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'" < " z -' 0 '" N ~P æ ~ ~ " C ~ ;;: -' 0 q~ ~ W ~ ~ 1) 5 " 3 ~ ~ :J ¡¡ ~ ~ " .' 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ¡J;;~/~~ V 1 RESOLUTION -3 2 RESOLUTION ÞFD ORDER OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISOB~ MORAVE COUNTY, ARIZONA, CALLING A SPECIAL BOND ELECTION OF THE REAL PROPERTY TAXPAYERS, WHO ARE ALSO IN ALL RESPECTS QUALIFIED ~ECTORS OF MOPcAVE COUNTY, ARIZONA, TO BE HELD AT mE POLLING PLACES DESIGNATED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF MORAVE COUNTY, ON TUESDAY, mE 20m DAY OF JULY, 1965, TO DETERMINE IF GENERAL OBLIGATION OF MOPcAVE COUNTY, ARIZONA, DESIGNATED MORAVE COUNTY HOSPITAL BONDS, IN THE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF $1,250,000 SHOULD BE ISSUED AND SOLD TO PROVIDE FUNDS TO AID IN LqE CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW COUNTY HOSPITAL ON LAND NOW O\iJNED BY THE COUNTY, TO FUR-TUSH ÞFD EQUIP THE SAME A..1\JD TO IMPROVE THE GROlJNDS THEREOF, IN MORAVE COUNTY, ARIZONA, BONDS TO BE ISSUED IN ONE OR MORE SERIES, TO BE DATED THE DATE OF THEIR ISSUANCE, TO BEAR Il\iTEREST FROH DATE OF ISSUANCE TO mE HATURITY OF EACH BOND AT A RA.TE OF NOT TO EXCEED 4'2;% PER ANNUH, PAYABLE SEHI-ANNUALLY DURING TEE TERM OF EACH BOND; AND PROVIDING FOR GIVING NOTICE OF SPECIAL BOND ELECTION 3 4 i I BONDS I j ¡ i ¡ I I I I 'WHEREAS, in the judgment or the Board of Supervisors of I l1ohave County, Arizona, it is necessary and for. the b.,stinte.:::'est~ or Hohave County that a n.,w county hospital be constructed, and I i I I ! vffiEREAS, Hohave County does not have sufficient unallocatedl I \iJHEREAS, in order to procure funds to aid in such purposes, I 5 6 7 8 9 equipped and furnished, and the grounds thereof improved; and funds for such purposes; and it is necessary that general obligation bonds of Hohave County, Arizona, be issued and sold in the principal amount of '¡ ~eries I In ! i I $1,250,000, bonds to be issued in one or more series, each of bonds to be dated the date of its issuance, bonds to be the denomination of $5,000 each, to bear interest fróm date of the series to ,the maturity of each bond in the series at a rate or not to exceed 4'2;% per annum, the first interest,pa~nent date or each series to be deteTITIineß by the Board of Supervisors prior to the sale thereof, interest payable semi-annually thereafter during the term of each bond in the I series, bonds or each series I I j I , , -1- . . U) 2 :;¡ ; " z d 2 ~¡p . " ~ :jq~ *p di g ~ U) ë 0 " " " ~ : U) . :J ¡¡ ø ¡¡ " L 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 2 3 annually in the amounts and years during a period not to exceed twenty-five years from the date of the series, be determined by the Board of Supervisors prior to the 4 the issuance of each series of bonds. 5 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED BY THE BOARD OF 6 SUPERVISORS OF HOHAVE COUNTY, ARIZONA: 7 Section 1. That the Board of Supervisors of Hohave County, 8 Arizona, pursuant to the provisions of Title 35, Chapter 3, 9 Article 3, Arizona Revised Statutes, and all amendments thereto, does hereby order and call a special bond election to be held on Tuesday, the 20th day of July, 1965, at the following designated polling places in Hohave County, Arizona: ALAMO CROSS ING Elementary School, Alamo, Arizona BULLHEAD CITY Fire Hall, Bullhead City, Arizona CHLORIDE Recreation Hall Chloride, Arizona DOLAN SPRINGS-LAKE MORAVE RANCHOS Old Club House, Lake Mohave Ranchos, Arizona DAVIS DAlY! Government Recreation Hall Davis Dam, Arizona 'I HACKBERRY Elementary School, Hackberry, Arizona EAST KINGMllN Fire Hall, Kingman, Arizona NORTH KINGHAN Fairgrounds, Kingman, Arizona WEST KINGHAN High School Gymnasium, Kingman, Arizona scum K:INGHAN Carpenter's Hall, Kingman, Arizona -2- " U) ¡¡ m 0 ¡¡¡ ~ ~ 0 W N ~p ~ ~ ~ - ~ 0 *n ~n 0 = " 0 ~ ~ ::; ;; ø , " m II II II ,I Ii j,! II II 1 II 2 ,I II 311 II 4 I, II 5 II It 1\ 6: 71 811 911 II 10 II - !I 11 II I' ,I 1211 I Ii 13 II 'I ,. I' :: II 16 ¡ 17!1 18 .! II 1911 20 Ii 2l II 22 I 231l 241 II 2511 26 Ii 1/ ?7 Ii - II Ii 2811 Ii II 'I I, II '3 LITTLEFIELD Elementary School, Littlefield, Arizona HOCCASIN Elementary School, Hoccasin, AriZona HT. TRUMBULL Elementary School, Ht. Trumbull, Arizona OATHAN Fire Hall, Oatman, Arizona PEACH SPRINGS Elementary School, Peach Springs, Arizona SHORT CREEK Elementary School, Short Creek, Ari zona TOPOCK Elementary School, Topock, Arizona \i,THITNEY OWENS Elementary School, Wickiup, Arizona YUCCA Elementary School, Yucca, Arizona I I I I :1 L'\:nfJ EJlTTJEE ~ Co"-~ 'T.......e, ):Ç,i,ngæan, ~a for the purpose of submitting to the real property taxpayers of Hohave County, who are also in all respects qualified ,~lectors thereof, the following question: QUESTION Shall Mohave County, Arizona, become indebted in the principal amount of $1,250,000, thereby increasing the bonded indebtedness of the county in an amount not in excess of 10% of the assessed valuation of the taxable property in the county, by the issuance and sale of general ob.ligation bonds of the .county, to be designated Hohave County, Arizona, Hospital Bonds, to be issued in one or more series, no series to be issued at any time when its I issuance would cause the bonded indebtedness of the county to exceed 10% of the assessed valuation of the taxable property therein as shown by the last assessment roll prior to its issuance, each series of bQnds to be dated the date of its issuance, bonds to be in the denomination of $5,000 each, to be numbered from 1 upward in each series, to bear interest from the date of the series to the maturity of each bond in the series at a rate of not to exceed 4'2;% per ann1.1ffi,the first interest payment date -3- " " U) g " . '" < § B ~p ~ ~ ~ * ~ ~ d~ :í 1) § " 3 ¡; ~ :J ¡¡ " ~ 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 I.) i . I I I to be determined ror each series or bonds prior to' sale I thereor,intere. st paya~le semi-ar:nual~y the r.eafte.r during .1 the term or each bond ~n the ser~es, bonds to n~ture annual y in the amounts and years during a period or not: to exceed twenty-rive years rrom the date or the series to be determi ed by the Board or Supervisors or Hohave County, the proceeds rrom the sale or the bonds to be used to aid in the con- struction or a new county hospital on land now owned by the county, to rurnish and equip the same and to improve the groundsthereor, in Mohave County, Arizona? 2 3 4 5 6 That the polling places will be open at t:he hour or 6:00 7 o'clock A.H. and closed at the hour or 7:00 o'clock F.H. on 8 election day. 9 Section 2. That the Board or Supervisors or HohaveCounty 10 prior to the date or election shall name and appoint an election 11 board consisting or an inspector, two judges, tw'o clerks and a 12 marshall to conduct the election at each or the aroresaid polling 13 places. 14 Section 3. That the bond election shall be called and 15 notice thereor given by posting a copy or this resolution and 16 order of special bond election in at least rive (5) public 17 18 places in Mohave County, and at each or the polling places above designated, not less' than twelve (:L:z.) days prior to the date of election, and by publishing a copy or the resolution and order calling the special bond election in the Mohave County Hiner, a weekly newspaper published and of general circulation in Hohave County, Arizona, ror not less than thirty (30) days prior to the date or the election and that the Clerk or the"Board or Super- visors is hereby authorized and directed to caUSE' such resolution order calling special bond election to' be pos.ted and published, according to law and to the provisions or this resolutìon. Section 4. That the Clerk or the Board or Supervisors -4- ., II Ii II II 111 of Hohave County is hereby authorized and directed to cause to II b . d . 211 e pr~nte ana delivered to the election officers at E:ach of the II, 311\ polling places to be by them furnished to the qualifiE:d real 4jf¡."property taxpaying electors of Mohave County, offering to vote at 5 i the special bond election, ballots containing the foregoing II 611 question, followed by the words "Bonds, Yes: and "Bonds, No." 711 8 Ii II 9 II '0 !1 . II I! 11 II to vote at the special election,. who are real property taxpayers 12 If of Hohave County, Arizona, and who are also in all respects 1311 qualified electors thereof. 1411 Section 6. That the returns of the special bond election 151¡ shall be made to the Board of Supervisors of Hohave County within 1511 twelve (12) days from the date of the election and shall be can- 17 III, vassed and the result thereof certified by the Board of Supervisor II I 18 Ii II 19 II 20 II is the first Monday following the twelfth day after the date of 1'1 21,1 election. 2211 II :: II County, .Arizona,this 7th day of June, 1965. II 2511 26!1 ATTEST: 2711 2811 II II I (SEAL) I II Ii '-""~~"~"-~~"~~~~"'~'~'~"'-'- " g " . '" < ~ z -' 0 W N ~ 6 ~ ~ ~ ~ * ~~ ~n 0 " ~ " ~ ~ ~ ¡¡ G ~ '. " I I I . Section 5. That the special bond election shall be held, , conducted and canvassed in conformity with the provisions of the general election laws of the S tate of Ari 2J::ma, except as . ollie"wi" p"ovided by ,~, Md on~ ,och per,ov, ,hall be p,=itee r 1 I I I I 1 I I I ¡ --~--_.._~... at a special meeting to be held on Monday, the 2nd day of August, 1965, at the hour of /d' tJ () 0 I clock ~H., which date Passed and adopted by the Board of SuperviSors of Hohave /s/ Robert L. PRart Chairman, Board of Super~isors of Hohave County, Arizona IAI MRhRl R RRilPjT. Clerk, Board of Supervisors of JI1ohave County, Arizona -5- "