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HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/06/2015 BOS AgendaMOHAVE COUNTY BOARD of SUPERVISORS P.O. Box 7000 700 Nest Beale Street Krignan, Anzona 86402 -7000 V%dmile— 7CD —(928) 7530726 Disrtryrict 1 District District District District 928 Natso722 ild Angi 713 Buster D. Johnson Jean Bishop Steven Mass 758 0 (928) 453-0724 (928) 753-8618 (928) 758-0739 CountyPdministraxtor /County Engineer Telephone Hendrix P.E. FAX 1928) 7 8-4957 AGENDA NOTICE OF REGULAR MEETING AND PUBLIC HEARINGS OF THE MOHAVE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS APRIL 06, 2015 — 9:30 AM 700 W. BEALE STREET - KINGMAN, ARIZONA Clerk of the Board Telephone 928753-0731 R v!s d78 2 015 If the public wishes to address the Board regarding Public Hearings or Regular Agenda Items, they may fill out the Request to Speak Form located in the back of the room (speaking on items, other than Public Hearings, will be at the discretion of the Chairperson). The form should then be given to the Clerk of the Board prior to the meeting. The time limit rule, noted on the form, will be enforced. MEMBERS OF THE MOHAVE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS WILL ATTEND EITHER IN PERSON OR BY TELEPHONE CONFERENCE CALL. THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MAY, BY MOTION, RECESS INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION TO RECEIVE LEGAL ADVICE FROM THE BOARD'S ATTORNEY(S) ON ANY ITEM CONTAINED IN THIS AGENDA PURSUANT TO A.R.S. 38- 431.03 (A) (3) & (4). 9:30 AM MEETING CALLED TO ORDER WITH INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. MOTION AND ACTION TO CALL FOR AN EXECUTIVE SESSION TO BE HELD APRIL 20, 2015, AT 9.30 AM OR AT THE CONCLUSION OF THE REGULAR MEETING, WHICHEVER IS LATER, FOR DISCUSSION AND CONSULTATION WITH LEGAL COUNSEL IN ACCORDANCE WITH A.R.S. 38- 431.03 A) 3) & (4) TO DISCUSS ITEMS NOTICED ON THE AGENDA WITH AN ASTERISK. OFFICIAL BUSINESS TO COME BEFORE THE BOARD: 1. Discussion of pending or contemplated litigation claims and demands. 2. Committee and /or Legislative Reports. 3. County Administrator's Report. 4. Approval of the March 2, 2015 BOS meeting minutes and the March 11, 2015 BOS special meeting minutes. Those wishing to address the Board at the Call to the Public regarding matters not on the Board agenda must fill out and submit to the Clerk a Call to the Public - Request to Speak Form located in the back of the room prior to the meeting. Action taken as a result of public comments will be limited to responding to criticism, referral to staff, or placing a matter on a future Agenda. Comments are restricted to items not on the Regular Agenda with the exception of the Consent Agenda, and must relate to matters within the jurisdiction of the Board.
PROCLAMATION• PowerTalk 219 Day PRESENTATION: 2014 Mohave County Service Awards Mohave County Employee Benefit Trust (MCEBT) BOARD OF SUPERVISORS CONSENT AGENDA Items 5 - 40) The following items listed under CONSENT AGENDA will be considered as a group and acted upon by one motion with no separate discussion of said items, unless a Board Member so requests. In that event, the item will be removed from the CONSENT AGENDA for separate discussion and action. 5. Recommend Approval of an Application for Extension of Premises /Patio Permit for Hooch's 95 Bar & Grill, 5575 Hwy 95, Fort Mohave, Arizona; event dates April 22 -26, 2015. 6. Recommend Approval of an Application for Special Event Liquor License for Meadview Area Chamber of Commerce, 330 Meadview Boulevard, Meadview, Arizona; event date May 16, 2015. 7. Adoption of BOS Resolution No. 2015 -055 RENAME ONE ROAD NAME in Riverview Ranches, Unit 3, Tract 4005 -C, from RIVER PLACE to RIVER VALLEY PLACE (off River Valley Road), located in Section 13, Township 19 North, Range 22 West, in the Fort Mohave vicinity of Mohave County, Arizona. (Commission recommended approval by unanimous vote) - Development Services 8. Adoption of BOS Resolution No. 2015 -056 ZONING USE PERMIT on Assessor's Parcel No. 226- 09 -001, for an off - premise sign in a C -2H (General Commercial Highway Frontage) zone, in the Fort Mohave vicinity (east side of State Highway 95 and the Frontage Road, north of Pinion Road), Mohave County, Arizona. (Commission recommended approval by unanimous vote) - Development Services 9. Adoption of BOS Resolution No. 2015 -057 ZONING USE PERMIT on Assessor's Parcel Nos. 324- 22 -656 and 324- 22 -658A, for a one - thousand gallon above - ground propane dispensing tank in a C -211 (General Commercial Highway Frontage) zone, in the Kingman vicinity (southeast corner of Bond Street and Butler Avenue, north of Northern Avenue), Mohave County, Arizona. (Commission recommended approval by unanimous vote) - Development Services 10. Approve Amendment #4 for Contract #ADHS12- 010888, Commodity Supplemental Food Program CSFP /SFMNP Services) for fund 233 -04 -5150, between Arizona Department of Health Services and Mohave County Department of Public Health (Nutrition Division) and revised budget. - Department of Health 11. Approve Amendment #1, for Contract #ADHS14- 071554, STD Services Program (231 -04- 5170), between Arizona Department of Health Services and Mohave County Department of Health Nursing Division), and revised budget. - Departmentof Health 12. Adoption of BOS Resolution No. 2015 -059 approving the Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) between Mohave County and the City of Bullhead City to provide weatherization services in support of the City of Bullhead City's ongoing Housing Rehabilitation Program. - Community Services 13. Approve contract amendment No. 13 to Contract No. DE111010001, the Intergovernmental Agreement between the State of Arizona Department of Economic Security and Mohave County, increasing the Contract Ceiling for PY12 /FY13 Workforce Investment Act Youth, Adult and Dislocated Workers grant by $2,809 from $4,615,611 to $4,618,420, add PY12 /FY13 WIA Section reallocated funds to be expended by May 31, 2015, and approve new budgets for program funds 88189463 (PY12 Adult Admin, $5), 88189464 (PY12 Adult Pgm, $78), 88189465 (FY13 Adult Admin, $50), 88189466 (FY13 Adult Pgm, $716), 88189467 (PY12 Youth Admin, $49), 88189468 PY12 Youth Pgm, $584), 88189469 (PY12 DW Pgm, $10), and 88189471 (FY13 DIN Pgm, 1,317). - Community Services
14. Approve Amendment No. Two to Lease Agreement No. 12- SF -15, Community Services Bullhead City office location, with Bleaden Management, Inc., Bullhead City, AZ, for lease space located at 720 Hancock Road, Bullhead City, AZ, for a two (2) year renewal term from April 14, 2015 through April 13, 2017, with all other lease provisions remaining the same, on behalf of Community Services Department. - Procurement 15. Approve Mohave County's continued utilization of City of Tucson cooperative Contract No. 041123 P -Card Program with JP Morgan Chase, Tucson, AZ, for the effective renewal term retroactive to November 15, 2014 through November 14, 2017, with all other existing terms and conditions of the P -Card Program remaining the same. - Procurement 16. Approve disposal of Equipment No. 5438 Water Tank only (not including trailer), unauctionable surplus property, utilizing Contract No. 10 -B -27 Sale of Recyclable Metals awarded to KAR Recycling Center, Kingman, Arizona, in accordance with Mohave County Procurement Code, Article VIII Materials Management, Section 2 Materials Management Guidelines (2) and A.R.S. §11- 251(9), and authorize County staff to sign all necessary and convenient documents on behalf of the County as a part of the disposal. All proceeds from recycling, will be deposited into 20534300 the fund from which it was initially purchased. - Procurement 17. Approve award of Contract No. 15 -P -01, Online Surplus Auction Services, to The Public Group, LLC, Provo, Utah, for a one (1) year period commencing on May 15, 2015 through May 14, 2016, with the sole option of the County to renew the contract for four (4) additional one -year periods, on behalf of the Procurement Department. - Procurement 18. Approve Cooperative Procurement Agreement signed in counterpart, with the City of Surprise, Arizona in accordance with Mohave County Procurement Code, Article X, Section 3 Intergovernmental Procurement Agreements Required; approve utilizing City of Surprise's Cooperative Contract No. COS10 -022 Investment Management Services awarded to Publk: Financial Management (PFM) Asset Management, LLC (Phoenix, AZ), to provide investment advisory services, effective upon date of approval by the Board of Supervisors through May 16, 2016; and terminate County's Contract No. 14 -P -03 Investment Advisory Services with Davidson Fixed Asset Management (Phoenix, AZ) effective upon this date. - Procurement 19. Approve the Monthly (February, 2015) Report for Procurement Activity between $10,000 and 50,000. - Procurement 20. Approve award of Contract No. 15 -B -04, Hualapai Mountain Road Drainage Project, to T.R. Orr, Inc., Kingman, Arizona, in the amount of $114,887.00; and approve a project contingency of 15 %, equivalent to $17,233.05. Total project cost is $132,120.05, on behalf of the Mohave County Public Works Department - Engineering Division. Funding for this project was originally approved as part of the FY15 Adopted Engineering Budget in the amount of $200,000.00 sourced to 20534301. - Procurement 21. Approve utilizing Mohave Cooperative (MESC) Contract No. 130 -PSC -1107, Hazardous Materials Handling /Disposal Services and Related Supplies, with PSC Environmental Services, LLC, Phoenix, AZ. to provide household hazardous waste collection events in both Kingman and Bullhead City, and to provide hazardous waste collection services on an as needed basis for an annual not to exceed amount of $82,000.00 on behalf of Mohave County Development Services Department - Environmental Quality /Waste Disposal Division. Funding for these services were approved as part of the FY15 Adopted Budget, sourced to 505 -06- 7004.- Procurement 22. Approve funding for the replacement of Sheriff's Patrol Vehicle, Unit No. 9264, with a new 2015 Chevy Tahoe , inclusive of tax, delivery, emergency vehicle rigging, replacement computer components, and replacement radio for an amount not to exceed $51,000.00; utilizing the Vehicle Replacement Fund (604 -01- 2100), and authorizing the Procurement Director to sign all necessary and convenient documents on behalf of the County, in accordance with Mohave County Procurement Code, Article III, Section 6. Small Purchases, with final purchase results for each vendor reported under the Monthly Report for Procurement Activity, on behalf of the Public Works Department - Fleet Services Division. Funding, if approved, will be sourced to 604 -01 -2100 Vehicle Replacement Funds). - Procurement 23. Certify the total revenues received by the Justice Courts and Clerk of Superior Court for FY 2014, that exceeded the base year of FY98, in accordance with ARS 41- 2421(G) and certify the Court collections and approve the allocation of the Fill- the -Gap collections in accordance with ARS 41- 2421(E). - Finance
24. Approve the report of routine County business authorized by the County Administrator for the time period of November 14, 2014 through March 17, 2015 and routine personnel actions taken during the pay period March 7, 2015 - March 20, 2015. - County Administrator 25. Authorize the Public Works Director to approve a Golden Shores VFW application for special event within Mohave County right -of -way to stage the VFW Loyalty Day Parade on April 25, 2015 and which will use Oatman Highway, from Mesa Drive to Chinle Place as the parade route between 10:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. and Cero Colorado Drive for parade staging in the Golden Shores Central Business District area upon applicant's fulfillment of Mohave County Public Works Special Event Permit Policy requirements. - Public Works 26. Acknowledge receipt of and refer to Public Works for review and recommendation a Petition filed pursuant to Mohave County Ordinance 92 -3 to have included in the Mohave County Tertiary Road Maintenance System, an approximate 0.43 mile section of Hatband Road from Stockton Hill Road to Avenida Ramirez, located in the North Kingman area. - Public Works 27. Acknowledge receipt of and refer to Public Works for review and recommendation a Petition filed pursuant to Mohave County Ordinance 92 -3 to have included in the Mohave County Tertiary Road Maintenance System, an approximate 0.07 mile section of Avenida Ramirez from Hatband Road to Calle Cedral, located in the North Kingman area. - Public Works 28. Approve the donation of approximately 600 cubic yards of asphalt millings deemed unsuitable for County road maintenance use from Mohave County for possession by Mr. John Franklin for purpose of laying down milling under BOS Resolution 99 -419 to establish a hard surface cover on portions of Tropicana Avenue and Cupa De Oro Drive in the Mohave Valley area. - Public Works 29. Set a Public Hearing for April 20, 2015 regarding the establishment of 0.11 miles of Round Valley Road from I -40 Right of Way to the end of existing guardrail as a County Highway for the purpose of placing millings between the rails and reestablishing proper grades along this portion of roadway, and further direct the County Engineer to file with the Board of Supervisors a report and a map of the proposed highways and give proper notice to the public of the hearing. - Public works 30. Adoption of Mohave County Resolution No. 2015 -053 rendering Mohave County approval and support for the development and future designation of U.S. Bicycle Route (USBR) 66 across the 47.7 -mile extent of Oatman Highway and further requesting that the Arizona Department of Transportation and sponsoring organizations take action to officially designate the route accordingly upon future completion of infrastructure improvements necessary to establish facilities meeting minimum engineering standards for bikeway operation satisfactory to Mohave County. - Public Works 31. Adoption of Resolution No. 2015 -060 authorizing in accordance with the County adopted Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices the installation of a STOP sign at the Patterson Road approach to Tennessee Avenue in the Chloride area of Mohave County, Arizona. - Public Works 32. Adoption of Resolution No. 2015 -061 authorizing in accordance with the County adopted Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices the installation of a STOP sign at the Saddleback Drive approach to Shore Avenue in the Meadview area of Mohave County, Arizona. - Public Works 33. Adoption of Resolution No. 2015 -062 authorizing in accordance with the County adopted Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices the installation of a STOP sign at the Gopher Way approach to Crestview Drive and four STOP signs at the Bradshaw Street, Deadwood Drive, Sandview Drive and Drifting Sands Drive approaches to Parkview Drive in the Meadview area, Mohave County, Arizona. Public Works 34. Adoption of Resolution No. 2015 -063 authorizing in accordance with the County adopted Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices the installation of two 25 mph speed limit signs for East and West bound traffic on Charles Drive between Bullhead Road and Pierce Ferry Road, two STOP signs at the Charles Drive approaches to Sandy Point Drive, and fourteen STOP signs at the thirteen intersection approaches to Charles Drive between N. Bullhead Drive and N. Tamarisk Street in the Meadview area, Mohave County, Arizona. - Public Works 35. Adoption of Resolution No. 2015 -064 endorsing an application under the AID Demonstration Grant program for $667,174 to complete the GRS -IBS Project, which will serve as an all- weather crossing improvement on Oatman Highway at Sacramento Wash crossing, and authorize the Public Works Director to make application submittal to the U.S. Department of Transportation AID Demonstration Grants program manager. - Public works
36. Sitting as the Board of Directors of the Mohave County Library District: Accept several Non - Monetary donations received in February 2015 in the amount of $1,950.56 for the libraries in Kingman, Lake Havasu City and S. Mohave Valley as follows: Kingman Friends of the Library paid The AZ Humanities for a special speaker, Erik Larson, who presented a Valentine's music program at the library, valued at $100 (31078001- 41231); Received from Lake Havasu City Friends of the Library one 60" TV for program room and one 50" TV for training lab, valued at $1,300.56 31078003- 41231); and Kiwanis Club in Bullhead City purchased and gave 56 new books for children for the Community Library located in Ft. Mohave where the titles were chosen by the Library Services Manager, Stella Carizen, valued at $550 (31078004- 41231). - Library 37. Approve the request by the Chloride Domestic Water Improvement District for election support to hold a mail ballot election on August 25, 2015 to elect here water board members. - Elections 38. Approve the Office of Management and Budget to begin working on the following projects for the Finance Director, Portfolio Management; and BOS Supervisor District 2. Also approve the report of routine OMB projects and business authorized and requested by the BOS, County Administrator, Elected Officials and Department Heads, including completed business for February and March 2015. - Office of Management and Budget 39. Recommend Approval of an Application for Extension of Premises /Patio Permit for FOE #3744, 4536 Patsy Drive, Kingman, Arizona; event dates April 24 -25, 2015. 40. Recommend approval of an Application for Special Event Liquor License for Soroptimist Int'I of Bullhead City /Laughlin, 1858 Hwy 95, Bullhead City, Arizona; event date April 19, 2015. PUBLIC HEARINGS SUSIE PARE L-DURANC EAU, COMMUNITY SERVICES DIRECTOR: 41. Open Public Hearing: Discussion and possible action RE: Establish Medical Examiner fees related to services provided by the Mohave County Medical Examiner pursuant to A.R.S. §11- 251.8, A.R.S. §11- 251.13 and A.R.S. §11 -594E. STEVEN P. LATOSKI. P.E.. PTOE. PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR: 42. Open Public Hearing: Discussion and possible action RE: Revisions to the Anti - Littering Ordinance No. 2002 -03 for the purpose of removing the five -day discretionary or notice period. NICHOLAS S. HONT. P.E.. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRECTOR: 43. Open Public Hearing: Discussion and possible action RE: Adoption of BOS Resolution No. 2015- 058 ZONING USE PERMIT of Assessor's Parcel No. 305 -06 -094, for an off - premise sign in a C- 2H (General Commercial Highway Frontage) zone, in the Golden Valley vicinity (southwest corner of State Highway 68 and Kaba Road), Mohave County, Arizona. (commission recommended approval by unanimous vote) REGULAR AGENDA MICHAEL P. HENDRIX, MOHAVE COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR: 44. Discussion and possible action RE: Pursuing the Purchase agreement with Mr. Diedrich for a 40- acre portion of his 120 -acre Parcel No. 101 -23 -002, which includes a water well, in the Planet Ranch area of Mohave County, for a purchase price of $120,000. STEVEN C. MOSS, CHAIRMAN, MOHAVE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: 45. Discussion and possible action RE: Direct staff to engage with the Military Order of the Purple Heart, that they undertake all action necessary to establish Mohave County as a "Purple Heart" county, including, but not limited to, bringing to the next board meeting a proclamation in conformity with the back -up materials for further board review and action. 46. Discussion and possible action RE: Approve the increase in membership fees payable to the Mohave County Water Authority, if the proposed increase is adopted by MCWA. 47. Discussion and possible action RE: County participation in and support of CSA Legislative Policy summit. HILDY ANGIUS, MOHAVE COUNTY SUPERVISOR. DISTRICT 2: 48. Discussion and possible action RE: Approve construction of ground- mounted covered parking
structure and 40kW solar array system at the Bullhead City Superior Court encompassing 14 parking spaces and establish a not -to- exceed project budget totaling $84,295 inclusive of 73,300 for electric infrastructure, support structures, design, and permitting, $7,330 for project contingency at 10 %, and $3,665 for Public Works Administration at 5% and further direct staff to apply for a $75,000 no -match Mohave Electric Cooperative (MEC) Renewable Energy Program funding toward the Project's photovoltaic solar equipment (e.g., panels, inverters, mounting hardware) coupled with a Bureau of Land Management permit to install and operate a photovoltaic solar system on the site leased through BLM AZA- 24004. 17-111141414,19101P7111, •I u•.t • J •' 49. Discussion and possible action RE: An update from staff with regard to an agreement with TV2 to rebroadcast over the County's TV System. 50. Discussion and possible action RE: Discussion of Board options in dealing with the mismanagement of special districts. JEAN BISHOP, MOHAVE COUNTY SUPERVISOR, DISTRICT 4: 51. Discussion and possible action RE: Adoption of BOS Resolution No. 2015 -065 supporting the appointment of Steven C. Moss to Arizona's Water Banking Authority. 52A. Discussion and possible action RE: To reconsider the March 16, 2015 Item No. 42, Direct the County Attorney's Office to work with Development Services to prepare and propose an amendment to the Land Division Regulations to require the showing of water adequacy in accordance with ARS 11 -823. 52B. Discussion and possible action RE: Direct the County Attorney's Office to work with Development Services to prepare and propose an amendment to the Land Division Regulations to require the showing of water adequacy in accordance with ARS 11 -823. 53. Discussion and possible action RE: Approve the Park Development Agreement with Mohave Valley Fort Mohave Community Park, a non - profit organization, for the reimbursement of improvements not to exceed $250,000 and the lease of the property for a 25 year period; and 2) Approve the Intergovernmental Agreement with the Colorado River Union High School District for the operation and maintenance of the Mohave Valley - Fort Mohave Community Park for a period of 25 years. Agreements to be effective upon receipt of fully- executed documents. 54. Discussion and possible action RE: Approve an increase to the Agreement for Legal Services with Duane Morris in connection with the Mineral Park, Inc, bankruptcy case for an additional $115,000, and to authorize engaging the services of an expert in mine valuation for an additional not to exceed $50,000, all for the purpose of litigating the Mineral Park, Inc. bankruptcy; to be paid from the General Fund by General Fund Contingency transfer to General Administration Legal Services 100 -01- 055431.10. 55. Discussion and possible action RE: Update on Mohave County's objection to the severance and transfer by Freeport Minerals Corporation of water rights appurtenant to land within the Planet Ranch along the Bill Williams River to the Big Sandy. Supporting documentatlon for agenda Items may be reviewed by clicking here or in the Clerk of the Board's Office, 700 W. Beale Street, Kingman, Arizona. Pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Mohave County endeavors to ensure the accessibility of all its programs, facilities, and services to all persons with disabilities. rf you need an accommodation for this meeting, please contact the Board of Supervisors office at 928- 753 -0731.