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RESOLVED, by the Baard af Supervisars af Mahave Caunty, Arizana that;
WHEREAS, ä petitian has been filed with the Clerk af the Baard, addressed
ta this Baard, praying permissian ta arganize a valunteer fire campany.
Baard af Supervisors having read the petition af Sam J. Callan, Marian C.
'Dearborn and Karin Gaudy, wha have signed and certified under lOath, being
residents and taxpayers therein stating that on their infarmation and belief
the petition contain the signatures af ten (10) per cent af the qualified
electars residing within the baundaries of the propaseddist:rict thereof;
believing it ta be true and in accardance with the law as stated in Article I,
Chapter 9, af the Arizana Revised Statutes.
The Baard of Supervisars hereby
make an arder calling an election within such baundaries as described as fol-
lows ta decide whether or not a volunteer fire campany shall be arganÍ2;ed and
maintained therein~ to beknawn as Pine Lake Valunteer Fire District:
All af Pine Lake Units Number One, Twa, Three and FlOur
as shown on the Plats of Recard in the Office of the
Mahave Caunty Recarder, Mahave Caunty, Arizana.
All that partian of the NW 1/4 Section 28, T20N, R15W,
G. & $.R.B. & M., being baunded an the West and Narth
by said Pine Lake Units One and .Twa; the North by said
Pine Lake Unit 3; partially an the Sauth by said Pine
Lake Unit No.4 and lying Narth of the fallawing de.;..
scribed baundary, ta-wít:Beginning at the mast Sauth-
easterly carner of said pine Lake Unit Number Two,
being the mast Sautherly cornerLat 23 said Unit No.2;
thence S.73051'E., 110.49 feet; thence S.80a23'E., :125.63
feet; thence S.3600l'46"E., 181.57 feet; thence S.19O50'
43"E., 262.57 feet; thence S.11058'02"W., 185.2 feet;
thence S.79 12'18"E., 174.98 feet; thence N4a26' 3S"W.,
153.19 feet; thence S.83a52'E., i66.06 feet; thenceN.28a
29'05"E., 117.65 feet; thence S.73011'14"E., 305.5 feet;
thence N.2S029'05"E., 200.0 feet ta the most Westerly
paint af saidjPine Lake Unit Number FlOur, being a point
in the South Right af Way line pf "Flag Mine Raad",
as shawn an said Pine Lake Unit Number 4 Recorded Plat.
All that partion af said NW 1/4 described as follows:
beginning at the most Sauthwesterly carner said Pine
Lake Unit Number Twa; thence S.00a02'E., along the West
line said NW 1/4, 318.6 feet; thence N.46aS9'E.,26Q>.3
feet; thence N.OOa12'E., 142.5 feet ta the South ba'l!lndary
said Pine Lake Unit Number 2; thence West an sa-id
baundary ta the Painto'f Beginning.
All that portian of the W 1/2 NE 1/4 Section 28,
T20N, Rl5W., G. & S.R.B. & M. lying Narth af said
Pine Lake Unit Number Four and lying West af the
follawing described baundary, ta-wit; beginning at
the mast Nartheasterly carner af Lat 18 within said
Pine Lake Unit Number FlOur; thence N.34a17'W.,
63.5 feet; thence N.23a57'40"E., 137.35 feet; thence
N30a31'36"E., 276.75 feet; thence N.65024'30"W.,
191.65 feet; thence N.47°38'W., 146.51 feet; thence
N.l800l'E., 77.35 feet; thence S.62a34fE. 221.0
feet; thence N.32o58'E., 286.0 feet; thence N.43a
10' W., 380.7 feet; thence N.49a30'E., 93.2 feet;
thence N.55a08'W., 431.0 feet; thence N.64a17'W.,
27.1 feet to the East Rigryt af Way line, Aspen
Lane; thence N.0004'E., along said East Right af
Way line ta the Paint of Intersectian with the Narth
line said W 1/2 NE 1/4; thence Westerly alang
said Narthline to the Northwest corner af said
W 1/2 NE 1/4 being the N 1/4 corner said Sectian 28.
Petitianers have depos.ited a sum nat exceeding FlOur Huhdred
and No/lOa ($400.00) Dallars to defray the expenses of the election, which
shall be paid aut on arder af the Board.
The aforementianed e1ectian shall be held not less than sixty
(60) nar more than ninety (90) d~ys after the date af this order.
The electian shall be held in Hualapai' Mauntains at the Pine Lake
Lodge on July 15,1976, from 1:00 P.M. ta 8:00 P.M.
The ballots far the organization af the volunteer fire district
shall read:
Valunteer Fire District Administered by Chief - YES /
Volunteer Fire District Administered by Chief - NO /
Elizabeth H. Callan, Janet R. Pangborn, Elmer Payne are des-
ignated as Judges ta conduct
the electian.
Na persons shall be entitled to vate at the election other
than qualified electors with the baundaries $pèêified:'in-thepétitiOI1~ who
have resided therein far sixty days prior to the electian and wha have signed
an affidafit certifying such residence.
The Board af Supervisors resolved that there be a registration
af all persons entitled to vote at the election beginning June 4, 1976, clasing
July 5,1976, prior ta the election under the directions of the Clerk of
the Board.
DATED THIS 17th DAY OF MAY, 1976, at Kingman, Arizana.
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