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HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/06/2009 Item 076 MOHAVE COUNTY REOUEST FOR BOARD ACTION FORM From: Steven P. Latoski, P.E., PTOE, Public Works Director FORMAL ACTION ❑ ��''�iC, CONSENT 0 Date: June 25, 2009 RESOLUTION ❑ OTHER ❑ BOS Meeting Date: July 6, 2009 INFORMATION ONLY ❑ SUMMARIZE THE ISSUE & DESIRED ACTION CLEARLY/ATTACH BACKUP MATERIAL: At their March 2, 2009 meeting, the Mohave County Board of Supervisors moved to acknowledge MCC's termination of the lease and authorize staff to move forward relocating the County's facility. At their March 16, 2009 meeting, the Board directed staff to find another location in Colorado City for the State/County/Federal facility prior to the expiration of the county's lease with MCC. At their May 18, 2009 meeting, the Board directed staff to review property APN 404-19-092 in the Colorado City area and all alternatives for the Mohave County Sheriff's Office and County Attorney's Office as well as Mohave County Courts. Staff has narrowed its search to 4 candidate sites, including 2 sites within property APN 404-19-092 near Colorado City coupled with properties near Fredonia and Scenic. Information on development considerations and water availability, quality, and accessibility are included in the accompanying packets. Recommended Motion: Identify the desired property for establishing a government facility in the Co(orado City area of Mohave County, and direct staff to pursue obtaining the property for its intended use. Reviewed and Approved By: County Attorney ❑ Personnel ❑ Finance ❑ County Man er Board Action Taken: Approved as Requested ❑ No Action Taken ❑ Disapproved ❑ Continued to ❑ Approved with the following changes: �.�� C�o..C�..� `r`C� l� Acknowledged receipt and referred to Filing Information and Retrieval Filed Bid Filed Agreement �`�� S BOS Resolution Filed Yearly Correspondence Filed Petition Filed Dedication Filed Land Sold Filed Land Acquired Filed Franchise I.D. Resolution Filed Improvement District Filed Other Date Routed: �� C � w ,� Additional lnformation: XC: `(Y\a���, � C!�.",,,7�. You are reminded that items for the agenda, along with complete backup, must be in the County Manager's Office 10 days prior to Board Meeting. Item No. REVIEW AND COMPARISON OF DEVELOPMENT CONSIDERATIONS FOR ARIZONA STRIP PROPERTIES ADAIR NORTH PROPERTY ADAIR PROPERTY BLACK PROPERTY APN: 404-19-092 APN: 404-19-092 APN: 402-17-063 BUTTON PROPERTY ELEMENT COLORADO CITY AREA COLORADO CITY AREA SCENIC AREA APN: 405.41-008 - (Hwy. 389, approx. %-mile north of (Intersection of Hwy. 389 at Cane Beds (Scenic Blvd. - approx. 2 miles FREDON AREA AREA Cane Beds Road) Road) south of Hwy. 91) (Hwy. Land Method Owner lease (3-5 acres. available) , Owner lease (3-5 acres available) Donation (1.5 acres available) _ Purchase (1-2 acres available) Acquisition Cost $0 $0 $0 $23,0001acre ? Existing AR-1 Zone permits public ? Existing AR-1 Zone permits public ? Existing zoning is R-E/10A ? Existing zoning is R-E/10A Zoning Method building uses building uses ? Rezone required ? Rezone required Ordinance ? Site plan required ? Site plan required ? Site plan required ? Site plan required Compliance Cost Site plan preparation Site plan preparation No application fees No application fees Site plan preparation Site plan preparation Access via Hwy. 389 Access via Cane Beds Road " Access via Scenic Blvd. Access via Hwy. 389 (1) Construct ADOT standard driveway - (1) Construct (pave) Cane Beds Road' ` Construct County standard driveway - Construct ADOT standard driveway Method SO only or (2) construct ADOT standard approach to Hwy. 389 - SO only or (2) Courts and Hwy. 389 right-turn deceleration driveway and Hwy. 389 left-turn construct (pave) Cane Beds Rd. approach lane - Courts Site Access deceleration lane - SO and Courts to Hwy. 389 and construct Hwy. 389 right- turn deceleration lane - SO and Courts Method 1 = $19,000 Method 1 = $19,000* $9,000 $74,000 Cost Method 2 = $74,000 Method 2 =$74,000` *Cane Beds Road paving and asphalt driveway esfimated at additional $66,000 Method Drill well and install Point of Use Drill well and install Point of Use treatment Drill well Drill well and install Point of Use Water treatment system system treatment system Cost $28,600 - $33,600 (10 employees) $28,600 - $33,600 (10 employees) $22,600 - $27,600 $28,600 - $33,600 (10 employees) $34,600 - $39,600 (20 employees) $34,600 - $39,600 (20 employees) $34,600 - $39,600 (20 employees) FiberlT-1 copper available. South Fiber/T-1 copper available. South Central Fiber and copper available at the SE Fiber/T-1 copper available. South Central Communications confirmed Communications confirmed connection corner of parcel. Probable Central Communications confirmed Data* Method connection availability satisfying all types availability satisfying all types of County IT accommodation of all types of County connection availability satisfying all of County IT and Court IT requirements and Court IT requirements IT and Court IT requirements subject to types of County IT and Court IT Reliance Connects confirmation. requirements Cost $12,000-$23,000 $12;000423;000 Undetermined $6,000-$7,500 Method Three phase & single phase overhead Three phase & single phase overhead Three phase & single phase overhead Overhead electric owned by Garkane Power electric w/ Garkane as the provider electric w/ Garkane as the provider electric w/ Dixie Escalante as provider w/ the City of Fredonia as provider Cost Approximately $5,000 to $20,000 Approximately $5,000 to $20,000 Approximately $60/KVA Assume same as Adair properties Phone Method Fiber/T-1 copper available Fiber/T-1 copper available fiber & copper available at SE comer Fiber/T-1 copper available Cost See Data See Data See Data See Data $64,600 - $95,600 (SO only) $64,600 - $95,600 (SO only) $50,000 - $60,000 $149,100 - $167,100 Total Probable Cost $125,600 - $156,600 (SO and Courts) $125,600 - $156,600 (SO and Courts) *Plus Cane Beds Road access and paving `County 11 requires phone/fax and Internet DSL; Court IT requires phone/fax and point-to-point T1 service to the Arizona AOC Mohave County Public Works Department, Engineering Division MEMORANDUM Submitted To: Monte L. Wilson, P.E. Engineering Manager Steven P. Latoski, P.E. P.T.Ci.E. Director Regarding: Proposed Centennial Park Area County Facility Water Supply Feasibility and Cost Estimate Prepared By: Cullin D. Pattilto, F.I.T., Civil Engincer-Unregistert? r s,.l • z Reviewed and Approved 13y: Monte L. Wilson; P.E. Engineering Manager Constractid Date: Tuesday, June 09, 2009 The Mohave County Public Works Depar mont'Enginecring Division was asked to investigate the feasibility of providing water service to a proposed Mohave County Facility directlyto the wit and a0ros.9 I°lighway 389 from the Centennial Park (improvement District Water Storage Tank located at an unknown address along State Route 389 (389) on Mohave County Assessor's Parcel lumber 4134»1.9-063 approximately 2.3 miles from where 389 crosses Short Creek, at Colorado City, Arizona. There are two options for water service for the proposed County Facility_ 1_ Service from Centennial Park Water Intpro enient District 2. The drilling of a well Regardless of which alternative is selected, due to waterquality issues in the area, apoint ofuse-?(T'C?U) water tneatmem system with a water softener will be needed in order to treat dissolved solids, hardness, iron; manganese, sulfates, and radio nuclides naturally` occurring in the areas ground water. Below is a comparison of probable costs for each alternative with a detailed discussion and cost breakdown on the following pages. *Cost Range DepcMunt on Well Deptli,'rhle L'stimateor Probable Cost assumes a production well or about 100 GPM at a depth of 300 to 400 feet '• Dependant on Centennial. Paris Improvement DWriet obtaining approval for their proposed point of Use (POV) trialment tgulpatent and 100 year assured water supply which will detcrmiae strviee availability In order to arrive at an opinion ofthe feasibility of providing potable safe drinking and utility water to a County owned facility, water quality reports from the Centennial Park Improvement District wells were obtained from the Arizona DepartmetitofF.nvironsnental Quality Northern Pegional Office (ADEQ). It is assumed„ date to proximity, that the Centennial Park Improvement District will supply wwrto the facility or similar water quality issues will be encountered should Mohave County determine that it is in the TOTAL PROBABLE COSTS FOR TWO ALTERNATIVES (CENTENNIAL SERVICE WITH POU TREATMENT AND "ti' ELL I}RILLING WITH PUU'IREATMENT) County's best interest to drib their own well to supply the proposed facility. Below is a summary of the results contained in the water quality reports from ADEO followed by a discussion and interpretation of said results as well a breakdown of probable costs for water treatment and two alternative supply scenarios. 2 NA 6/1998 11.5 NA NA 600 NA NA NA NA ILIA 3 120 6/1998 14-19 87 1136 320 7A NA 330 2.1 .28 4 120 6/2006 14 9.7 920 320 7.9 643 292 NA NA 5 104 6/2005 1S 15 1890 999 7,5 1030 1`07 NA .48 6 130 6,02006 12 7.3 1910 18 7.4 1020 247 NA NA PRIMARY MCi. 15 S -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 'Gt:t NIJAKY W -L - - DUU Z3U' D.l-tt.a U..f vm:? Bowen Collins and Aswiates, Tech??teal 4ten?orandunt?jty? j??g[# Ceutrnuiat t'ark Water Improvement Distriet Point of 1st (POUT) Radium Treatment tvaluat on, Februar} 21W7 Nagy 3 of tit "Table I (;cnienniai Water 01suirt tNlvttngWe11 **Ynter'OnatiW' ras- ritat DfssoiwdrSattds Fe-- trap Afn -Atang"ere I _ GPV Gona m Pet slinwe 2-pCK Pleo 0irles.Pxr later 3 -- P'rfmary AICd. Prinwrp Ufa r# errhi cnsiiiaeitrurmt fin* allowed- ip^rfmary VCLs sere l eafth Awed kwis and are m mdatar 4-Smondvry JtC s are set to nwiautA br ew*e !•c water quality f{taste, caalarr, corrosion ejft ur efe-) In brief, the potential radioactive contaminants in the groundwater are of primary coneern. Radium 226MS is carcinogenic and emits alpha and Beta particles as well as producing.radon gas. The Centennial Park water wells and presumable any ivell drilled in the area by Mohave County would have to take into account the need to eliminate this radioactive isotope to at or below the 15 pCi/L level for Alpha Particles and 5 pCi.J, level for Beta Panicles. In addition to radio nuclide treatment, TDS (due to taste and potential minor health effects), sulfates (due to minor health effects it( levels ;thrive 500 tang/L). Hardness (due to it's alkatine taste), fron (due toeflects on plwnbing fixtures) and Ivlangancse (due to effects on phunbing fixtures) will all need to be treated.. The equipment needed to accomplish this is two fold. First, the Centennial Park Improvement District has contracted With Alliwice Engineering from St. George Utah to apply for approval to utilize Point of Use (POIF) treatment system to provide potable drinking water to the residents of Centennial Park. Current Estimates put the cost of their proposed device, manufactured by Premier Watts of Phoenix Arizona, at approximately $4,000,00 per unit which produces enough drinking water for 10 people. This combination device consist ofa filtration system most likely utilizing; activated carbr,n as well as a reverse osmosis filtering, system in series to treat radionuclides and other water quality issues. In conjunction with the filtering device, a crater softener mast also be used to address hardness at a potential cost of S2000,00 per unit depending on desired flow rate. Water quality concerns aside, if Centennial Improveminit District is utilized for water service, State Route 389 will need to be bored to provide installation of h service.line. An estimate for this is a borehole costing approximately $100.00 per foot for a distance of approximately 100 feet results in a probable bore cost of 5;10,000.00. 1f Mohave County decides it is in the County's best interest to drill a well for water supply an additional cost will be incurred.. Current estimates put the probable cost for well drilling at $50.00 per foot for a well six inches in diameter at a depth of 300 to 400 feet. Existing wells in the Centennial Park Improvement District range from 300 to 320 feet: and have an estimated production capacity of 100 gallons per minutes. The over all cost associated with drilling a well would equate to approximately $15,000.00 to $20,000.00 for a six inch diameter 300 •400 foot deep well. Additionally 55000:00 should be budgeted for a well pump and ancillary controls, $25.00 per foot for additional pipe-estimating the length needed at Zoo feet which equates to $5,000.00. A hookup for and emergency chlorinator will need to be installed as well as a chlorinator at a probable cost of $1,000.00 btt d on recent costs associated with the Lake Juniper Project. Finally, security fencing with anti-climb wire for the well and equipment will be needed for well security. It sestin-tated that a 100 square foot area will need to be fenced oil: At 540.00 per foot, the probable cost for the fencing would be $1,600.00 for 40 feet of fencing (a 10 loot by 10 foot rectangular area). On the fallowing pages are tables summarizing the costs for each individual element discussed in this memorandum as well as the combined totals for two supply alternatives. A total cost comparison is presented in the first table on the first page of this memorandum, Table I summarizes the cost for treatment which is needed' regardless of whether Mohave County drills a well or not. "Cable 2 is a summary of costsassociated with well installation; Table 3, potential highway 389 bore costs. PROBABL T'REAIMVNT OUST SUN'lMARY - T'ANL F;1 .Water Well (--100 300 - 400 550.00 Per 515,00£ m GPM Production) Feet Foot 52010000 Pump L:oatrols Lump and Pressure Tank Stem $5,000.00 S5,000. Emergency Chlorinator Port S p 51000.00 S1,0t UO and Chlorinator Fencing TOTAL S'22,600.00 $27,600:00 "Assumes 25 GFD Consumption Pet Emptoyce PROBABLE WELL COST SUMMARY -? TABLE'. )PROBABLE BORING COST SI NIVLARY (HWY 389 BOCCE) IF WATER SERVICE IS FEtt)M CEO 1TrNNJAL PARK WATER IMPROVEMENT`DISTRICT'- TABLE 3 Page 1 of 2 Barbara Bracken - Re: Mike Black's Property ~- m.~.... ,~ ~ T. ~n From: John Gall <> To: Mike Hendrix <> Date: 7/2/2009 7:42 AM Subject: Re: Mike Black's Property CC: Ron Walker <>, Gary Watson <>, <>, <> Good Morning Mike, I met with Mr. Black late yesterday and he is agreeable to offering 7.5 acres of parcel 402-17-063. He may be willing to donate the additional 2.5 acres, if after the site review, you deem it necessary. This parcel is closer to Hwy 1> and is closer to a public utility service area that Mr. Black has a controlling interest in. So water will be available, but a septic tank would be needed until the waste water treatment plant is completed. He is working on his letter of intent, but with the upcoming holiday schedule, most likely won't have it completed until the end of next week. We would like to be on the BOS agenda for the July 20th, so we both can attend and inform the concerned community members of the date and allow them an opportunity to travel to Kingman to let their voices be heard. I will be in Kingman on Wednesday of next week to meet with you, to discuss the final details of the donation. Please feel free to contact me in the interim to discuss, if needed. Sincerely, John R Gall Arizona Land Quest LLC On Wed, Jul 1, 2009 at 4:57 PM, Mike Hendrix <Mike.Hendrix,> wrote: John, Just checking on the letter of offer. Thanks, Mike Michael P. Hendrix, P.E. Deputy County Manager Public Works & Development Services E-Mail: Phone (928) 757-0910 Fax (928) 757-0921 f'~ ~ ACCREC-ITEd ( -°y. m, AGENCY 9. ':4 file://C:\Documents and Settings\Brackb\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\4A4CB317Moha... 7/6/2009