination, any books, documents, papers, and
records of the recipient that are pertinent to the grant. TIle Secretary may
require that an appropriate audit be conducted by a recipient. In any case
in which an independent audit is made of the accounts of a sponsor relating
to the disposition of the proceeds ofa grant or relating to the project in
connection with which the grant was given or used, it shaJl file a certified
copy of such audit with the Comptroller Genera! of the United States not
late~ than six (6) months following the close of the fiscal year for which
the audit was made.
14. Minimum Wage Rates. rt shall include, in all contracts in excess of$2,000 tor work on any
projects funded under the grant agreement whieh involve labor, provisions establishing
minimum rates ofwagcs, to be predetemlined by the Secretary of Labor, in accordance with
the Davis-Bacon Act, as amended (<W D.S.C. 276a-276a-5), which contractors shall pay to
skilled and unskilled labor, and such minimum rates shall be stated in the invitation for bids
and shaH be induded in proposals or bid'i for the work.
15. Veteran's Preference. 1t shall inc!udl: in all canlracts for work on any project funded under
the grant agreement which involve labor, such provisions as are necessary to insure that in
the employment of labor (except in executive, administrative, and supervisory positions),
preference shall be given to ofth~ Vietnam e~a and disabled veterans as defined in
Section 47112 ofTitJe 49, United States Code. However, this preference shall apply only
whe~e the individuals are available and qualified to pertonn the work to whieh the
employment relates.
16. Etmformity to Plans and Specifk:ltion!l. It will execute the project subjecr to pians,
spe-.::ifications. and scbedules approved by the Secretary. Such plans, specifications, :1I1d
schedules shall bc submitted to the Secretary prior to wrnmcncement of site preparation,
construction, or othcr performance under this grant agrcement, and, :.Iron approval of the
,LI(rpert Sponser Assurances (3/2005)
Secretary, shall be incorporated into this grant agreement.. Any modification to th\: approved
plans, specifications, and schedules shaH also be subject to approval of the Secreta....y, and
incorporated into the grant agreement.
17. CLlnstruliion fnspectioD and Approval. It wiil provide and maintain competent technical
sllpervi~;ion at the construction site throughout the project to assure that the work conforms
to the plans, specifications, and schedules approved by the Secreury for the project. [t shall
subject the construction wodt on any project c:1ntained in an approved project application to
inspection and approval by the Secretary and such work shall be in accnrdance with
regulations and procedures prescribed by the Secretary. Such regulations and procedures
shall require such cost and progress reporting by the sponsor or sponsors of such project as
the Secretary shall deem necessary.
18. .Planning Projects. In c..urying out planning projects:
a. It will execute the project in accord:mce with the approved program
narrative contained in th~ pmjcct.Jpplicaricn or with the modifications
similarly approved.
b. It will furnish thr. Secretary with 5uch periodic reports as required
pertaining to thl: planning proje.ct and planning work activities.
c. It will indudc in all published material prepared in connection with tht~
planning project:l notice that the m:lterial was prepared under a. grant
provided by the United States.
d. It will make such material available for examination by the puhlic, and
agrees that no material prepared with funds under this project shall be
subject to copyright in the UniteJ Stares or any other country.
e. It will give the Secretary unresuicted authority to publish, discluse,
distribute, and otllt::rwise use any cr" the material prepared in connection
with this grant.
f. It will grant the Secretary the right to disapprove the sponsor's employment
of specific consultants and their subccntractop.; to do :J..l1 or any part of this
project as well as the right t() disapprovl;: the proposd scnpe and cost of
professional services.
" It will grant the Secretary the right to disapprove the use of me spomor's
empioyees to do all or any part of tht:: project.
h. It understands and agrees that the Se-.::retary's approval of this projt:Ctg.ranc
or the Secremry's approval or any planning material developed as part of
thig grant does not cCnStitute or imply any assurance or commitment on the
part of the Sc:cremry to approve any pending or future application for :;
Federal airport gromt
19. Operation aDd MaiDteu:mce.
il. The airpon and cll facilities which are nec:::;sary to serve the aertmaurical
users of the airport, other than facilities owned or controlled by cht: Unitt:ti
Slates, shall be operated at all times :11 a safe and servic~bie cOl1ditior. and
in accordance with the minimum standards as may bc required or
prescribd ay applicable Fedcnl, st:!te and local agencies for maimelU,lc,;
and operation. rt will not cause .x pcnllit any lctivicy or action thereon
- . -.~
Ai.rport Spenser ,.\ssurances (3/2005)
which would interfere with its use for airport purposes. It will suitably
operate and maint..tin the airport and all facilities thereon or connected
therewith, with due regard to climatic and flood conditions. Any proposal
to temporarily close the airport for non-aeronautical purposes must first be
approved by the St:cretary.
In furtherance of this assurance, the sponsor will have in effect
arrangements for-
(1) Operating the airport's aeronautical facilities whenever
(2) Promptly marking and lighting haZ3rds resulting from airport
conditions, induding temporary conditions; and
(3) Promptly notifying airmen of any candition affecting
aeronautical use of the airport
Nothing contained herein shall be construed to require that the airport be
operated tor aeronautic:!1 use during temporary periods when snow, Ooad
or other climatic conditions interfere with such operation and maintenance.
Further, nothing herein shall be cpnstrued as requiring the maintenance,
repair, restoration, or replacement of any structure or facility which is
substantially damaged or destroyed due to an act of God or other condition
or circumstance beyond the control or the sponser.
b It will suitably operate: and maintain noise compatibility program items
that it owns or controls upon which federal funds have been expended.
20. Hazard Removal and Mitigation. It will take appropriate action to assure that such
terminal airspace as is required to protect instrument and visual operations to the airport
(including established minimum flight altitudes) will be adequately cleared and protected by
removing, lowering, rdoeming, marking, or lighting or otherwise mitigating e....dsting airport
hazards and by preventing the establishment or creation of future airport hazards.
21. Compatible Land Use. It will take appropriate action, to the e."(tent re:lSonable, including
the adoption of zoning laws, to restrict the use ofland adjacent to or in the immediate
vicinity of the airport to activities and pUl1'OSes compatible with normal airport opemtions,
including landing and takeoff of aircraft. In addition, if the project is for noise compatibility
program implementation, it will not c.ause or permit any change in land use, within its
jurisdiction, that will reduce its compatibility, with respect to the airport, of the noise
compatibility program measures upon which Federal funds havt:' bet:'n ....xpended.
22. "Economic Nondiscrimination.
a~ It wil[ make the airport available as an ail1lort for public use on re3Sonable
terms and without unjust discrimination to all types, kinds :md classes of
aeronautical activities. including commercial aeronautical activities
offering services to the public at the airport.
b. In any agre~ment, cono-acr, 1e3S~, or other arrangement under which a right
or privilege at the airport is granted to any person, firm, or cOtporation to
:;onduct or to engage in any aeronuudc:!J activity tor furnishing services to
the public at the airpmt, the sponsor will insert and enforce pmvisiom,
requiring the contractor to-
(1) furnish said services on a reasonable, and not unjustly discriminatory,
basis to all users thereot: and
... (2) charge reasonable, and not unjustly discriminatory, prices ror ~Ich
emit or service, provided that the CClltr<Jctor may be allowed to make
reasonable and nondiscriminatory c!isCDullts, rehates, or othe:- similar
types of pric~ reductions to volume purchasers.
- -
,~iroor1 Sponsor Assurances 13/2005)
c. Each tixerl-based oper:ltor at the airport shall be subject to the same r:U:es,
fees, rentals, and other charges a:; are unifonnly appiicable to all other
fixed-based operators making the same or .,imilar :lSC.s of such airport and
utilizing the same or similar faciiities.
d. Each air camer using such aiITJoft shall have the right to service itself or to
use any fixed-based operator :hat is authorized or permitted by the airport
to serve any air carrier at such airport.
e. Each air carrier using such airport (whether as a tenant, non tenant, or
subtenant of another air carrier tenant) shall be subject to such
nondiscriminatory and substantially comparable rules, regulations,
conditions, rates, fees, rentals, and other charges with respect to t:1cilitie:;
directly and substantially related to providing air tr.lnspolUtion as are
applicable to all such air carriers which make similar use of such airpOlt
and utilize similar fucilities, SUbjiil~t to reasonable .:lassifications such as
tenants or non tenants and signatory carriers and non signatory carriers.
Classification or status as tenant or signatory shall not be unrea.sonably
withheld by any 3.irpon provided an air carrier assumes obligations
substantially similar to thl.l~e alr,,;Jdy imposc:.i on air carriers in such
cJassincation or status.
r: It will not exercise or any right or which operates to prevent
any person, firm, or corporation operating aircr-.u1 on the airport from
performing any services on its own ;}ircraft with :15 OWl! employees
[including, but not limited to muimenam:e, repair, and fueling] that it may
choose to periorm.
g. In the event the SPQn~or itself exe:cises any of the rights and privileges
referred to in this assuram:e, the services involved will be provided on the
same conditions as would apply to the furnishing of such services by
commercial aeronautical service providers authorized hy the sponsor tinder
these provisions.
h. The sponsor may establish such reasonablt:, and not unjustly
discriminatory, conditions to be met by all users of the airport as may be
necessary for the safe and efficient operation o(the airport.
.. The sponsor may prohibit or limit any given type, kind or class of
aeronautic.}l use of the airport if such action is nL"Cessary for the safe
operation of the airport or necessary to serve the civil aviation needs of the
23. Kxdusive Rigbt:!. It win permit no c"xclusive right for the use of the airport by ;my person
providing, or intending to provide, aeronautical services to the public. for purposes of this
paragraph, the providing of the services at ;m airport by J single fixed-based operator shall
not bl~ construed as an e.."clusive right if both of tile following :lpply:
a. It would be unreasonably costly, burdensome, or impractical tor more thun aile
IIxed-based operator 10 provide ~'Uch services, and
b. If allowing more than one fixcd-basetl operator to provide SUC.;l services would
n.--quire the reduction of space leased pursuant to an existiilg agreement
-- between such single fixed-based oper.nor :md such airport.
It further agrees that it will not, either directly c)r indirectly, or permit any pL'TSOII. :irm,
or corpomtion, the exclusive right at the airport to c:omil1<"-:: ::my aeronautic;u activities,
- -
Airport Sponsor Assurances (3/2005)
including, but not limited to chartt:r flights, pilot lI<lining, aircraft rental and sightseeing,
aerial photography, crop dusting, aelial advertising and surveying, air carrier operations,
aircraft sales and services, sale of aviation petrolewn product~ whemcr or not conducted in
conjunction with other aeronautical activity, repair and maintenance of aircraft, sale of
aircraft parts, and any other activitics which because of their direct relationship to the
operation of aircraft can be regarded as an aeronautical activity, and that it will tenninare any
exclusive right to conduct an aeronautical activity now existing at such an airport before the
grant of any assistance under Title 49, United States Code.
24. Fee and Rental Structure. It will maintain a fee and rental structure for the facilities and
services at the airport which will make me airport as self-sustaining as possible under the
circumstances existing at the particular airport, taking into account such fuctors as the
volume oftratnc and economy of collection. No part \lfthe Federal share of an airport
dcvdopment, airport planning or noise compatibility project for which a grant is made WIder
Title 49, United States Code, the Airport and AirWay Improvement Act of 1982, the Federal
Airport Act or the Airport and Airway Development Act of 1970 shall be included in the rate
basis in establishing fees, rates, and charges for useJS of that airport.
25. Airport Revenues.
a. All revenues generated by the airport and any local taxes on aviation fuel
established atter December 30,1987, will be e.xpendd by it tor the capital or
operating cost~ of the airport; the 10c:11 airport system; or other-local fucilities
which are owned or operated by the owner or operator of the airport and which
are directly and subst.mtially related to the actual air transportation of
passengers or property; or for noise mitigation purposes on or otfthe airport.
Provided, however, that if covenants or assurances in debt obligations issued
before September 3, 1982, by the owner or operator of the airport., or provisions
enacted be/ore September 3, 1982, in governing st:ltutes controlling the owner
or operator's financing, provide for the use of the revenues from any of the
airport owner or operater's facilities, including the airport., to support not only
the airport but also the airport owner or operater's general debt obligations or
other tacilities, then this limitation on the use of all revenues generated by the
airport (and, in the case of a public airport., local taxes on aviation fuel) shall
not apply.
b. As part of !be annual audit required under the Single Audit Act or 1984, the
sponsor will direct that the audit will review, and the resulting audit report will
provide an opinion conceming, the use of airport revenue and taxes in
paragraph (a), and indicating whether fnnds paid or transferred to the O\vnl~r or
operator are paid or transtern:d in a manner consistent with Title 49, United
States Code and any other applicable provision of law, including any regulation
promulgated by the Secretary or Administntor.
c. Any civil penalties or other sanctions will be imposed tor violarion of this
JSsurance in accordance with the provisions or Section 47107 of Title 49,
United States Code.
26. Reports and Inspections. It will:
a. slibmit to the Secretary such annual nr spc:;ial financial and operations reports
as the Secretary may reasonably request and make such reports available to the
public: make available to !he public :1t r~onable time:; and places a report of
the airport budget in a rl.)fmat prescribed by the Secrcrary;
,Airport Soonsor Assurances (3/2005)
b. for airport development projects, make the airport and 311 airport records and
docum~nts aff~cting the airport, including d~::ds, leases, operJ.tion and use
agreements, regulations and other instruments, available tor inspection by any
duly authorized agent of the Sec:-etary upon re:J.Sonable request; .
c. for noise compatibility program projects, make records and documents relnting
to the project and continued compliance with (he tenus, conditions, and
assurances of the grant agreement including deeds, leases., agreements,
regulations, and other instruments, available tor inspection by any duly
authorized agent of the Secretllij' upon reasonllbJe request; and
d. in a fonnat and timl~ prescribed by (he Secretary, provide to the Secretary and
make available to the public following each of its fiscal years, an ;mnual report
listing in detail:
(i) ail amounts paid by the airport to any other unit of government and the
purposes for which each such payment was marle; and
(ii) all servic~s and property provided /')y the airport tD other units of govcrnmc:1t
and the amount of compensation received for provision of each sllch
service and property.
.,~ Use by Government Aircr'.lft It will make available all of the facilities of the airpor(
~ I.
developed with Federal financial assistanl:e and all those usable for landing and takeoff of
aircraft to the United States for use by Governme:1t airc:<lft in common with other aircr:ll\ at:
all times without charge, except, if the use by Government aircr.m is substantial, charge may
be:: made for a reasonable share, proportional to ,uch use, for che cost of operating and
maintaining the lacilities used. Unless otherwise determined by the Secretary, or otherwise
agreed to by the sponsor and tlIe using agency, substantial use of an airport by Government
airc;-aft will be conside~cd to exist when operations 0 f such aircmit are in excess of those
which, in the opinion of the Secretary, would unduly interfere with use ofttle landing areas
by other Juthonzed aircraft, or during any calendar month that- .
a. Five (.5) or mon: Government aircraft are regularly based at the airport or
on land adjacent thereto; or
b. The total number of movements (counting I::lch landing as a movement) or
Government aircraft is JOG or more, or the gross ace'..unulative weight at"
Government aircraft using the airport (the total movement of Government
aircrJft multiplied by gross weights of such aircraft) is in excess of tlve
million pounds.
28. Land for Federal Facilities. It will furnish without cost to the Federal Government tor use
in connection with any air traffic control or air navigation activities, or weather-reporting
and communication activities related to air traffic control, any areas of land or water, or
estlte therein, or rights in buildings of the sponsor as the Secretary considers necessary or
desirable for construction, operation, and maintenanc~ at Federal expense of space or
facilities for such purposes. Sw;h areas or any portion thereof will be made available as
provided herein within four months aiter receipt of a written request from the Secretary.
29. Airport Layout Plan.
J. It will keep up w date at all times an airr-ort layout plan of the airport
showing (l) boundaries of the airport ;:'lld all proposed additions thereto,
together with ch(: boundaries of wi offsite areas owm.-d or controlled by the
."RO sponsor tor airport purposes md proposed additions thereto; (:) the
iocation and namre oLdl existing and proposed airport facijjties ;md
su-uctures (such ,IS nmways, !a.xiways, aprons. tenninal buiidings, hangars
and roads), induding all proposed extensions and redUGtions of existing
,A.imcrt Sponsor Assurances (3/2005)
airport facilitil:S; and (3) the location of all ~:dsting and proposed
nonaviation areas and of all existing improvements thereon. Such airport
layout plans and each amendme::lt, revision, or modification thereot: shall
be subject to the approval oithe Secretary which approval shall be
evidenced by the signature of a duly authorized representative of the
Secretary on the fuce of the airport layout pl:J1l. The sponsor will not make
or permit any changes or alterations in the airport or any of its facilitil:S
which an: not in conformity with the airport layout plan as approved by the
Secretary and which might, in the opinion oflhe Secretary, adversely
affect the safety, utility or efficiency ofllie airport.
b. If a change or alteration in the airport or the lacilities is made which the
Secretary determines adversely atfec:s the safety, utility, or dllciency of
any federally owned, leased, or funded property on or off the airport and
which is not in conformity with the airport layout plan as approved by the
Secretary, the owm~r ,Jr operator will, if requested, by the Secretary (1)
eliminate such adverse etfL'Ct in J,manner approved by the Secretary; or (2)
bear all costs of relocating such property (or replacement thereot) to a sire
ar.:::ptable to the Sc:cretary and all costs of restoring such property (or
replacement thereot) to the level of sa.iety, utility. efficiency, and cost of
operation existing betore the unapproved change in the airport or its
30. Civil Rights. It will comply with such rules as are promulgated to assure that no person
shall, on the grounds of race, creed, color, national origin, sex, age, or handicap be e;xcluded
from participating in any activity conducted with or benefiting from funds received from this
grant. This assurance obligates the sponsor for the period during which Fedcral fmancial
assistance is extended to the program, except where Federal financial assistance is to
provide, or is in the fonn of per.>onal property or real property or interest therein or structures
or improvements thereon in which case the assurJl1ce obligates the sponsor or any transferee
tor the 10ngL'r of the following periods: (a) the period during which the property is used lor a
purpose for which Federal financial assistance is extendt:d, or tor another purpose involving
the provision of similar services or benefits, or (b) the period during which the sponsor
retains ownership or possession of the property.
31. Disposal of Land.
a... For land purchased under a grant tor airport noise compatibility purposes,
it will dispose of the land, when the land is no longer needed for such
purposes, at riili market value, at the earliest practicable time. .I1lat portion
or the proceeds of such disposition which is proportionate to the United
States' share of acquisition ofsuch land will, at the discretion of the
Secretary, (1) be paid to the Secretary for deposit in the Trust FWld, or
(2) be reinvested in an approved noise compatibility project as prescribed
by the Secretary, including the purchase of:lOnresidential buildings or
property in the vicinity of residential buildings or property previously
purchased by the airpOlt as part of a noise cmnpatibility
b. for land purchased under a gram fer airport deveioprnenr purposes (other
than .wise compatibility), it will, when the land is no Icngcr needed for
airport purposes,' dispose of such lane..! ;it fair market value or make
available to the SecTl:tary an amount equal to the United Stales'
proportionate :share of the fuir market value of the land. That portion of
the proceeds of such disposition which is proportionate to the United
States' share of the cost of acquisition of such land will, (I) upon
applic;)tiun to the Secretary, be reinvested :n mother digible airport
A.iroort Sponser Assurances (3/2005)
improvement project or projec~ approved by thl;: Secretary at that airport
or within the national aif1lort system, or (2) be paid to the Secretary for
deposit in the: Trust Fund irno eligible project exists.
c. Land shall be l;onsiuered to be needed for airport purposes under this
assurance if (1) it may be needed for aeronautical purposes (including
runway protection zones) or servt: as noise buffer land, and (2) the revenue
from interim uses of such land contributes to the tinancial sdf-sufficiencv
of the airport Further, .Iand purchased with a gram n:c::ivcd by an airpo~
operator or owner bt:fon: December J I, 1987, will be considered to be
needed for airport purposes ifthe Secretary or Federai agency making such
grant before Or:cember J I, 1987, was notitied by the opcraIOr or owner of
the uses of such land, did not object to such use, and the land continues to
be used for that purpose, such use having commenced no later 'than
December 15, 1989.
d. Disposition 0 f such land under (3) (b) or (c) will be subj ceno the retcntion
or reservation of my interest or right therein m:cessary to ensure that such
land will only be used for purposes which 1rc compatible with noise levels
associated with oper:uiOIl of the airport.
32. Engineering and Design SCTYicl:s. It will :Iwata <.:ach contract, or suo-comract tor program
management, construction management, planning stUdies, t'6sibility studies, architectural
services, preiiminary engineering, design, engineering, surveying, mapping or related
services with respect to the project in the same :nUlln<.:r as a contract Tor architectUral and
engineering services is negotiated under Title rx 0fthe Fde:-.ll Property :md Administrative
Sc:rvices Act of 1949 or an equivalent quaiific:ltiolls-based requireme:1t prescribed for or by
the sponsor of the airport
33. Foreign M:rrket Restrictions. ft will not allow funds provided under- this grant to be used
to any project which uses :my product or service of a foreign country during the period
in which such foreign country is listed by the United States Trade Representative 35 denying
fair and equitable market opportUnities tor products and supplie..--s of the United St:ltes in
procurement and construction.
34. Policies, Standards, and Specific:Jtions. Il will carry out the project in accurdanc:: with
policies, standards, and spccifications approved by the Secretary induding but not limited to
the advisory circulars listed in the Current FAA. Advisory Circulars for All' projects. dated
7 II LQ.'5 and included in this grant, and in accordance with applicable ~"tate policies.
standards, and specifications approved by the Secretary.
35. ReJoation and Re:d ,Property Acquisition. (1) It will be guided in aquiring real property,
to the greatest exte:1t prncticablc under State law, by the land acquisition policies in Subpart
B of 49 CFR Part. 24 .md will payor reimburse property owners for necessary expenses as
specified in Subpart B. (2) It will provide a relocation assistance program offering the
services described in Subpart C and fair and reasonable relocation paymems :md assistam:e
to displaced persons as required in Subpart D and E of 49 CPR Part 24. (3) It will make
available within a reasonable period of time prior to displacl.'mcnt. comparable replacemcm
dweJlings w displaced pe.'"Sons in accordance with Subpart E of 49 CFR Part 14.
36. Access By [ntercity Buses. The airport owner or opl.'"r.ltor will permit, to the maximum
extent practiC:J.ble, intercity buses or other modes oftnnsportation to have access to the
ai-rport how\:ver, it has no obligation to fund spedal taciliiics for intercity buses ur tor other
modes of transportation.
Air::ort Soonsor Assurances (3/2005)
Ji, Disadvantaged Business Enterprises. The recipient shall not discriminate on the basis of
race, color, national origin or sex in the award and performance of any DOT-assisted
contract or in the administration of its DBE program or the requirements of 49 CFR Part 26.
The R~ipie:'1t shall take all nec~sary and reasonable gteps under 49 CFR Part 26 to ensure
non discrimination in the award and administration afOOT-assisted contracts. The
recipient's DBE program, as required by 49 CFR Part 26, and as approved by DOT, is
incorporated by reference in this agreement. Implementation of this program is a legal
obligation and failure to carry out its tl~nns shall be treated as a violation of this agreement
Upon notification to the recipient of its fuilure to carry out its approved progrnm, the
Department may impose sanctions as provided for under Part 26 and may, in appropriate
cases, refer the matter for enforcement under 13 U.S.c. 100 I and/or the Pragram Fraud Civil
Remedies Act of 1986 (31 U.S.c. 3801).
38. Hangar Cunstruction. lfthe airport owner or operJtor and a person who owns an aircmft
agree that a hangar is to be constructed at the ail1lort tor thl: aircraft at the aircraft owner's
expense, the airport owner or operator will grant to t~e aircrall owner for the hangar a long
tenn lease that is subject to such terms and condiliqns on the hangar as the airport owner or
operator may impose.
39. Competitive Access.
a. If the airport owner or operator of a medium or large hub airport (as
defined in section 47102 of title 49, U.S.c.) has been unable to
accommodate one or more requests by an air carrier tor access to gates or
other facilities at that airport in order to allow thl: air carrier to provide
service to the airport or to expand service at the ail1lort, the airport owner
or operator shall transmit a report to the Secretary that-
\. Describes the requests;
2, Provides an explanation as to why the requests could not be
accommodated; and
3. Provides a time ji-ame within which, if any, the airport will be able
to accommodllte the requests.
b. Such report shall bl.: due on either February I or August 1 of each year if
the airport has been unable to accommodate the requcst(s) in the six month
period prior to the applicable due date
Airport Sponsor ,Assurances (3/2005)
Dated: 7/1/05
~~W~WA1~~~~.~B!~-i~~~~~~~ '. - .:~i:t,~.
I 70/7460-1 and lobstruction Marking and Lighting I
1150/5000-.13 IAnnouncement of Availability--RTCA inc., Document RTCAR221, Guidance and 'Ii
i IRecommended Requirements for Airport Surface Movement Sensors
_150/51 00-15~_fiVil Rights Requjremen~s For _-~~_e Ajrpo~~~~~~~~ent Program .--._-------_J
~ 50/5?~0-6A,__jAirpo~. Master Plans ________________.._________.______._________ I
! 150/5190-5 and IEXclusive Rights and Minimum Standards for Commercial Aeronautical Activities 1
'_Chang~______L -----. ---------i
h 50/5200-288 INotlces to Airmen (NOTAMS) for Airport Operators ___~
1150/5210-58 -'-IPainti~g, Marking and Lighting of Vehicles Us~d~n-an Airp";;--'------------- I
1--,----. .--------~--------'------~-.--------'1
,150/5210-7C IAircraft Fire and Rescue Communications I
'___.__L --------.-----.-------.----..----------- l'
/"1-50/5210-13B lwater Rescue Plans, Facilities, and Equipment -I
.. ~ ---"---.Y . _______.~__..____..__~.__~___.___~_______I
150/5210-14A JAirport Fire and Rescue Personnel Protective Clothing I
_____L.,,____.______ __'______________.____nn_...______ _
:;'50/521'0-15 jAirport Rescue & Firefighting Station Building Design - I
l. ----r;:.--. -'-" . - ."".---,-----~.------.,,-------------..-'" --.--...---....J
!1501521O~;8.- ISystems for Interactive Training of Airport Personnel I
r----------, . ---.--.----,,.,-------------------------,--,_.....----..--------,
!150/5210-19 /Driver's Enhanced Vision System (DE~S) i
-'---'--- ------------------.----.-----.-----."l
1150/5220-48 !Water Supply Systems for Aircraft Fire and Rescue Protection '
l-------------- -- --_.J
~-~O/5~20-1 OC IGUide Specification for W ater/Foam Type_Aircraft Rescue an~!ire0g~~~~ehi':!..~,~_J
1150/5220-138 _IRunway Surface Condition Sensor Specification Guide . i
~50/5220-16C - ~utcm,:!~d W~ather ObS~!Vi~~~~Yste~s fo~~~nfede;;I~~~~t;ons ~=~-,==--=l
1~~~/~~1~~-1: ~ iDesign Standards for Aircraft Rescue Firefighting Training Facilities !
r.----9---L '--.--------.-'------...--.-----....---,-,--..,..--.---.--
:150/5220-18 IBUildings for Storage and Maintenance of Airport Snow and Ice Control Equipment andl
l ~Materials I
.-~...- .-..---.-~~.._-.-.~._~-------~~.~---~--- .____...___.J~.____ -~___.__~J
'150/5220-19 JGuide Specification for Small, Dual-Agent Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting Vehicles !
-----....-. - -----.---.-------.--------------l
1 50/5220-20 and !Airport Snow and Ice Control Equipment
Change 1 ~ i
-- -----_._---_._-----------._----~-_._~---_..-----~
j: 50/5220-21 B IGUide Specification for Lifts Used to Board Airline Passengers With Mobility I
I Impairments I
1---"-'----- --------.."-.-,- -----,----- -----...-------------1
:~71~;~;~-22 and IEngineered Materials Arresting Systems (EMAS) for Aircraft Overruns I
I ,..---------.--..------.-'-.-.-----------..---.--.....---.--.-----~
,150/5300-13 and IAirport Design I
IChanges 1 I !
Ithrough 8 L----.---------------._,______...____,________._.______~__--------1
h 50/5300-14 and /DeSign of Aircraft Deicing Facilities :
19,~~~s 1_ and 2 , - ---------.-----------'---..'----.----.ll
0__~?/5320-5~ iAjrpo~t D:8inage _________n___________,____________.:
i150/5320-6D and "IAiroort Pavement Design and Evaluation j
, ' I
:Changes 1 ; i
,~hrougQ.~___,_....l..____________ __,_____ ,._______.______________,~
1150/5320-12C Irvle~surement, Construction, and Maintenance of Skid Resistant Airport Pavement !
:and Ch3n<]es 1 !Surfaces
~;., ," ," I l ,.. . , ~
rl:~~: ;-;il:;.!.~~:~}~;;:(t.~"f'fW,~;.f:!i;(.~1~~ .':: .IF.;'
~t~~~YNUMBER~rW~-~'/i.;rr;li!' i~...
.::-~. .....:j~~~::.I~:-;;.i'~.:--:;.I!'t;J:;.. ~ ." :ir: 'J,l!1;~'~~.r' "./1.. '
h 50/5320-14 IAirport Landscaping for Noise Control Purposes I
I _~._I. ..----....-----.----..----------.
/1 50/5320-15 and IManagement of Airport Industrial Waste I
F~~~~~~--17.--iAirfield Paver:!1ent Suriace Eva~-~tion-~d Rati;.~-(PAiER)~~anUals ~=-=--=~l
i~~~~~;~_4A and ~unway Len~th R~_qUirements f~~~irport ~~~ign __________________...__~
1~;~~;;5 an~ Standardized MethO~1 Rep~rtin~~~em~:~tr:gth PCN ___ i
150/5340-1J Tstandards lor Airport Markings ~
:150/5340-58 a;;d'segmented Circle Airport Marker System ---- ------- I
!Change 1 - --------------l
'150/5340-180 Standards for Airport Sign Systems _.._________.___________________
/150/5340-19 Taxiway Centerline Lighting System
I _a~ .___..__~~. ..________.._.~_______________~____.._~.__.
~~.O;5345-3~cification for L821 Panels fo~ RemoteCo~!:~~ of Airport Ligh~~~_________
i150/53~5-5A _Eircuit Selector Switch ___c__._________~
['50/5345-7E 1eclflcation lor L824 Underground EleclIical Cable lor Airport !"igI1!iilll9ircuitL~
!150/5345-.' CE Specification for Constant Current Regulators Regulator Monitors
!150/5345-.12C Specification for Airport and HeliportBeacon ---.-----.--- r
~.._---- . ---.------------------~..-----.-...-1
1150/5345-13A Specification for L841 Auxiliary Relay Cabinet Assembly for Pilot Control of Airport I
i Lighting Circuits . .
/150/5345-26C -- Specification for L823 Plug and Receptacle, cabl;c~~nec_~_~_~_-____.___.._.._._.__j
I~O/5345-27D ___ :~ecific:ation for Wind Con~ Assemblies __.__._ h---J
i150/5345-28F fecisLo-"-!'eEroacl1 Path Indicator (PAPI) Systems l
/150/5345-398 FAA Specification La53, Runway and Taxiway Centerline Retroreflective Mark~~;----I
and Change 1 I ' .
1'50/5345-420 ~~~r:;::~;for Airport U9_ht 8ase~an;~nn~~ous;;;-g~. J~nctio-;' 8o;'-;;nd~1
i150/5345-43E ~ecification for Obstruction Lighting Equipment I
f---.-.-.--- .--- .---.--.-------.-.----
115o/5345-44G /Specification for TaxiwE_ and Runway Sign~ --------1
I r -------.---------
150/5345-45A :Lightweight Approach Light Structure ~
' I
[15~l5345~~0ecification for Runway and T_':i~~a;Light ~ixtur~~----------.-...=------=J
@.9/5345-47A 1olatio"-_TranSIOnners for Airport Ughting Systems ____ __I
i150/5345-49A:_.;pecifi~yon _~~54, Radio Control Equipment .-------------J
1150/5345-50 and ISpecification for Portable Runway Lights I
~Change 1 : I
I ---..---.-. . ----.--.---.-- .-.---..-------.--.-.--.----1
1150/5345-51 and ,Specification for Discharge- Type Flasher Equipment i
,Change 1 I :
. ~...... .-__.___..____._...____.......__..___~__.___n___._.. n ..-.-.-.------.-...---.--.----.-.--.1
~150/5345-ti2 (Generic Visual Glideslope Indicators (GVGI) ,
'----- ,_.__.._--t----_.______..~. .--.--.__~____ _ ----______ --4
1150/5345-538 !Airport Lighting Equipment Certification Program-- j
,150/5345-:i4A rs.oecification for L-1884 Power and Control U~ft fo~-Land- and Hold Short I
:~~~/~;:;-~i~ 1 .- iL~-hted Visual Aid to Indicate -Temp;ary-RunwaYC;~~'~r~--- ..-----l
j_m____._j_____-:--__.._._ ._______. ____. _ ______ .________----:
:1 ~O.~~3~O-9 'Planning and Design of Airport Terminal Facilities at NonHub Locations !
-- - -------..-...,----------.-.---..---.-...-..~--_.-.~-------..... --'.-.' -.-...-..- ---......----~ .----.--- "_.__J
.A r:(1it::'1pn_. ~ :r=',r.:;.rr:'1 r i""""ln~;,J"I '", ;~ :r'""'Il"'Id r.!l rilrlinnC"
~ ..... -. .
DatE!d: 7/1/05
~L!;,l-,.~~r~~~~fo'j:.\r.~i'i5.;alr ;: ';.:;. M\~iE1~1 ~
!2;;"-';~NU.J.~E~ Jt!;!' 'E h~.
I nJ~l .~(. -...., . J'Q t..~. i'- ~j~.
,.~ .~..... I~ i " I J; . '."~ ' \<_
i~ 50/~~~9_~14C _ A~~hitectural. Engineering, and Planning Consul~ant Services for Airport Gran~~..?~ct:J
!150/5100-15A lCiViI Rights Requirements For TIle Airport Improvement Program, !
i 150/5100-17 and ILand Acqu isilion and Relocation Assistance fm Ai~ort Improvement Prog;;m Ass~'ed I
jChanges 1 Projects
it~rough 4 .__ ___.
i150/5190-5 and lEXclusive Rights and Minimum Standards for Commercial Aeronautical Activities I
lChang~ 1 i .______________~__~______.___j
1150/5200-30A !Airport Winter Safety and Operations I
,and Changes 1 I ~
!~~~/~~~-33A -)HazardOUs Wildlife Attractants on or Near-Air~~M-;----------~-'----'--
:.__ ~ _ J _ _"__~_______________~_____......-.-....-.
i 150/5300-15 IUse of Value Engineering for En~ljneering Design of Airports Grant Projects j
i15C/5320-~t7- IAirfi~ld Pavement Surface Evaluation and Rating (PASER) Manu~I~---------'"1
f1-5o/5360-~11 ~Energy Conservation for Airport Buildings --------------------1
l2.!?a/537o-~B' ,Construction Progress and Inspedior:_ Rep'Oti-Airp~~ Gr~nt _~~og~am ~==_-:~~=~l
!1S0/5370-'11A IUse on Nondestructive Testing Devices in the Evaluation of Airport Pavements i
l_.________ . . - -----------________.______~
1150/5370- -12 IQUality Control of Construction for Airport Grant Projects !
L I ----------------.--.-.---------.----..-1
~-50/5370- "13 IOffpeak Construction of Airport Pavements Using Hot-Mix AsPhai.!....______________~
(150/5380-7 IPavement Management System I
r-------~--- --------------.-----
,150/5380-8 !Handbook for Identification of Alkali-Silica Reactivity in Airfield Pavements l
Dated: 7/1/05
:150/5000-12 !Announcement of Availability-Passenger Facility Charge (PFC) Application (FAA I
i IForm 5500-1)
~_ _~______._ I ---_____~___.r_~~.~~___~__........-~__..______..~
"c::: for .L\.Ip.-p~~ pqr::FCTC; 7-1 _nc' ,-ir-r