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HomeMy WebLinkAbout0532-B RESOLUTION NO.~~~' ~ A RESOLUTION FIXING TIME AND PLACE OF ELECTION, JBESIGNATING JUDGES, DIRECTING NOTICE, PROVIDING AND REQUIRING REGISTRATION OF PERSONS ENTITLED TO VOTE. MOHAVE VALLEY FIRE DISTRICT RESOLVED, by the Board of Supervisors of Mohave Co\mty, Arizona that I \1IBEREAS, a petition has been filed with the Clerk of this Board, addres ed to organize a vol\mteer fire company to be known as MOHAVE signed and certified \mder oath by thr e or more taxpayers residing therein stating that on their inforJ11...a.tion and bel ef the petition contains the signatures of ten (10) percent of the property tax payers and qualified electors thereof and describing the boundaries of the area of the property within the District as follows: LEGAL DESCRIPTION (MOHAVE VALLEY FIRE DISTRICT) That portion of' Range 21 and Range 22 beginning northeast corner of Section S, Township lSN, Ra.Í1ge 21W, of the Gila & Salt River Base & Meridi~n, thence southerly to southeast cornèr Section 32 of Township 17N, Range 21W; thence westerly along southerly boundary of Township 17Nto east bank of Colorado River, thence northwesternly along easterly bank of Colorado River to a, point west of the no¡.~heast corner of Sectio S, Townsh:~ 1St, Ránge 21W; thence east to nort~st corner of Section S of said TOlmship lSN, Range 21W. The Colorado River boundary is intende- to mean the 1969 boundary. Should the east river bàTIk change in anyway, natural or man made, the boundary of this district shall change accordin ly to correspond with said cbange. All Mojave Tribal lands in this given area shall be excluded from said fire district. The above--described bo\mdaries will include the following Agual Vie"r, Topock Lake Ranchos, Bermuda City, Riv'er Road Lawn Cemetery, Lagoon Estates, Willow Valley Estates, and The north boundary will be approximately the Oatman Road. boundary will be approxLmately the Needles Bridge. subdivisions: City, Desert Lake Cimnaron. The .South NOW TI-ŒREFORE, it is found, determined and ordered as follows: 1. The petition conforms to the requirements of Article 1, Chapter 9, Title 9 of the Arizonà Revised Statutes and is sufficient. 2. Sufficient money has been deposited to defray expenses of the Electio . 3. Tuesday the ~day oj: H /c;¿{,~9 between tIc.e hours of 1: 0 ~: 7: 00 P.M., during Wh:c:~:ea:h:h:o:~:e ~:: ::a::e:: :::l:::g an election to d whether or not the MOHAVE VALLEY FIRE DISTRI T shall 'be organized.., , ,;:;;£"..6) '~~1¿.. ~ ~ ~~ ~~ fA' . '~1!-II'~d'" 'tt"':¿~'~'t¡;Z,,~,a~e designated as Judges to conduct the election. ó- -/3 . ,~ .. .,' , 5. No persons shall be entitled to vote at the election other than property taxpayers within the boundaries specified in the peUtion, who have resided therein for six (6) !nonths prior to the election and 'lITho are also in all respects qualified electors of the State. No person shall be entitled to vote at the election unless by or under the direction of the Clerk of this Board. The tion shall begin upon adoption of this Resolution and Order and close at 5:00 P.M. 0 6. Notice of registrstio~ and election shall be given by posting ,md publication of this Resolution and Order as provided by law. 7. It is necessary to re-register for this election in order to vote. Dated this ~H day o~~~ ,1969 at Kingman, Arizona. MORAVE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS - ATTEST: ~~-}1~/.(l? æo.b'~ r j\i¡abel B. Bailey, C:Lerk / First Publication: Last Publication: S3d- - L3