HomeMy WebLinkAbout100735D U';D: NO: TO VIHOIa: PURPOSE: A:.ICUI:f: KI. VOL. FIRE DEPT. 150, Sturzenegger, Henry, Salary, first half Sept.,. 67.50 151, Skinner, Otto, Salary, first half Sept., G7.50 " 152, Sturzene Ger, Henry, Salary, last half Sept., 67.50 153, Skinner, Otto, Salary, last half Sept., 67.50 " 154, Central Commercial Company, Supplies furnished 354.66 155, Cook, Earl Motor Company, Supplies furnished,_ 2.50 156, Roy G. Davis Company, Supplies furnished, 16.54 157, Kingman Motor Company, Supplies furnished, 3.51 158, Kingman hater Company, :'later - Hall and Hydrants, 94.35 159, Kingman Paint Company, Supplies furnished,. 4.44 11 160, Mohave la ner Publishing Company, To Advertisement, Fire Dept., .30 " 161, Manship, Robert, L. Jr., Services Fire Dept., 2.25 162, McConkey -Doe1la r d: Company, Inc., Supplies furnished, 51.00 163, Odd Fellow's-Bldg. Ass'n., Ground Rent, 20.00 " 164, Old Trails Garage, Supplies furnished, 19.50 " 165, Public Utilities Consolidated Corp., Telephone services, 6.50 " 166, Public Utilities Consolidated Corp., Lights and Power, 11.73 167, Peck, 71n. H. Services, Fire Dept., 3.50 168, Texaco Service Station, Supplies furnished, 17.84 169, Tarr, h1cComb & Were Cowl. Co., Supplies furnished, 21.92 170, Western Union Telegraph Company, Telegraph Services, 4.60 ORDINANCE FOR CIE ORGANIZATION AMID REGULATION OF T11E FIRE DEPARn..IENT - of the Fire District of the town of Kingman, State of Arizona, County of Mohave. Be it enacted and ordained by the Board of Supervisors of the Kingman Fire District, County of Mohave. ORGANIZATION. i SUPERVISION: It shall be the duty of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Mohave in the Fire District of Kingman to have supervi s on over the Fire Department and require the Chief Engineer to make a complete annual report concerning the department in general giving a description of the condition of the department, make suggestions and recommendations for major improvements and tell of the activities during the year. FIRE DEPARIT:=: This Organization shall be known as the.Kinplaan Volunteer Fire Department, The Fire Department shall consist of the Chief Engineer and one Assistant Chief Engineer, one Captain, one Secretary and Treasurer, and nineteen fireman, including two paid drivers. Its object shall be the preservation and protection of property from and during such fires as may occur in the Townsite and additions thereto known as the 1•_ingman Fire District, as on record in the Office of the County Supervisors. Each nrouerly equipped piece of pumping, hose carrying or ladder service apparatus in active service shall be considered a. company as hereinafter mentioned. ELECTION OF OFFICERS: The Officers of the Department shall be elected at the last refltlar meeting in the month of December of the year in which their term of office expires and shall serve for the following period of time: Chief 2 years; Assistant Chief 1 year; Captain 1 year; Secretary- Treasurer 1 year; Trustees 1 year; A majority of all votes present shall elect. OFFICERS: CFIEF EIJGIIdEER: The Chief Engineer shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Fire Department and shall be invested crith the following authorities and duties:- 1. To have direct control, management and direction of all officers and men of the Fire Department, and the power to detail any of them to such public service as he may see fit, looking to the best interest and efficiency of the Department. 2. To have direct control, management and direction of the care and use of all fire fighting facilities provided for the protection of life and property in the towh of Kingman. 3. To carry out strictly the enforcement of the rules and regulations of the Department and the povrer to suspend or remove from service any officers or firemen for cause in such a manner as is provided in these regulations. 4. To exercise supreme command over the Deportment at fires and over all equipment belonging to it. 5. To cause to be extinguished. all fires with the least possible danger to life and property and prevent unnecessary da:xa.ge by water at "fires. I.I o. To see that the „remises on rhich fires occur are left in such a manner and condition that they will not rekindle and cause further damage to life and property. 7. To observe the general condition of the Department and apparatus and any or all of the e ^,uipraent provided for the protection of life and property and make a monthly report to the supervisory body sane along ® with a complete report of the activities of the Department. 8. To make a complete investigation of each fire,: keeping a record of, and determining the cause, amount of toss to building end contents, amount of insurance coveraCe and insurance paid, number and description of each building destroyed totether ciith nomes of ot:mers r..nd occupants. 9. He shall sign all orders dra•:m on the Treasurer, and in all affairs of this Department shall exercise a general supervision. 10. The Chief Engineer and his assistants or officers in command at any fire are hereby vested with full and com_lete Dolice authority, and are hereby authorized end directed to re -wire and secure the removal of any and all obstructions from in front of and around fire hydrants, and for this purpose are hereby authorized to call upon the head of any of the municipal Departments for aid and.. assistance in securing nuc.'i removal of obstructions. 11. It shall be the duty of the Chief L'nrineer to make a permanent record of all reports of defective, ino»erative br improperly set fire hydrants, and he shall submit a rr,Dort to the '2oard of Supervisors giving the location of the hydrant, name of the maker, with a specification of the troubles. 12. It shall be the duty of the Chief to direct all operations of the Department, to call all re:ular and special meetings, to preside at all meetirgs, to preserve order, to appoint a majority of all committees, to decide all points of order that may arise, subject to an appeal from his decision to'the members or the Department, but on such an appeal a majority of all votes present shall be necessary_ to reverse pis decision, to cnst the deciding vote in the case of a tie and to obey and enforce the Laws governing a Volunteer Fire Department and the By -Laws of this Department. 13. Iie shall have a general supervision over all Fire Department property and shall specify and purchase all equipment and apparatus as provided for in Chepter 98, Section 4, of the Session Laws of Aria)na 1919. 14. ':Ia shall prepare or cause to be prepared an annual budget for the maintainence of the Deportment, such budget to be presented to the Department for approval ;.nd to be filed ,-rith the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors on or before June 15th of each year. ASSISTFLITT CHIEF E ?;GI_ =R: 1. There shall be provided an Assistant Chief Engireer. The Assistant Chief Engineer shall rank next to the Chief Engineer and shall have similar qualifications. He shall take complete charge in the absence of that officer and be invested c:ith the same authorities and duties while so acting. 2. Arrangement shall be made so that the assistant Chief Engineer will always be present in the absence of the Chief 3n[;ineer at any neeting, drill or :ire. 3. In the r.resence of the C:iief Engineer it shall be ® ;,is duty to aid t::e Chief Engineer in every possible manner, to maintain strict discipline and in::ure efficient operation of the Department. 4. In case of a vacancy in the office of Chief he shall succeed to the office of Chief for the remainder of that current term finless removed for cause as provided for in these By -Laws. CAPTAINS: (Company Officers) A company officer shall be provided and elected for each company. There shall be a connany officer for duty at all times for each company in service. They shall, under the direction of the Chief Officer, have absolute command and control of their respective companies and shall be held responsible for discipline and proper maintenance and condition of the equipment. 1. He shall be the third officer in command and shall acquaint himself rith the duties of the Assistant - Chief. 2. In case of the absence of the Assistant -Chief or .then the Assistant -Chief is acting as Chief, he shall assume the duties of the Assistant -Chief until relieved by his superior officer. 3. In case of the absence of Loth ti-,e Chief and the Assistant - Chief lie shall assume command of the Department and direct its operations until relieved by his superior officer. 4. He shall be present at all fires, if possible, and to the best of his ability, see that'the orders of the Assistant - Chief and the Chief are promptly carried out. 5. ':(hen the order 'Make up" is issued lie shall see that the hose is nroperly stored in the hose body, that all vlet or dirty hose is left out and properly cleaned and dried before being stored, that all damaged hose is left out for si.rvey, that the suection hose is properly stored, that all .Trenches and spanners used on the hose lines are returned to the apparatus and that the engine, pump end. all equipraent are made ready for immediate re -use. DUTIES OF THE SECRETARY- TREASURER: 1. It shall be the duties of the Secretary- Treasurer as Secretary to keep a record of all proceedings of the Company, to call the roll at all meetings, fires, drills, and schools and to record all absences and the imposing of all fines, to keep the books and preserve the records of the Con!;any as prescribed by these By -Laws. He shall collect all fines, dues and all other money due the Company, giving proper receipts therefor. He shall give each member at least one day's notice of any special meeting. He shall notify each person elected a member of the Company of such election. 2. It shall be the duty of the Secretary- Treasurer to receive all moneys collecged, giving a receipt of the same; to keep a regular account of all moneys received, and pay it out on the order of the Company 1tL en such orders are properly sirr.ned by the Chief and countersigned by himself as Secretary, to give a monthly account to the Company, and to make an annual itemized report of the sums received and from what sources, whether from fines, dues or otherwise, of the suns paid out, and of the balance on hand or the deficiency due, accompanied by the proper vouchers thereof. He shall submit his books and official documents to the examination of the Finance Committee, to enable them to make a nroner report. DUTIES OF TRUSTEES: - 1. There shall be three (3) Trustees elected, the duties of whom it shell be to take charge of the buildings and grounds of the department and to see that they are properly maintained. II-TFACHIAENT OF OFFICERS: - 1. Any Officer of the Department, for the abuse of his authority or misconduct in his office, may be impeached therefor and removed from his office by a vote of two- thirds of the whole number provided that the charge against him be made in writing and filed with the Secretary at least one month before any vote shall be taken upon it, and a copy of said charge shall be served upon him at least two weeks before such vote shall be taken. DRIVERS: - 1. The Driver of the Fire Engine shell be abpointed by the Chief of the Department or at ]ris option by vote of the company. IJ 2. It shall be the duty of the drivers to take charge of the engine and engine rouse and all equipment and apparatus, keeping it always in first class consition, malting sure that all equipment and apparatus are always ready for service, and subject to the inspection of the Chief. 3. Drivers in charge of pumping engines shall act as drivers thereof and - shall be ?.eld responsible for ® the care and management of their apparatus seeing that it is left clean, in good otder and read;+ for service at all times. 4. No member of any company shall drive the automobile apparatus except the regularly appointed drivers unless directed to do so by the Company Officer or the Chief Engineer; and then only in case of emergency. 5. The driver shall live within the °ire hall during the time he is on duty. 6. In case of absence or sickness the Chief shall appoint a relief driver, whose duties while acting as Driver shall be the same as the Driver. 7. The Driver shall be responsible for getting the engine to the fire encl properly maneuvering and conncctinr. same to hydrant for operation. 8. ;o have a corarlete log or record book for each piece of automobile apparatus and entries made of all operations, warm -ups, maintenance etc. 9. the Drivers shall, at all times be under the surervision and directions of the Chief Engineer. 10. Drivers shall inform their Chief Engineer of all necessary repairs on their apparatus and shall do or cause to be done .Athout further delay all of such necessary repairs. RELIEF DRIVERS: - 1. There shall be provided for each driver a subordinate who shall serve in the absence of -such regular o prator and drivers as are appointed. 2. They stall be fully instructed, trained and informed and be thoroughly capable of taking charge of apparatus and performing the necessary duties as may be required of them in the absence of the regular men. ^rIREMEN: DUTIES: - 1. It shall be the first duty of all members of this Company to obey all commands of their officers while on duty. 2. It shall be the duty of members to be prompt at all meetings; on every alarm of fire to assist in getting the apparatus to the fire and in readiness for operation as soon as nossible. 3. In general all firemen regardless of the Co:apany to which they belong shall be trained to handle any and all of the fire apparatus - provided; also to act in any desired capacity in handling first aid, fire fighting equipment, hose, chemical engines or doing, salvage work, or any other vn r!c the Chief Engineer may so desiC.nate to protect life-and property. 4. "hey shall do everything in their newer to get the fire under control, to remain at their posts of duty unless excused by the comandine officer and to m turn with apparatus from fire alarms, or drills, to the fire station. 5. Any fireman leavinC, tov:n for sometime shall inform ® the Chief Engineer immediately and obtain a leave of absence. Failure to do so shall be punishable by: FIRST 02FENSE - 10 days suspension SECOND - 30 days suspension The third offence of violation o£ this rule will be sufficient for removal from the Department. 1 'f 6. All firenen upon sounding of the alarm shall renort for duty immediately and pith all nossible speed as the Chief 'Engineer may designate. 7. Each Firemen who responds to a fire or alarm shall receive Tt ^o Dollars ($2.00) fire call for each such fire or alarm responded to. RULES OF :'RDER: 1. But one.member shall be entitled to the floor during the same neriod of time. 2. Every member desiring the privilege of the floor shall rise and address tie chair. 3. No member shall be allowed to speak until properly recognized by the chair. 4. No question can come before the Company unless properly moved, seconded and declared open to discussion by the chair. 5. Any member can call for the yeas and nays on any question when each member shall be required to answer to his name on the roll unless excused by the chair. 6. All questions, unless otherwise decided by the By -Laws, shall be settled by a raajority of the votes cast. 7. ','then a point of order is raised by any member the person having the floor shall take his seat until the Doint is decided by the chair, when, if proper, he may resume. 8. When a riotion is properly before the Company it must be disposed of before another can be entertained, nor shall motion be made subject to more than two amendments. 9. No member shall be excused from attending any regular or special meetinf,, except on the ground of absence from town, sickness or absolute necessity. 10. No member shall appear at the meetings of the Company or on duty in a state of intoxication or shall be guilty of using insulting, indecent or improper language or be guilty of conduct unbecoming a gentleman or otherwise bring disgrace upon his Company under a penalty and a fine or expulsion as hereinafter provided. hEMBERSHIP: 1. Any person of good c: and standing that has been a resident of the Kin Fire District for a period of six months and can give assurance of remaining on the Department for six months i shall be eligible for membership. 2. The age limit for entrance shall be not less than twenty -one (21) years and not more than forty -five ,(45). Each prospective member is to be voted upon separately in the order in which his name was proposed to the Department for membership. All such voting to be done by neans of secret ballot. A total of three (3) negative votes of those members present and voting, shall give cause to refuse membership. In case a candidate for membership does receive three (3) negative votes ,then he is voted upon 'for membership, his name may again be proposed for membership in the regular manner, after a period of one year has elapsed. 3. There shall be no member known as an honorary member, but should an ex- fireman desire membership In the Department, lie shall have preference to the nomination for such membership, provided that no other candidate has been nominated for membership at the last regular meeting, to be voted upon at the regular meeting at which the ex- fireman's name eras brought up for nomination. a , , l 4. No person or member of the Department can be elected Chief Engineer who has not been a member of the Department for- a•L.r_laast two t2) years. DISCIPLINE: - 1. Strict discipline shall at all times be maintained for the purpose of contributing, as a necessary factor, to the smoothness of ® operation and efficiency of the Department. 2. Conduct of firemen and officers shall at all times be of nraiseworthy order, becoming of a gentleman and representative of the 'intent of the service to be performed by the Department. 3. Any officer or member of the Department or any Comnany of the Department The shall refuse, or, voluntarily neglect, to obey or execute any orders from the officers or officer in charge of any fire,_ or . shall violate or -.vilfully neglect or refuse to be controlled, „overned or managed by any of the rules and re!;ulntions as are herein provided or may be.adopted from time to time, shall be s-abject to suspension from the Department by the Chief engineer as provided in these rules and re,.,ulations. DRILLS: - Drills shall be meld not less frequently than two times ner ir:onth during seasonable reather. RESPCITSE TO rLr1.R11S DRILLS, ACID - 'CHOOLS:- 1. any officer or member whose record of attendance shows that he has missed three consecutive meetings, scliool sessions, or drills held, re.rular meetings given over to drills or school sessions, shall be suspended from the Department. The vacancy or member suspended under this rule shall remain suspended until the next vacancy when lie may apply for reinstatement. Exemptions or exceptions to this rule in the case of individual absence may be granted by a vote of the Department. 2. ':then a ?ire Company leaves its station and the regular watch is not left on duty, a substitute shall be provided whose duty it shall be to receive all calls for 'ire on the telephone or. alarm system and to make t?ie proper resrn:nse with reserve apparatus, notifying the Chief Enrai.neer immediately of said fire or call while fire company is out on duty. ^1.JILDING I - 1. The Chief Engineer or any member he may so designate is hereby authori =ed, ermmovrered and required to inspect from time to time, but not less frequently than two (2) times yearly, all buildings and pr:!riises where accumulations of combustible materials or other hazardous conditions are liable to exist: and to order such changes or re!ravals as in ::is oninion are necessary for safety from fire; for the purr -ose of inspection lie is hereby empowered to enter any and all buildings and nre vises at any reasonable hour. 2. Also in the sa.e districts for the purpose of facilitating fire fihting, building inspections shell be made by the Department officers and members from time to time, but not less frequently than twice yearly. They are to determine the arrangement of buildings with res-ect to one enother, to familiarize themselves r-A th the inside of every buildlnf; and its contents, to study the best riethods of attacking every buildings in case of fire and to note all new construction. ® 3. Records shall be kept of all inspections including notes and sketches. "7!ese records slle'_1 'oc nade a permanent part of the records of the ?ire Department. iu 4. Any official badge or unifo -m. of the :- inr-men Volunteer Department, r;hen richtfully viorn, shall authorize the wearer to enter and inspect as iereinbefore set forth, and it shall be unlawful for any Derson or ner::on; to interfere pith, urevent', o' see]; to prevent any Inspector from entering and examining any car, structure, buildir, or thing, as herein authorized. 5. The Chief Engineer of tae Fire Depertment or his duly authorized representative:, upon findine any unsafe condition or ordinance violation relating to fire hazards, fire prevention or "ire protection, the Provisions of which are enforced by the Chief Engineer of the Fire Department, or his duly authorized representative, shall notify the person, firm or corporation responsible for such condition or violation to correct same and to comply with the token Ordinance and /or State Law, relating thereto, which notice shall be given in ariting stating a definite time (24 hours) Therein such violation shall be corrected; and any such nerson, firm or corporation failing to ccmnly with the provisions of said notice or notices shall he deemed Iuilty of a violation of this ordinance. 6. In the course of fire extinguishing operations at fires or any erergcncy.that may arise, fire officers shall have the power to prohibit the approach to such 'ire, any person, vehicle, or thing and all persons not actually and usefully employed, in the, judgment of said officers, in extinguishing of such fire or the preservation of prorerty in the vicinity thereof. 7. Any person or persons w!lo shall interfere or molest any member of said Fire De_r..artment in carrying out his line of duty small be deemed uilty of violation of this ordinance. 8. Any person who shall in any way obstruct the operations of said fire department in connection with any such fire, or any of its duties, or any of the rules and regulations contained therein, or who shall disobey any lawful command of the officers or any member of said Fire Depart - ment, in charUe at the scene of such fire, or in carrying on fire inspections and fire prevention, or on the road to any such fire or alarm received or cooperating with them shall be deemed guilty of violation of this ordinance and shall be punishable by the following: - 9. Any person or persons found guilty of any of the violations of this ordinance or any part of said ordinance shall be fined not less than y5.00 or wore than j500.00 or imprisonment of not less than seven days or more than six months in the County Jail or by both such fine and imprisonment. RECORDS: - 1. The Chief Engineer shall lP- ep the following Fire Department records: - 1. Date, Time & Location of Fire. 2. Method of Extinguishing Fire. 3. Probable Origin or Cause. 4. Amount of Property Loss. 5. Valuation of property involved at Fire. 6. Amount of Insurance Carried on Buildings and Contents. 7. Amount of Insurance Paid on Buildings and Contents. 8. Description of Building &. Contents damaLed or destroyed and name of owner and occupant. 9. How alarm was received. 10. Losses to Exposures. GENERAL. RULES: - 1. All officers and members all shall wear the badge of the Fire Department at all times. 2. Persons not connected with the Fire Department shall not be Dermitted to ride on the fire apparatus. 3. No member !hall be under the influcrice of intoxicating liquors, beverages, drugs or compounds while on duty, nor shall any of same be kept in station. Violation of this rule on the part of any member of this Department shall be punishible by immediate suspension from the Department.