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HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/16/2004 Distric~ 1 Pete Byers (928) 753-0722 District 2 Tom Sockwell (928) 758-0713 District 3 Buster D. Johnson (928) 453-0724 MOHA VE COUNTY BOARD of SUPERVISORS P.O. Box 7000 809 East Beale Street Website Kingman, Arizona 86402-7000 TOO - (928) 753-0726 County Manager Ron Walker Telephone (928) 753-0729 FAX (928) 753-5103 Clerk of the Board Barbara Bracken Telephone (928) 753-0731 FAX (928) 753-0732 Revised 08-12-2004 AGENDA NOTICE OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE MOHA VE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AUGUST 16,2004 809 E. BEALE STREET - KINGMAN, ARIZONA Pete Byers, Chainnan Tom Sockwell, Vice-Chairman Buster D. Jolmson, Supervisor If members of the public wish to address the Board regarding an item they may fill out the Request to Speak Form (indicate item number) located in the back of the room. The form should then be given to the Clerk of the Board prior to the meeting. The time limit rule, noted on the form, will be enforced. MEMBERS OF THE MOHAVE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS WILL ATTEND EITHER IN PERSON OR BY TELEPHONE CONFERENCE CALL 9:00 A.M. EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR DISCUSSION AND CONSULTATION WITH LEGAL COUNSEL IN ACCORDANCE WITH A.R.S. 38-431.03 (A) (3) & (4) TO DISCUSS ITEMS NOTICED ON THE AGENDA WITH AN ASTERISK. 9:30 A.M. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER WITH INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. MOTION AND ACTION TO CALL FOR AN EXECUTIVE SESSION TO BE HELD SEPTEMBER 7, 2004, AT 9:00 A.M. FOR DISCUSSION AND CONSULTATION WITH LEGAL COUNSEL IN ACCORDANCE WITH A.R.S. 38-43.1.03 (A) (3) & (4) TO DISCUSS ITEMS NOTICED ON THE AGENDA WITH AN ASTERISK. THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MAY, BY MOTION, RECESS INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION TO RECEIVE LEGAL ADVICE FROM THE BOARD'S ATTORNEY(S) ON ANY ITEM CONTAINED IN THIS AGENDA PURSUANT TO A.R.S. 38-431.03 (A) (3). OFFICIAL BUSINESS TO COME BEFORE THE BOARD: * I. Discussion of pending or contemplated litigation, claims and demands. 2. Committee and/or Legislative Reports. 3. County Manager's Report. 4. Approval of July 19, 2004, BOS Meeting Minutes. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS CONSENT AGENDA: The following items listed under CONSENT AGENDA will be considered as a group and acted upon by one motion with no separate discussion of said items, unless a Board lvfember so requests. In that event, the item will be removedfrom the CONSENT AGENDA for separate discussion and action. 5. Approve a Special Event Liquor License for VFW Post 2556,6068 Supai Drive, Golden Valley, Arizona, for September 4, 2004. 6. Approve a Special Event Liquor License for American Legion Post 88, 1570 Pierce Ferry Road, Dolan Springs, Arizona, for September 4, 2004. 7. Approve a Special Event Liquor License for Knights of Columbus, 2255 Butler Avenue, Kingman, Arizona, for October 9, 2004. 8. Authorize the County Treasurer to invest and keep invested funds for Hospital District Number One of Mohave County for FY 2004-2005, in accordance with ARS 35-327 and 49-1915, as requested by the Hospital District. 9. Approve the waivers for property tax exemptions for the 2004 tax year, according to ARS 42- 11153B, as requested by Beverly Payne, Mohave County Assessor. 10. Adoption of BOS Resolution No. 2004-329 - Authorizing the acceptance by the County of the grant of real property by Quit Claim Deed from the State Adjutant General, David P. Rataczak, which grant was recorded at the Mohave County Recorder's Office on May 26, 2004 at Book 5034 Pg 577, Fee # 2004048131 and recorded again on May 27, 2004 at Book 5036 Pg 874, Fee #2004048571. (The property is located at the jail annex on Beale Street which was authorized for acquisition by the Board at a special meeting called on May 24, 2004 by prepayment of the License Agreement dated March 10, 1998 with the State of Arizona.) 11. Sitting as the Board of Directors of the Mohave County Library District: Approve revised Standards of Acceptable Library Behavior Policy, adding #4 (fuearms) and #12 (cell phones), as recommended by the Citizens' Library Advisory Committee. 12. Approve transfer of vehicle number 5620 (1988 four wheel drive Chevrolet S-10) from the assigned vehicle fleet at Motor Pool to the Parks Department for a fee of $500, which will be charged to the Parks Department. 13. Accept the assignment of a perpetual right-of-way from the U.S. Bureau of Land Management for the existing right-of-way grant AZA-32429, for corncr crossings at the intersection of Joshua Way and Faith Street, located off Pierce Ferry Road; and in doing so, agrees to comply 'With and be bound by all terms and conditions of the grant to be assigned. 14. Approve award of the Contract for the Stockton Hill Road Construction Project, No. MC 04- 20(M) to Baseggio and Company in the amount of $770,942.14, as recommended by the Public Works Director, and authorize the Chairman of the Mohave County Board of Supervisors to sign the Contract on behalf of Mohave County upon receipt of properly executed Contract Documents from Baseggio and Company; and authorize the Public Works Director to issue the "Notice of Award," and "Notice to Proceed" in accordance with the Contract Documents, upon full execution of the Contract Documents. 15. Approve the transfer of$302,25 1.05 from the General Fund Contingency to various departments (Constable - Lake Havasu City; Building, Grounds & Maintenance; Justice Courts - Bullhead, Moccasin and Kingman; Juvenile Detention; Purchasing; Superior Court Mandated; Sheriff; Jail; and Animal Control) to cover expenditures in excess of budget. 16. Approve to extend the agreement (RFP 01-P-05) with Chicago Title, Kingman, Arizona, for Mohave County Public Works Improvement Districts Real Property Title Search/Special Limited Reports, for an additional one-year period, from August 6, 2004 through August 5, 2005. 17. Approve the appointment of Scott Lindberg to the Private Sector of the Mohave/La Paz Local Workforce Investment Board (Mo/Paz L WIB), as recommended by Mo/Paz L WIB. 18. Acknowledge receipt of City of Bullhead City Resolution No. 2004R-034 - Formation of the "City of Bullhead City, Arizona, Lighting Improvement District No. 15" (Sanctuary at Fox Creek North). 19. Adoption of BOS Resolution No. 2004-330 - Approving the Intergovernmental Agreement between Mohave County and Lake Havasu City to recognize the City's commitment of $2,000 designated for the Mohave County Housing Authority. 20. Adoption of BOS Resolution No. 2004-332 - Approve the Agreement between Mohave County and Judge Jill Davis to correct the annual salary rate to $78,488, commencing on the pay period of August 23, 2004, with Mohave County agreeing not to seek reimbursement for any salary paid to Judge Davis prior to August 23,2004. 21. Approve to pay one-half of the salary for Position #200012, Program Coordinator-Victim Center, from the County General Fund, with the other half to be paid from VOCA Center State Grant Funds, as requested by Matthew 1. Smith, Mohave County Attomey. 22. Approve the appointment of Mitchell D. K. Kalauli, II, to serve as Justice of the Peace for Moccasin Precinct for the remaining unexpired term for this office, effective August 27, 2004. 23. Approve the amendments to the Public Land Use Committee Bylaws and Procedures amending Section II.B.2 - Terms, and Section IV.B.2.b - General Rules/Vote. 24. Approve the facility lease for the Mohave County Procurement & Central Services Surplus Building with R. L. Montgomery, Kingman, Arizona, for the period of one year from July 1, 2004, through June 30, 2005, "ith an option to renew for up to four additional years, in one year increments. 25. Adoption of BOS Resolution No. 2004-331 - Approving a Cooperative State Purchasing Agreement between Mohave County and the State of Arizona, and authorizing the Mohave County Procurement Manager to sign the Agreement on behalf of Mohave County. 26. Approve to extend the contract (IFB 02-B-12) with Envirosolve, Tulsa, Oklahoma, for Household Hazardous Waste Removal Collection, in the amount of $29,067.10, for the Mohave County Public Works Department, for an additional one year period. 27. Approve an award for the furnishing of Lime Soil Stabilization in the amount of $75,984, excluding tax, to Asphalt Busters, Phoenix, Arizona, for Mohave County Public Works - Road Department, in accordance with Mohave County Procurement Policy 3.8 Emergency Procurement. /' 28. Approve an Annual Pre-Qualified Vendor list beginning August 16, 2004, through December 31, 2004, for the furnishing of Soil Stabilization Product (SOILSA) to EarthCare Consultants, Tucson, Arizona, for the purpose of road maintenance and road stabilization program for Mohave C01mty roads, in accordance with Mohave County Purchasing Policy 3.10. 29. Approve the following requests for assistance in conducting the November 2, 2004 special elections: (1) Mohave County Fire Districts: Chloride Fire District ~ Fire Chief and Secretary Treasurer; Desert Hills Fire District - Fire Chief and Secretary Treasurer; Golden Valley Fire District - 3 Board Members; Grapevine Mesa Fire District - 3 Board Members; Hualapai Valley Fire District - 3 Board Members; Lake Mohave Ranchos Fire District ~ 2 Board Members; Oatman Fire District - 2 Board Members; Pine Lake Fire District - 2 Board Members; Pinion Pine Fire District - 1 Board Member; TrtLxton Fire District ~ 2 Board Members; Valley Vista Fire District - I Board Member; and (2) Mohave County Community College Districts: Community College District #4 (2 year unexpired term) ~ 1 Board Member; Community College District #5 - 1 Board Member. REGULAR AGENDA: JOHN TIMKO, FINANCIAL SERVICES DIRECTOR: 30. Discussion and possible action RE: Adoption ofFY 2004-2005 primary and secondary property Tax Levies and Rates for Mohave County taxing authorities in accordance with A.R.S. 942-17151 and 942-17254. TOM SOCKWELL, SUPERVISOR DISTRICT 2: 31. Discussion and possible action RE: Update on RFP status for construction project at the Superior Court Building in Bullhead City. 32. Discussion and possible action RE: Entering into an Intergovernmental Agreement v,ith Bullhead City to cooperate with Bullhead City in creating a long range Master Plan for Section 20, a parcel of County-owned land located behind the County buildings in Bullhead City. PETE BYERS, CHAIRMAN, MOHA VE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: 33. Discussion and possible action RE: Approve changing the location of the September 20, 2004, Board of Supervisors Meeting from Bullhead City to Kingman. 34. Discussion and possible action RE: Financial participation in the transit systems for the cities of Lake Havasu, Bullhead City, and Kingman, as continued from the July 19, 2004, BOS Meeting. BUSTER D. JOHNSON, MOHA VE COUNTY SUPERVISOR DISTRICT 3: 35. Discussion and possible action RE: Funding for the Lake Havasu Senior Center or the County Department of Public Health to hire a full time driver for transportation of our disabled seniors, as continued from the July 19,2004, BOS Meeting. ALLEN TE1HPERT. MOHA VE COUNTY ELECTIONS DIRECTOR: 36. Discussion and possible action RE: Approve cancellation of the November 2,2004 elections for the following Mohave County School and Community College Districts and appoint the following candidates who filed nomination petitions: Lake Havasu City Unified School District #1 (3-4 year seats): Rebecca Goldberg, Josephine "Jo" Navaretta, John Creason; Hackberry School District #3 (2-4 year seats): O. L. Barnett, Mary Pounds; Hackberry School District #3 (1-2 year seat): Eric Runions; Owens School District #6 (1-4 year seat): Kristina Dollarhide; Peach Springs School District #8 (3-4 year seats): Emma Clark, Adeline Crozier, Artemisa Vaughn; Topock School District #12 (1-2 year seat): Darlene Spiegel; Yucca School District #13 (1-4 year seat): Marilyn Shore; Colorado City Unified School District #14 (3-4 year seats): Fred Jessop, Scott Jessop, Ralph M. Johnson; Bullhead City School District #15 (1-2 year seat): Dale Childers; Valentine School District #22 (2-4 year seats): Stacie Delaney, Steve Beattie; Mohave County Community College District #4 (1-2 year seat): John Neal; per ARS 15-424(D). 37. Discussion and possible action RE: Approve cancellation of the November 2,2004 elections for the follO\ving Mohave County Fire Districts and appoint the following candidates who filed nomination petitions: Chloride Fire: Elaine R. Shaw - Secretary/Treasurer, Butch Watkins - Fire Chief; Fort Mohave Mesa Fire (3 Board Members): Lawrence Townsend, Benjamin Haney, Rodger Fay; Golden Shores Fire: Jim Boyle - Fire Chief, Robert L. Graminski - Secretary/Treasurer; Golden Valley Fire (3 Board Members): Steven Gainer, Lois Cherry, Victor Colvin; Grapevine Mesa Fire (3 Board Members): Ronald Ziniel; Hualapai Valley Fire (3 Board Members): Edward Schrum, Leonard A. McLeish, Sr.; Lake Mohave Ranchos Fire (2 Board Members): No appointments; Mohave Valley Fire: Mel Sorensen - Fire Chief, Robert Lane - Secretary/Treasurer; Oatman Fire (2 Board Members): Donald Burrous, Si Hainsworth; Pine Lake Fire (2 Board Members): F.D. (Dave) Haydon; Pinion Pine Fire (1 Board Member): Richard Hunt; Truxton Fire (2 Board Members): No appointments; Yucca Fire (I Board Member): Chuck Macomb; per ARS 48- 802(4). 38. Discussion and possible action RE: Approve cancellation of the November 2,2004 election for two members of the Board of Directors for the Havasu Heights Water Improvement District and appoint Linda Lujan and Sharon Mann, per ARS 48-1012(E). 39. Discussion and possible action RE: Approve the designation of all 73 Mohave County poll sites for the September 7, 2004 Primary Election and November 2, 2004 General Election, per ARS 16- 411(B). TOM SOCKWELL. MOHA VE COUNTY SUPERVISOR DISTRICT 2: 40. Discussion and possible action RE: Purchase of fogging equipment for use in mosquito control. PETE BYERS, CHAIRMAN, MOHA VE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: 41. Discussion and possible action RE: Authorize the Mohave County Emergency Management Coordinator to forward a request to the Arizona Division of Emergency Management for $200,000 in grant funding for the construction of two radio towers on the Hualapai Inclian Reservation and $15,000 in grant funding for the installation of three weather sensorlrepeater sites on the Reservation, and to develop intergovernmental agreements or other necessary agreements with Arizona Division of Emergency Management and the Hualapai Indian Tribe if and as necessary for the expenditure ofthese funds. Supporting documentation for agenda items may be reviewed in the Clerk of the Board's Office, 809 E. Beale Street, Kingman, Arizona. Pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), 1110have County endeavors to ensure the accessibility of all its programs, facilities and services to all persons with disabilities. If you need an accommodation for this meeting, please contact the Board of Supervisors office at 928-753-0731.