HomeMy WebLinkAbout081522A t ro OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF MOHAVE COUNTY, STATE OF ARIZONA Kingman, August 141h, 1922. Pursuant to recess of August 7th, the Board of Supervisors of Mohave Coun ty, rizona, met this day at 10 o'clock -.A.. U. Present:, GEO. B. AYERS, Chairman, W. B. STEP-HENS, Member, W. K. RIDENOUR, Member, JOHN M. FINES, JR., County Attorney, and ORA R. THOMPSON, Clerk. ® Minutes of the previous meeting were read ant approved. Communications were read and ordered answered and filed. The County Treasurer is hereby authorized and ordered to transfer the amount of $1,341.75 from the Highway Improvement fund to the General Road Fund. Authority Session Laws, 1917, Chapter 31, Section 6. Notarial Bond of W. L. Robinson was approved by Acting Chairman W. K. Ridenour. Geo. B. Ayers was granted two weeks leave of 'absence from the State. W. K. Ridenour was appointed acting Chairman during Chairman Ayers' absence. The following precincts were 'added to the list of election precincts established by the Board for the Primary election to be held September 12th, 1922, with the following named election officers and voting places: Precinct Voting Place Judges Inspector Burro Creek Ferguson House Jack Townsend John Deal Juan Olea Dean Nine Line Office G. E. Brown H. S. Stowe Norval Bigler White Hills Nine Office Jae. F. Zion I. W. Mouat W. T,. Parker ® On motion of Mr. Ridenour, seconded by Mr. Stephens, the following ordinance was duly put, carried and adopted. It is hereby ordained by the Board of Supervisors of Mohave County that any person who shall wilfully leave open, injure, remove or destroy any cattle guard, gate or other structure enclosing private or public property without the consent of the person, firm or corporation owning the same, is guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not more than $300.00 or imprisoned in the County Jail for a period not to exceed three months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Upon request of a delegation of citizens from Night Creek, and upon recommenda- tion of County School Superintendent, $1,500.00 was added to the Budget for a one room rural school in accordance with the provision of Sec. 2821, 1913 Civil Code. The Board proceeded to adopt the proposed Budget and fix the tax rate for the year 1922 -1923, and after making a few minor changes, the said Budget was adopted as follows: MOHAVE COUNTY BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30th, 1923• Schedule No. 1 GENERAL FUND Adopted Budget: Actual :Contingent :Estimated For Past :Expenditures: Balance :Claims and :Expenditures Fiscal Year For Past On Hand :Encumbrances:For Present :Fiscal Year :July 1,1922 : Upon Funds :Fiscal Year ASSESSOR'S OFFICE: Assessor, Salary $2400.00 $2400.00 $2400.00 Chief Deptrt Salary 1800.00 1800.00 1800.00 Deputies ( T,Salaries 450.00 200.00 250.00 350.00 Office Supplies & Expense 1500.00 17 269.18 1900.00 Auto 0.00 55o,00 6700,00 6169.18 800.00 269.18 6450.00