HomeMy WebLinkAbout145 a Office of the Board of Supervisors Auwst 16th, 1951 i Resolution #144 - Cont'd 7. That the conditions set forth in the petition have actually been in effect for more than thirty (30) y e s. NOW, THEREFORE, TT IS ORDERED tr.1 the Board of Supervisors, in Special session, this 16th day of August, 1951 that: The petition as submitted bo and the same is hereby granted; That Railroad Street, Center Street and Wool Avenue, and the alleys as shown on the original plat of said subdivision be and they are hereby abandoned and vacated; that Hill Street and Mohave Avenue as shoun on the original plat so far as they conflict with the said Hill Street and Mohave Avenue shown on the amended plat are also abandoned and vacated. It further appearing that Lots 14, 15, 36, 37 in 9lock 1, Lots L 15, 41 and 47.n Block 2 and Lots L,, 15y 37 and 38 in Block 3 have been used for more than thirty (30) }rears as a public tho:•si.hfare known as Santa Fe Avenue, IT IS 11TREBY ORDERED that said Santa Fe Avenue be desiZymbed a public s *scot and that tho amended plat as amended by this Order is hereby approved as the official plat of the Richards Subdivi_ ion. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a certified copy hereof, together with a photostatic cop,/ of said amended plat, placed of record in the office of the Recorder o_° said Mohave County, Arizona. The foregoing resolution being submitted to a vote the Board voted as follows: Aye: - W. H. Ridenour, A. J. Mullen and Lee_ Stephens. No: None. Thereupon the Chairman declared the resolution adopted. MOHAVE C U1'ITY BO RD OF SUPEP.VISORS ra g LF.E STC CKairman ATTEST: 4/ / J. Cunnir gham, Clerk The following appointm©nts were made: Ahlville Templeran and Fd Williams, members of the Mohave County Hospital Board for the term end.in;; June 30th, 1954, In accordance with.Section 73 -505, Arizona Code Annotated 1939, the Beard of Simorvisors fined the rate on each one Hundred ("$100,00) Dollars of taxable property appearing on the tax rolls for the fiscal year 1951 - 52, as follows: MOHAVE COUNTY, ARIZONA Statement of 1951 Tax Rates and levies Total County Valuation 317,807,831.00 FUND ASSESSED DIRECT LEVY RATE PRODLrTION VALUATION General County Fund 123,814.00 .6953 123,817,00 Roa9. Fun 6,5 ,0366 6,517.00 Election Fund __,_ - - - - - - - - — County High School 116 ,426.00 .6538 116,427.00 Teachers Retirement 8,417.00 n473 8,423.00 County Apportionment 22,888.00 ,1285 ?2,883.00 Total 278,054.00 1.5615 278,068.00 State (For State purposes as levied by State Tax Commission) .9500 169,174.10 Total State & County rate 2.5115 SCHCOL DISTRICTS ;13 Hackberry 830,660.00 2,086.00 .2511 2,085.64 4 Kin,-man 7, ..;5,670,00 100,9/1:.00 1.3558 100,947.4, 4 Kinjunn Bond Red. 7,445,670.00 7,000.00 ,0940 6,998.86 4 Kingman Bond Int. 7,445,670,00 1,860.00 ,0250 1,861.40 5 Whitney 108,645.00 461.00 .4245 461.00 6 Owens 71,Q00.00 - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- 8 Peabh Springs 1,089,505.00 2,825.00 .2593 2,825.07 9 Littloficic 2,5,950,00 495,00 .2151 4N n5 1(� Mocassin 71,595.00 910.00 1,2727 909,98 11 Chloride 427,689,00 6,175.00 1.4441 6, 12 Topocl; 2,138,635.00 2,911.00 .1.361 2,910.63 13 Yucca 1, 689,c72.6O 1,336.00 ,0791 1,336.00 14 Short Greek 151,000.00 7,454.00 4.9364 7,4.53.96 15 Du2.lhead 296,000.00 .9,028.00 3.0500 9,028.00 16 Oatman 429, 073.x'0 1,418.00 ,3305 1,417.85 22 Valentine 1,!,26,300,00 1,157.00 .0811 1,156.7 FM SIE'CIAL DISTRICTS Kingman, Fire Dist, 3,020,780.00 2/ .SO26 2/;,211„14 Kin& -ran Setter Dist. 2,629,912.00 31,916.00 1.2136 31,915 Oatman Fire Dist, 90,655.00 569.00 .6280 568.97 Chloride Fire Dist, 94,607,no 1,135.00 1.1998 1,135.01 Bullhoad City Fire Dist 150,785.90 1,775.00 1.1778 1,774.94 Ft Mohave Imp, Dist, 366,995.00 1,387.90 .3780 1,386.88 The State Tax Commission, by Order No. 43- 1951 -8, increased the Valuation of F1 Paso Natural Gas Company Piro lines and grazL{; lands in various school districts, causing a delay in fixing school district rotes, An Ordinance regulating the sale of Natural G". the installation and sale of gas piping, appliances and other related matters, was considered at length by the Supervisors. A. J. Mullen proposed the adoption o_ *the fol:lowir.6 ordinance to be ?nrnm as the County of !thave Gas Ordiran 12'�6 Office of the Board of Supervisors August loth, 1951 - Cont'd Kingman, Arizona ORDINANCE 110. 11 Al•: 01DINANCE REGULATL'IG M SALE, EISTALLATIOU A: )U.IPMENANCE OF LPI'LIAIICES DCSIGIFED TO UTLIZE IUMIA.T, GAS AS A FUEL; AND REGULATING THE ItiS'iAIJA'!'IUI ;, ALTC_ItATION, AND :MAINTENANCE OF ALL PI ?D!G EXTE :'DI ;G FRO' TIM POINT OF DELIVERY OF GAS FOR LSE AS FUEL, DESIGNED ^.O COEVEY OR CARRY AS, 'f0 SUCH APPLT_IdCES, NITIIII! TFr: LIMITS OP T& COUNTY OF XOHAWE'; PROVIDBiG FOR THE I ?'ISPECTIOP? OF SAID A? °LIAi CES, AND ?I ?P.,G; P.'IOVIDIM, FOR THE ISSUANCE OF PaRb 7fS FOR Mo, INSTILUATIU',! OF SAID APPLIAITCES OR ?T_?ING A 1D THI; f,OLLECTIOT? OF IiiS?�CTICdi FEES T IEREFO ; PROUIDIIiG FO? Ili; L.'•.CE! ;SIiG n,: PERSGdS IIGAGI..G I;` 7? DUS_TtTcSS OF IaST.4LLIIIG, REPALZIIlO, OR t4A.i ?.iAI1'I1vG S: ID AP "L IA ICES OR PI ?IHG; PROVIDING PE "IJ21ES FOR TIL' VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE, Ai.'D REPEALING ALL COIRLICTIOV O.RDIITANCES. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of I•'ohave County, Arizona, as follows: SECTION 1. TITLE This ordinance shall be brown as the "Natural Gas Code" of 7-1ohave County, Arizona, and -aj be cited as such. SECTIUTI 2. PURPOSE I i The purpose of this ordinance is to provide minimum standards, provisions, and requirements for safe installation of gas appliances, gas pipinL and fittings of gas consumers. SF.0 ^ION 3. S COPE All gas appli.anoes, gas piping and fittings hereafter sold, installed, replaced, maintained, or repaired within the limits of the County of '.Mohave shall conform to the requirements of this ordinance. SECTION 4. DE The following definitions are provided for the purpose of interpretation end administration of this ordinance. (A) " Inspector" means the person appointed as Inspector, and shall include each Assistant Inspector (if any), from ti to time acting as such under this ordinance by appointment of the 3oard of Supervisors of Mohave County. (B) "Person" means any individual, partnership, firm, corporation or any other orSanized group of individuals. (C) "Gas Company" means any person distributing natural gas within the limits of the County of Mohave or authorized and proposing to so engage. (Dj "Gas" means natural :as suitable for•use as fuel, not including liquefied petroleum gases. (E) "Gas company service line" means the gas piping extending from the gas main to the point of deli (F) "Point of delivery" means the junction of the Gas Company's piping with the consumer's piping. (G) ".Yard line" means-the sas piping extending frog the property line to the outside wall of the building or premises served. (H) "House piping" means the gas piping extending from the yard line to the gas appliance or appliances. (I) "Consumer's piping" means all gas piping and fittings belonging to the gas consumer extend- j ing from the point of delivery to the outlets. (J) "Outlet" means a threaded connection in a piping system to which a gas burning appliance is or may be attached. (K) "Gas appliance " means any appliance or device used for burning natural gas or suitable for such use or intended for such use. (L) "`lent" means a pipe, flue, or chimney designed and installed to carry the products of j combustion.fron an appliance to the o atmosphere, (1M) "Tyix3 B vent" means approved vent piping of non - combustible, corrosion - resistant material of sufficiont thickness, cross - sectional area, and heat insulating quality to avoid'excess temporatn e on adjacent combustible material and certified by a nationally recognized testing agency. 01) "V appliance" moans a gas appliance designed and installed in such a manner that the products of combustion are conveyed directly to the outside atmosphere by a vent, j (0) "Approved "means accepted by reason of the satisfactory results or thorough investigations and tests conducted or accepted by the Inspoctor, or by reason of accented principles, or tests by recor, -nixed authorities, technicolor scientific organizations. i (P) "Certificate of approval" moans a document issued and attached by the i- nspector to the material, piping, or appliance installation inspected, completely filled out, together with date, address of the orem;.ses, and signed by the Inspector. SEC=)N 5. BOND AND LICENSE; (A) No person shall engage in or work at the installation, alteration or repair of any gas appliance on the consumer's premises or the installation, extension, alteration or repair of consumer's piping within the limits of the County of 14ohave for hire, until such person shall have secured a license as hereinafter provided, and shall have executed and delivered to the Coun of Mohave, a Cood and sufficient bond in the penal sum of $1000.00, with corporate surety, conditioned for the faithful porformanr" of all such work, entered upon or contracted For, in strict accordance and compliance with the terms, requirements and provisions of this ordinance. The bond herein required shall expire on the first day of January next following its approval by the County Clerk and thereafter on the First day of January of each year a new bond, in form and substance as heroin required, shall be ;iwn by such person to cover all such work as shall be done during such year. Upon approval of said bond by the County Clerk, the person desiring to do such wort: shall secure from the County Clerk a non- transferabla license which shall ran until the first day of January next u succeeding its issuance, unless sooner revoked. The person obtaining a license shall pay a license fee of $10.00 to the County Clerk. (B) Nothing herein contained shall be construed as prohibiting an individual from installing or repairing his own appliances or installing, extending, replacing, altering or repairing consumer's d piping on his o1m premises, or as requiring a license or a bond from an individual doing such work on f his own promises; provided, however. all - -h ... v _­+ + i,,.---- -- ___,.___,�__ .., .- .. Office of the Board of Supervisors August 16th, 1951 - Cont'd Kingman, Arizona SECTION 6. PERMITS (A) No person shall install a gas conversion burner, floor furnace, central heating plant, water heater, engine, boiler or consumer's piping without first obtaining a permit to do such work from the County Clark; however, permits will not be required for setting or connecting other gas appliances, or for the repair of leaks in house piping. (B) when only temporary use of gas is desired, the Inspector may issue a permit for such 1150, for a period of not to exceed sixty (60) days, provided the consumer's pining to be used is given a test equal to that required for a Final piping inspection. (C) No person, unless in the employ of Gas Company or having express authorization of gas Company, shall repair, alter or open the Gas Company's facilities or sot or remove the service moter, or do any other work on the gas supply system or Gas Company. (D) Gas Company shall not be required to obtain permits to set meters, or to extend, relocate, remove or repair its gas service lines, mains or other facilities, or for any other work having to do with its own gas system. SECTION 7. INSPECTION (A) Rough piping inspection shall be made after all pining authorized by the permit has been installed, and before any such piping has been covered or concealed or any fixtures or gas appliances have been attached thereto. (B) Final piping inspection shall be made after all pining authorized by the permit has been installed and after all portions thereof which are to be concealed by plastering or othenrise have been so concealed, and before any 'fixtures or gas appliances have been attached thereto. This inspection shall Include a pressure test, at which tine the pinin; shall stand an air pressure equal to not less than the pressure of a column of mercury twelve (12) inches in height, and the piping shall hold this air pressure for a period of at least fifteen (15) minutes without any perceptible drop. A mercury col'unn gauge shall be used for the test." All tools, apparatus, labor, and assistance necessary for the tests shall be furnished by the installer of such piping. (C) Appliance inspection shall be made upon completion of the installation of any gas appliance for which a permit has been issued or is required. SECTION 8. FEES (A) The total fees for inspection of consumer's piping at one location shall be $1.50 for one outlet, X2.50 for two to five outlets inclusive, and $0.50 for each outlet above five. (H) The fees for inspecting conversion burners, floor furnaces, boilers or central heating plants shall be $1.50 for each unit. (C) The foes for inspecting water heaters and gas engines shall be $1.00 for each unit. (D) IC the Inspector is called back, after correction of defects noted, an additional fee of $1.00 shall be made for each such return inspection. (E) Any and all fees shall be paid by the person to whom the permit is issued. i SECTION 9. CERTIFICATES The Inspector shall issue a certificate of approval at the completion of the wort: for which a specific permit has been issued, if after inspection it is found that such work complies with the provisions of this ordinance and all other requirements of law or ordinance applicable thereto. A duplicate of each certificate issued shall be delivered to the Gas Company and used as its authority to render gas service. SECTION 10, P0:1ERS AND DUTIES OF I1ISPECTOR (A) The Inspector is authorized and directed to enforce all of the pro•isionc of this ordinance, and the Inspector, upon presentation of proper credentials, may enter any building or premises at reasonable times for the purpose of .:akin, inspections or .?revonting violations of this ordinance. (B) The Inspector is authorized to disconnect any gas piping or fixture or appliance r�rich has been connected before a certificate of approval has been issued with respect to same, or which, upon ins;x- shall be found defective or in such condition as to endanger life or property. In all cases inhere such a disconnection is made, a notice shall be attached to the piping system by the In- spector, which notice shall state that the sane has been disconnected by the Inspector, together with the reason or reasons therefor, and it shall be unlawful for any person to remove said notice or re- connect said gas piping or appliance until the Inspector has attached his certificate of approval in lieu of hie prior disconnection notice. (C) It shall be the duty of the Ins victor to confer, from time to time, with representatives of Gas Company, of the .local Health Department, and the local Firs Department, and otherwise obtain from proper sources all helpful information and advice, presenting same to the Town officials from time to time for their consideration. SECTION 11. I.%TERIALS (A) All pipe used for the installation, extension, alterations, or repair of any consummr's piping shall be of standard full weight wrou;ht iron or steel pine free from defects, intornal abstraction, or other imperfections w]:Ich would render it unfit or unsafe for the purpose intended. "The ends of all threaded sections shall be properly reamed; Office of the Board of Supervisors August 16th, 1951 - Cont'd Kingman, Arizona (B) All fittings used on wrought iron or steel pipe in connection with the consumer's pining shall be of malleable iron or steel. (C) All joints between pips and fittings, unless welded, shall be screwed joints (American Standard pipe thread). Such joints shall be made up with white lead or other suitable thread compound.. (D) All unions used in consumer's piping shall be ground joint. type. SECTION 12, COTTSINER'S PIi'IR :7 (A) All consuuner's piping from the point of delivery to the first outlet shall not be less than one (1) inch in diameter. (B) All gas piping insido buildings must be securely strapped to joints or ceiling with iron straps or approved wire hangers. The use of hangers mado of nail or wood is prohibited. (C) The use of bushings in any consurer's pinion; is prohibited. (D) The use of unions in concealed locations is prohibited in house piping. (E) Outlets for instantaneous water heaters and gas ranges shall be not less than three rcurt.hs (3/4) inch pipe, and all outlets for central heating plants shall be not less than. one (1) inch pipe. (F) The minimum size of cutlets shall be one -half (1/2) inch pipo. (0) All outlets shall extend throiu,h the floor, wall or ceiling not less than two and ore -halt (2 -1/2) inches. Floor outlets shall bo at least two (2) inches from the wall, hall outlets shall be at least two (2) inches from the floor, coilin.�; and other walls. (H) Where an underground :peter is used, the consumer's piping shall be provided with a suitable stop cock (sill cool.,) at a point above ;round where the gas lien enters the building. (I) Any outlet located in a fireplace dosi•gned for soli:? fuel shall be controlled by an approved ope °atin; valve located in the saruc room and outside of the hearth but not more than four (4) feet fror: such outlet. (7) If air or oxygen under pressure is interconnected with the gas piping system, an approved springy leaded check val-,e shall be installed to pre•rent any air or oxygen from entering the gas piping. (K) Underground pipe shall be at least one(1) foot underground wherever practical. (L) No gas line shall. be buried or in contact ud.th tho ground under any building or structure or trade any foundation thereof. (M) idhite load or other suitable joinirg material shall be used sparingly and applied only to the male threads in making up joints. All joint connections shall be thoroughly cleaned. (Id) In no case shall a supply pipe to any gas appliance be installed having a diameter s,:alle- than the inlet correction of the appliance. (0) In no case shall an e-tension to piping;; be made from pipe of smaller size than the extension. (P) The hourly volume of gas required at each outlet shall be taken as not less than the maximum hourly rating, ac specified by the manufacturer of the appliance or appliances to be connected to each such outlet. (Q) Where the manu_ractuurer's rating cf an appliance is given in British Thermal tints (B.T.J.) per hour, this rating shall be divided by the heating value of the gas to be delivered in R.T.U. per cubic foot, to obtain the corresponding gas doniand irr cubic feet per hour. (R) Where the gas appliances to be installed have not boon definitely specified, Table 1 may be used as a reference to r_stiriato the approximate requirements in cubic feet per hour of typical appliances. TABLE 1 APPROYD -SATE NAXIMM-1 DEMAND OF TYPICAL GAS APPLIANCES IN CUBIC FIST PER HOUR Appliance Demand Domestic gas range 50 Storage water heater- up to 30 -gal. tank 30 Storage water heater- 40 to 50 Gal. tan!: 45 Instantaneous coil hater heaters: Capacity 2?: Gal. per min. 100 Capacity 3 gal. per min. 125 Capacity 4 gal. per mom. 160 Capacity 6 gal. per min.. 240 Capacity 8 gal. per min. 320 Gas refrigerator 3 Gas steam radiators - per section 2 ,Mall heaters 20 Steam boilers - per horsepower 50 Restaurant range: 4 top burners, 2 ovens 150 6 top burners, 2 -4 ovens 240 (S) The sine of consumer's pining sh be determined as follows: (1) To dotcrnine the sizes of pipe in house pip-in,,: (a) Measure the length of pipe from the point where the gas supply enters the the building to the most remote outlet in the building. (b) In Table 2, select the vertical coluum showing that distance, or next longer distance if the table does not "ive: the exact length. (c) Use the vertical'column'so selected to locate all g..s demand figures for this particular system of gas piping. h 1230 Office of the Board of Supervisors August 16th, 1951 - Cont'd Kingman, Arizona (d) Starting at the most remote outlet, find in the vertical column so selected, the gas demand for that outlet. If the exact figure of demand is not shown, choose the next larger i figure below in the same column. (e) Opposite this demand figure, in the first column at the left in Table 2, will be found the correct size of pipe required to serve such outlet. (f) For each succeeding section of pipe determine the total gas demand supplied by such section and then proceed in the manner outlined above to determine the size of each section of pipe. (2) To determine the size of the yard line: (a) Measure the length of yard line from the point of delivery to the building supply inlet. (b). In Table 2 select the vertical colum showing that distance, or the next longer dis- tance if the table does not give the exact length. (c) In this vertical column select the figures corresponding to the demand figure of the house pining. If the exact figure of demand is not shown, choose the next larger figure below in the same column. (d) Opposite this demand on the same line will be found the minimum size of pipe allowabl . At no time shall the yard line be smaller in diameter than the house supply inlet. (3) For conditions other than those covered by Table 2, such as longer runs of piping, greater gas demands or pressures at the point of delivery higher than 11 inches or lower than 7 inches of water column pressure, the size of piping required may be calculated by means of standard engineering methods, in a manner satisfactory to both the Inspector and the gas Company. TABLE 2 MAXIMUM CAPACITY IN CUBIC FELT PER HOUR DISTANCE IN FEET NOMHU SIZE PIPE 10' go 20' Lo Z01 60' 70' 80' 20' 100' 125' 150 200' 2" 135 95 80 65 60 55 30 45 43 40 37 35 30 3/4" 385 200 160 135 125. 11.0 105 95 90 85 80 70 60 1 " 560 380 305 260 230 210 190 180 170 165 150 130 110 1 - 1/4" 1160 800 635 550 485 440 405 370 350 330 295 265 225 1 - 1/2" 1700 1200 960 825 730 665 610 565 535 500 445 395 340 2 " 3200 2200 1875 1590 1400 1275 1.170 1090 1025 965 850 775 665 2 -1/2" 5100 3700 3000 2600 2300 2150 2010 1890 1775 1675 1450 1300 1100 EXAMPLE ILLUSTRATIIIG USES O F TABLES 1 AND 2 Problem: With gas delivered at an eight (8) inch water column pressure, determine the required pipe size of each section and each outlet of the piping system described as follows: . The house piping serves a 30- gallon storage water heater, a gas refrigerator, a domestic gas range and a 135,000 B.T.U. heating plant. The appliances in the order named are located at outlets A, B, C and D, with the gas storage.water heater being connected to outlet A, sixty (60) feet from the point where the pipe enters the building. The distance from the building to the property line (length of yard line) is seventy (70) feet. Solution: Maximum gas demand of outlet A - 30 cubic feet per hour (from Table 1). Ahxdmum gas demand of outlet B - 3 cubic feet per hour (from Table 1). Mud.mum gas demand of outlet C - 50 cubic feet per hour (from Table 1). MLxdmvn gas demand of outlet D - 135 cubic feet per hour (135,000 B.T.U. per hour) The length of house piping to the most remote outlet (outlet A) is 60 feet. Using column marked 60' in Table 2. Outlet A, supplying 30 CFH, requires 1/2" pipe (due to water heater connection being 1/2 "). Section 1, supplying outlet A, or 30 CFH, requires 1/2" pipe. Outlet B, supplying 3 CFH, requires 1/2" pine (minimum size permitted). Section 2, supplying outlets A and B, or 33 CFH, requires 1/2" pipe. Outlet C. supplying 50 CFH, requires 3/4" Pipe (due to range connection being 3/4 "). Section 3, supplying outlets A, B. and C. or 83 Mi. requires 3/4" pi Outlet D, supplying 135 CFH, requires 1 pipe (minimum size permittedT Section 4, supplying outlets A, B, C, and D, or 218 CFH, requires 1-1/4" Pipe. The maximum demand of outlets A, B, C, and D, is 218 DFH. The length of the yard line is seventy (70) feet. Using the column marked seventy (70) -feet in Table 2: The yard line required is one and one - quarter (1 -1/4) inch. (Note - if the yard line had been shorter, such as fifty (50) feet in length, Table 2 would have shown a nominal size of one (1) inch. A one and one - quarter (1 -1/4) inch size, however, would be required, because Section 4 of the house piping in the preceding illustration is one and one- quarter (1 -1/4) inch and a reduction in size is not permissible. (T) Notwithstanding provisions in.this section to the contrary, consumer's piping and /or appliances installed prior to the adoption of this ordinance may be converted to use natural gas, if the Inspector finds, upon inspection and proper test, that such piping and/or appliances will render reasonably satisfactory gas service to the consumer and will not in any way endanger life or property; otherwise such'piping shall be altered or replaced, in whole or in part, to conform with the requirements of this section. SECTION I I LEAKS A Leaks in house piping and appliances shall be located by applying soapy water to the exterior of the pipsn� or fitting. (B) Fire or acid shall not be used to locate leaks in house piping or appliances nor shall water be introduced into the house piping. (C) House piping or fittings, when found to be defective, shall be promptly removed and replaced with sound material; repair of such piping and fittings is prohibited. (D) 'No gas fitter's cement, sealing wax or similar materials shall be used to stop leaks or to otherwise repair any consumer's piping. SECTION INTERCONI�CTION OF GAS PIPING SYSTEMS A It shall be unlawful to connect any gas appliance in such a manner that such appliance may receive gas from more than one point of dalive�y` (B) The installation, use and/or maintenance of a gas valve which makes it possible to turn on, control or otherwise direct the flow of gas from one system of gas piping to another, where such systems are supplied with gas from separate meters, is prohibited. SECTION 15. &TER LOCATIONS (A) A meter location shall be provided for the building or premises to be served, and the location shall be such that the mater connectinns n.rw wwai.ly - -d +. + J231 Office of the Board of Supervisors August 16th, 1951 - Cont'd Kingman, Arizona heating appliance. No meter shall be placed in any other location where it will be inaccessible or be liable to Injury. 1bter location, dimensions, and type of installation shall be designated by the Gas Company, consistent- ly with this ordinance. (B) 4lhera more than one (l) mater is set for certain promises, they shall all be set at one location, except where impractical. In multiple meter installations, each separate gas piping system shall be plainly identified with a metal tag at the meter location. SECTION 16. SALE OF APPLIANCES All gas appliances hereafter sold, offered for, sale, or installed within the limits of the County of Mohave shall be of a design and construction approved as to safety, efficiency, and disability by the American Gas Association, Inc. Laboratories, or a similar nationally recognizes testing agency, and such appliances, except ranges, shall bear information showing the rated heat input in B.T.U. per hour. All gas appliances here- after sold or offered for sale shall be in sa.fe.operating condition. SECTION 17. APPLIANCE _IIISTALLATIONS (GENEULLY) A Appliances shall be adequately supported, arul so connected to the piping as not to exert undue strain on the connection. (B) Appliances shall be installed so that their continuous operation will not create a fire hazard to persons or property. (C) No appliance shall be installed where facilities for ventilation do not permit the proper combus- tion of the gas (see Section 20 - Ventilation). (D) Approved semi -rigid aluminum gas tubing may be used to connect appliances, provided such tubing is of adequate capacity, not over six,(6) feet in length, and connected to an outlet located in the same room with the appliance. The use of brass or copper tubing is prohibited. (E) The use of rubber hose is prohibited except when used with laboratory or shop oquipment of a port- able nature. Such connections shall have a cut -off valve installed at the outlet. (F) No device or attachment shaLl be installed on any appliance which in any way may impair the combus tion of gas. (G) Every appliance shall be properly adjusted after being installed and the consumer shall be instructed as to its safe operation by the installer of such appliance (see Section 22 - Adjustments). (H) All vent connected appliances, except incinerators, sball be equipped with draft divertors, appro d as to desi and capacity. `I) No gas appliance shall be so located that it cannot be readily adjusted. (J) All water heaters, all types of central heating equipment, all circulating heaters designed to be vented, unit heaters, and floor furnaces shall be connected to adequate vents, conforming to'provisions of Section 19 of this ordinance. (K) No water heater shall. be installed in any bathroom, bedroom or unventilated closet. (L) Where the approval requirements of an appliance are such that a gas appliance pressure regulator is .required, an approved safety typo regulator only shall be used. (M) All gas appliances must have a cut -off valve at the outlet where the appliance is to be installed. (N) All gas appliances that are automatically controlled must have an approved safety device designed to automatically cut off the gas supply in the event the pilot light is extinguished from an„y cause. (0) No appliance shall be installed which is not susceptible of adjustment to effect complete combus- tion of the gas supplied to it under all reasonable service conditions. (P) A device that will effectively limit steam pressure shall be installed with each steam boiler. A device that will effectively limit !hot water temperature shall be installed with each heating boiler of a hot water type. (Q) Each gas furnace, or furnace converted to burn gas, shall have a readily accessible hand - operated shut -off valve located on the main line between the pilot line and the furnace. (R) All electric wiring done in connection with the installation of gas appliances shall be in accord- ance with recognized good practice and shall conform rrith all existing codes. SECTION 18 FLOOR FURNACE IIISTALLATION A The installation of floor furnaces shall be made in accordance with the provisions of this ordinan . (B) The floor around the furnace shall be braced and headed with a framework of material not lighter than the joists. The inside dimensions of framework shall be approximately one -half (1/2) inch longer and wider than the furnace to be installed. (C) A11 floor furnaces, including those having s -_ngle or dual wall register outlets, shall be install& without alterations, extensions, or changes of any kind in the furnace. (D) No automatic pilot- shut -off shall be installed on a floor furnace that has not been approved for such furnace. (E) All floor furnaces shall be equipped with an approved pressure regulator vented into the fire box adjacent to a constant burning pilot. (F) The bottom of the floor furnace shall have at least eight (8) inches clearance from the ground. When such clearance is not present, the ground below and to the sides of the furnace shall be excavated to form a basin -like pit under the furnace so that there is at least eight (8) inches clearance beneath and eight (8) inches clearance on all sides of the furnace, except the control side which shall have sufficient clearance (of not less than twelve (12) inches) to conveniently adjust and service the furnace. (G) Whenever excavation is required and water seepage is apparent wider the house, a water tight pan or concrete pit shall be used, If a pan is used, it shall be made of not less than twenty-four (71,) gauge galva ized iron or sixteen (16) ounce copper and suitably anchored in place. When a pan or nit is used, the walls shall extend at least four (4) inches above the ground level; with eight (8) inches clearance on all sides except the control side which shall have sufficient clearance (of not less than twelve (12) inches) to conveniently adjust and service the furnace. (H) Adequate provisions shall be made for easy access to the furnace under the house and adequate craw trenches where required. Such trench shall provide a clearance of thirty -six (36) inches from the bottom of the joist to the bottom of the trench and be at least twenty -four (24) inches wide. SECTION 19. VENTS A Vent pipes for floor furnaces must be of Type "B" vents and vent pines for central heating furnaces must be of standard galvanized iron of not less than twenty -six (26) gauge or approved Type "B" vents. Type "B" vents are not to be used on incinerators, appliances which may be converted readily to the use of solid or liquid 'fuel'; „or furnaces or other installations that will produce flue gas temperatures in excess of 550 F. at the outlet ".of the draft hood when burning gas at the manufacturer's input rating. (B) The joints of metal vent pipe shall be secured together with metal screws, rivets, or approved clamps. (C) Every vent pipe or connection between an appliance and the chimney or flue shallbe at least as large as the vent collar of the appliance; provided, that vent pipes from appliances originally used for fuel othe 'than gas, when converted for gas consumption, may be smaller than the vent collar of such appliance, so long as the vont contains a cross- acctional area of not less than one (1) square inch for every 4000 b.t.u. per hour capacity of the appliance burner if the vent is round, and double such cross - sectional area if the vent is not round; provided t further, that in no case shall the cross - sectional area of any vent be less than seven (7) square inches (3” pipe). (D) Where the appliance has more than one vent connection. or where more than one appliance is connected I�32 T Office of the Board of Supervisors August 16th, 1951 - Cont'd Kingman, Arizona to the flue. All branch connections to the lateral run of a vent pipe shall be made with "Y" connections. (E) All vents shall extend through the roof as near ridge as practicable with laterals in the attic not less than thirty degrees (30) from the horizontal. (F) Vent or vents shall be installed so as to create a draft at all times Generally, this will requi that the top of the vent will be two (2) feet above any obstruction within fifteen (15) feet. Vents extending twelve (12) inches or more above the roof shall be adequately supported. (G) The installation of a vent cap or other device on the outlet of an appliance vent is required to prevent admittance of moisture or foreign matter into the vent pipe. Such vent cap or other device must be designed so that it trill not obstruct the free passage of products of combustion to the outside atmosphere. (H) Vent pipes passing through any closet or other enclosed space used for the storajo of clothing, household goods, or other combustible materials shall be Type "B" vents or vitreous lined masonry clnimneyp (I) hbodmun length of lateral vents shall not be more than seventy -five per cent (75 °) of vertical height of vent or chimney. (J) All lateral vent pipes shell be supported at every joint by perforated strap iron not less than one - sixteenth (1/16) inch in thicknaas securely fastened. (K) adhere Typo "B" vents are used, they shall not be closer than one (1) inch to any combustible material, and no asbestos mill board shall bo required. (L) Vent pipes other than Typo "B" shall not be closer than two (2) inches to any combustible material, and in all cases where vent pipes are less than four (4) inches from any combustible material, the same shall be protected with asbestos mill board of not less than one - quarter (1/4) inch thiclawess. (M) In underfloor areas, the minimum pitch upward o_" lateral runs of vents from the appliance must be i at least one -half (1/2) inch per foot. (N) The installation of dampers in the vent pipe attached to any appliance equipped with a draft diverter is prohibited. All dampors must be constructed so that the setting at the damper can be locked in place (0) Floor furnaces shall be installed so that the connections from the draft diverter to the flue can be made without the use of more than throe (3) forty -five degree (45 elbows. The installation of ninety degree) (90) elbows in lateral vent piping is prohibited, except when starting a vertical rise. (P) Floor furnaces, circulators, water heaters or ceiling units, shall not be vented to a masonry or metal flue which has any side exposed to the weather, or to an unheated space for its entire length or height. (Q) Connections with lateral vent pipes to transite or other Typo "B" vents mist be made with fittings designed by the vent manufacturer for this purpose. (R) The connecting of a mechanical exhaust system to any chimney or flue into which any gas bearing appliances are vented is prohibited, SECTION 20 VENTHATION A No gas fired equipment shall be installed in a basement, bathroom, or wider buildings, or within any other enclosed space unless adequate provision has been made to admit to the space sufficient fresh air to support combustion. The minimwn cross - sectional area of ventilation required shall be equal to one (1) square inch for every thousand B.T.U. per hots of the total input rating of all appliances installed or operating within the room or enclosure. (B) No installer or individual shall install or cause to be installed a ventilating fan in a residence, apartment, hotel, or coccaercial cookinZ establishment unless there shall be a permanently opened ventilator or an opening or series of openings at least equal in area to the total square inches in the exhaust opening of the fan or fans. SCTION 1 APPLIANCE IIISTALLATIONS SPECIAL RE UIRK ENTS A In addition to the other provisions container] in this ordinance, the following special requirements shall be complied with in the installation of appliances in tourist courts or camps, hotels and lodging houses: (1) All heaters and water heaters shall be of the fully vented type, IF)., having an enclosed combustion chamber and equipped with a draft diverter, and such appliances shall be vented in accordance with the standards contained in this ordinance. (2) Each room or apartment containing a heating unit that obtains its combustion air from the space being heated must have an adequate opening to admit fresh air at all times. Such opening shall not be of a stiller area than six (6) squ re inches. (3) AdogLzte hectir.G equipment must be supplied so tluat gas cookirq; mites and hot plate burners trill not be used for heating purpose. (B) It shall be the duty of the Inspoctor to make inspections of all tourist courts or camps, hotels and lodging houses within his jurisdiction to insure compliance with provisions of this ordinance. SECTIC•N 22 ADJUSTI'L'NTS A, Every gas appliance heroafter installed shall be properly adjusted by the person making the install. tion, and no such appliance, following the installation, shall be left connected to the gas piping unless every reasonable precaution has boon employed to insure safe operation of the burners and proper combustion of the Gas,) due attention being given to draft conditions, vents and ventilation. (B) In no case shall an appliance be fired or adjusted to pass a Lroater amount of gas than Qlc rated capacity. I SECTION 23, UNAMIORIZE-D DEVICES No person shall sell, or offer for sale, lease, connect, or install within the limits of the County of Mohave any devico purporting to reduce gas consumption when such device is tended as an adjunct or addition to a gas appliance, which in any way will reduce the effectiveness of ignition of the gas issuing from the burner or impair combustion of said burner. SECTION 24, 1•1ADTEITeME All Gas piping, vents, vent connections, and appliances shall be maintained in good condition; provided, however, that no gas pining, vent, vent connection, fixture, or appliance not conforming to the requirements of this ordinance shall be used or maintained if the use or maintnnance thoroof woule. endanger life or property, and no gas appliance shall be operated, which in the opinion of the Inspector, is not provided with ample ventilation. SECTION 25, VIOLATIONS AND PEIIALTIES Any parson that shall fail to comply with or violate any of the provisions of thIF ordinetnro shall be l silty of a rSsderc anor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not less than $25.00 nor more than ;)300..0, or the license of such parson may be revoked, or both fine and revocation of license may be imposed; provided, however, nothing herein shall be hold as fixing any penalty contrary to any penalties provided by the laws of the State for the same offense. SECTION 26, N017 LIABILITY OF COUNTY This ordinance shall not be construed as imposing upon the County of I•1ohave any liability or responsibil- ity for danages to any person injured by any defect in any gas pining or appliance mentioned heroin, or by instal tion thereof, nor shall the County of Mohave or any official or employee thereof bo held as assuring any such liability, or responsibility b reason of the inspection authorized hereunder or the certificate of approval issue by the Inspector. SECTICN 27, VALIDITY If any section, sub- section, sentence, clause, or phrase of this ordinance is, for any reason, hold to be unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this ordinance. The Board of Supervisors of the County of I?ohave hereby declares that it would have passed this ordinance and each section, sub - section, sontence, clause, or phrase thereof, irrespective of the fact that anv mina '23 3 - - Office of the Board of Supervisors August 16th, 1951 - Cont'd Kinsman, Arizona SECTIC11 283 ORDINANCES REPEALFD All ordinances, or parts of ordinances, in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. SECTION 29, CONFLICTS It is not intended - that any provision of thlo ordinance conflict with or impair the jurisdiction of the Arizona Corporation Commission and to the extent of any such conflict the jurisdiction of the Arizona Corporation Coniission, if and when exercised, shall . control, SECTION 30, EMMCETICY CLAUSE To preserve the public peace, health and safety, it is necessary that this ordinance become immediately operative. It is, therefore, declared to be an emergency measure to take effect on its passage by the Board of Supervisors, and publication, as required by lair, and it is so ordained, PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Mohave this 16th day of August, 1951. Signed by the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of !tohave County, Arizona, and attested to by the Clerk of the Board this 16th day of August, 1951. MOHAVE COUNTY BOARD OF S By IuE STEPIMNS, Chai (SEAL) ATTEST: J. Clerk A PPROVED AS TO FO.R,`1: CARL D. HAPMOND, County Attorney There being no further business to cone before the Board, the meeting was adjourned. MOHAVE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS By ' STEFfLF 5, Ch irrnan ATTEST: J. CUNNIClG , Clerk Off' -cc of the Board of Supervisors August 17, 1951 i ;i,rMnn, Arizona The 1,ard o' Supervisors met this l7th da, of Aua;tst 1951 in Special Session, present Lee Stephens, Chairvan, A. T. ?'upon, F ;earr and J.T. C,anrin7har^, "1erk. In answer to the Su,:iervisorz call for bids for three 3G 1 .Ltt F. M.'Iobile Units for use of the Kingnan Volunteer Fire.Departre::t, the following bid was received: The Radio Corporation of America offered Three 30 :iatt C. '% M Mobile Units G�cplete for $1,497.00 :Action on this hid was held over for the Scptemlher l rr-Lular meeting, There beinC no further business to come before the 2eard, the reetin was adjou_•ned, " X)EAVE Cp -,,TY `OARD OF SUPC!ZVI =O.L BY 'Zee Stephens, Cha' .an Ail'EST: Cr I 9 I i J Cunningh,m, Clerk